
Divine Werewolf

Own nothing besides OC’s

Whatthecheese3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: The Real Alpha Pack Is Here

I and the pack finished our tour around the world but I couldn't find anyone else to add to the pack. My pack members could get their own beta's but I think they just did not want to at the moment. During our travels I had them meditate to get their [mindblock] so they used their inner wolves to guard their minds. I hate telepaths so I want to have protection on that front. When we go to the marvel world they will be everywhere so I can not let the pack be vulnerable to telepaths. One of us does need to learn some form of magic though it will probably be needed there.

------------------------------------3rd pov---------------------------

Hades and his pack were unpacking in their new house at Beacon Hills. As soon as they arrived here they smelled a good amount of werewolves, but they didn't bother with it as the Hades pack was unpacking. Well everyone was unpacking except Angel he is tasked with making the packs meals and that's what he was doing.

Justine, Selena, Sun, and Lee all ran to the dining room and sat down waiting for Angel to place the food down. They felt their stomachs rumble as the heaps of food were placed down, they waited for Hades to tell them they can eat. Lee reached out to try and take some food but heard a growl from Sun.

"Grrr, stop Lee!! You do this every time." Sun said while grabbing Lee's hand and his eyes glowed goldenly.

*smirk* "And every time you will try and stop me. Let's see what you got mute." Lee said will he also started growling and flashing his eyes red while he gets ready to stand up.

*scowl* "Right back at you dumbass," Sun replies while repeating the same action.

Since he joined the pack he doesn't talk to outsiders but will use sign language.

Hades arrives at the table and sighs with a smile seeing them bicker, but as soon as he sighs they stop looking at him and then sat down. Hades waits a few moments before speaking.

"Dig in first, we have a few things to talk about." Hades said while they started eating. He waited a little longer before speaking.

"Beacon Hills is going to be the center of a lot of things, things and people will pop up that you have never seen or heard of. There will also be a lot of drama I know our pack never really dealt with that aspect of life but it is going to be there from now on. So Sun, you are going to be my second in command while also being my eyes and ears. Lee and Selena, you will be one group if there is ever a need to break off into one, you two balance each other out pretty well. Justine and Angel will be anything that needs to be researched, you two can watch each other's backs." Hades said in a no-nonsense manner. They all stopped eating for a moment and nodded along then went back to eating.

"Do you what is coming at the moment?" Justine said

"Yea, at the moment another pack of alphas is here. Angel and Sun you both will get your alpha sparks from them."

"Bout' time!!!" Angel said with pure excitement.

"Is there anything else we need to worry about?" Justine said while finishing her food.

"I'm not too sure but big things will happen and all I can say is we have to get stronger. Also, there is a werecoyote stuck in coyote form I'm not sure if I want to add her to the pack or not. So if and when either of you run into it, we will make a collective decision." Hades said to them stroking my nonexistent beard.

"But it really may need some help, just like how you helped all of us," Selena said with a pleading look.

"Fine let me think about it," Hades said while thinking hard about it.

(A/N: I need opinions on if I should add Ethan, Aiden, and Malia to the pack)

"Let's go for a run whoever last has to clean all the dishes. Angel and Sun get a pass but still have to participate. The course is u have to run through town but must end up at the highest peak in the woods" Hades said then continued when everyone was outside "When the coin hits the floor we go, and Lee no property damage this time. If you do it ill make you go around and fix everything." He finished while giving Lee a side-eye.

"yes boss," Lee said in a small voice.

As they were all outside Hades flipped the coin in the air, and the whole pack was ready to take off.


The coin hit the floor and everyone took off, Hades was already in the front leading the race. It was Hades, Selena, Lee, Justine, Sun, and Angel. Soon Angel replaced Lee in third place. They hit the town and started to parkour from various places. Selena ended up taking first place replacing Hades. They soon hit a long stretch and went full-on sprint Hades taking first once again. Once they reached the forest again Sun and Angel started hopping from branches but it was no update in the line-up. It was Hades, Selena, Angel, Sun, Lee, and Justine. When they reached the endpoint Hades' eyes flashed red and he roared.


The rest of the pack followed.


The roar was an announcement that they are here.

-----------------------------[With other werewolves]


They all took a knee even Deucalion, he was able to resist for a few moments but was forced to his knees, they even faced the direction of where it was coming from. This was repeated with every other wolf that was in Beacon Hills.