
Divine online: path of the patron

my name is itsuki .Ever since I was a child I would read only a few types of novels but my up-most favorite was god protagonist. I all ways hoped to be transported to another world to become a god and build a religion. So when the game divine online Released. I was the first in line. Divine online offered the players a place to explore and be them selves. Because the game was a game of gods If the player wished to rule over kingdoms or even intergalactic empire. In the world of divine anything is possible as long if the play has enough faith points to do so. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- But what would happen if the players of the divine online was chosen to gods in the real world of divine online? But most importantly, what would ituki the top player in the world that has played 17520 hours(3 years worth of hours) do If his dreams came true. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [USER has created 6 lesser divine cores from users own divine core. would user li,like, to give birth to lesser deities] [USER has Created 6 lesser deity] [USER has created a fay court in the fey wild ] [USER is beinging summoned. would user like to answer the summons] [USER has gained 10,000 followers] [your followers have started a holy war in your name would user like to bless his armys]

Trueone_king · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The court part 4 ch 16

Queen Mab, her dark eyes reflecting both curiosity and surprise, added, "Indeed, it is unusual to see you here. Your support for Aither's endeavor is unexpected."

Titania turned her gaze to Fathaghn, her tone a mix of respect and bewilderment. "Fathaghn, your words carry the wisdom of the forests you protect. That you would come in person to defend Aither speaks volumes. We had not anticipated such advocacy."

Mab, always the strategist, regarded Lurue with a hint of intrigue. "Lurue, the realms of the stars, fate, and the moon have always been somewhat removed from our courts. Your support for Aither's vision suggests a potential we might have overlooked. It is clear that this matter warrants deeper consideration than we initially thought."

Titania, regaining some of her composure, addressed both Lurue and Fathaghn. "For both of you to appear and speak on behalf of Aither is highly unusual and carries great weight. The traditions of the Seelie Court are dear to me, yet I cannot ignore the significance of your support."

Mab nodded thoughtfully, her gaze shifting between Aither, Lurue, and Fathaghn. "Your advocacy has given us much to ponder. The Unseelie Court values strength and independence, but we also understand the importance of balance and harmony within the Feywild."

With a graceful nod towards Lurue and Fathaghn, Titania continued, "If you, who rarely attend such gatherings, see merit in Aither's vision, then perhaps we should consider it more carefully. His court, dedicated to the stars, fate, and the moon, may offer new perspectives and strengths that enrich us all."

Mab's expression softened slightly, a rare display of openness. "Aither, your proposal is unconventional, and your rejection of our offers was seen as a slight. However, the support of Lurue and Fathaghn suggests there is more to your vision than we first realized. Proceed with caution, but know that we will watch your progress with interest."

The clearing, still glowing with the combined light of Lurue and the presence of Fathaghn, seemed to hum with a renewed sense of possibility. The unexpected appearance and support of these powerful figures had shifted the queens' perspectives, opening the door to a future where Aither's new court might indeed find its place within the Feywild's ancient and intricate tapestry.

Lurue stepped forward, her radiant horn casting a gentle light over the assembly. "Titania, Mab, we have come because we sense something extraordinary in Aither. His connection to the stars, fate, and the moon is profound, but there is more. We sense a divinity within him, a spark that suggests he may be more than just an Archfey."

Fathaghn, her presence as calming as a forest glade, nodded in agreement. "Aither's power is unlike any we have encountered in recent times. The essence he carries is not merely that of an Archfey, but something greater. We believe he may be a divine being, touched by the very forces that govern our world."

The clearing fell silent, the weight of their words sinking in. Titania and Mab exchanged glances, their surprise deepening into a thoughtful contemplation.

Titania, regaining her composure, addressed Aither. "If what Lurue and Fathaghn say is true, then your existence and your intentions carry a significance far beyond our initial understanding. A divine presence within the Feywild is a rare and powerful force."

Mab, her analytical mind quick to grasp the implications, added, "This revelation changes the nature of our concerns. Aither, if you indeed carry a divine spark, your decision to form a new court is not just an act of defiance but a fulfillment of a destiny that could benefit the entire Feywild."

Lurue stepped closer, her voice gentle yet filled with conviction. "We support Aither because we believe his new court will bring balance and enlightenment. The realms of the stars, fate, and the moon are integral to our world, and his divine nature can help us understand and integrate these forces in ways we have not yet imagined."

Fathaghn's voice was soothing, her words resonating with the wisdom of ages. "The Feywild is a realm of endless possibilities, and Aither's court represents a new chapter in our story. By supporting him, we embrace the potential for growth and harmony that his divine nature promises."

"Lurue, Fathaghn," Aither began, his voice steady yet tinged with a hint of offense, "your perceptions are astute, but they only scratch the surface of the truth. I am not just a divine being—I am, in fact, a god."

His declaration reverberated through the clearing, causing a stir among the assembled fey. Aither's words carried a weight that demanded attention, his divine essence pulsing with undeniable power.

"While I am honored by your reverence, I must clarify my true nature," Aither continued, his gaze meeting theirs with a mixture of humility and pride. "As a god, I hold sway over the stars, fate, and the moon, guiding their influence within the Feywild. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly."

Aither's affirmation left no room for doubt. He stood before them not as a mere archfey but as a god—a being of immense power and significance within the realm.

Meanwhile, Great Gark, the Goblin King, listened to Aither's proclamation with a mixture of disbelief and disdain. His earlier skepticism hardened into open defiance, his disrespect for Aither's claim evident in his narrowed eyes and curled lip.

"A god, you say?" Gark scoffed, his voice dripping with scorn. "Such arrogance! To think that a mere archfey could ascend to the ranks of the divine—it's preposterous!"

He took a step forward, his posture bristling with hostility. "You may have fooled some with your grandiose claims, Aither, but not me. I see through your lies and deception. You may have the power of an archfey, but a god? Never."

Gark's words cut through the tension, challenging Aither's assertion with blunt skepticism. His disbelief was palpable, a stark contrast to the awe and reverence inspired by Lurue and Fathaghn's insights.

Aither met Gark's gaze with a calm resolve, his divine essence radiating a quiet strength. "Believe what you will, Great Gark," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of his newfound status. "But know that my divinity is not up for debate. It is a truth that transcends disbelief and stands firm in the face of doubt."

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