
Divine Land 1

"Someone will know what they wanted most at their dying breath" Shu was an extraordinary person, not only a genius but also amazing at anything, but his life isn't something that everybody want to live. In the moment of death he found what he wanted the most a normal life. A life where everyone treat him as a normal. Floating in nothingness suddenly a voice call to him "Do you want to reincarnated?" This is a story of how Shu, a self proclaimed genius travel across a new an fantastic world, a new world full of wonder, a Divine Land

SahsimiSikee · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : New World

"Life is like a box of chocolate, either you got eaten, or gifted away" that what I'm feeling right now. I should have known that something that presumably God wouldn't just take no for an answer. Well... you can't uncracked an egg, not without a machine anyway.

I've been aware all my time as a baby in my past life, but I still didn't like the feeling of pooping and can't clean myself. Talking isn't really going to an option, worse case scenario, I got sold again to the government and crying isn't really a solution since both of my parents looks like someone without a very bright mind.

Let's analyze the situation first, from the interior design and the clothing my parents used, I guess I was born around Europe and at not very advance city. But I can't really pinpoint any location that still using candle as a source of light. Ever since I build that collider there isn't any nation, especially Europe, still using candle. Well no need for overthinking something, I supposed I must take care of the first problem I have in this world..., I need to get my poop cleaned... There isn't really any winning solution here, so... Crying I guess...

"Dear Diary, as I'm writing this in my mind palace, one year has passed by, there isn't really any new information since I'm not allowed by my parents to go out at all, reading book also really hard since the language here is something that I never learn before, but I suspect this palace is not in Europe, in fact not even on Earth. Not only I've never seen this language, I also get to see my father friend bringing something that look like a monster from comic book. Since this is probably not Earth, I can't use my common sense either when judging something new. Are there monster outside? Is this something like those fantasy novel I used to read in my meantime? Many questions pop up in my head and no answer I can think of that will satisfy me, I guess only time will tell."

"I've reach 5 years old and fluently speak their language, I've already begged them, so they will let me out of the house for months now and finally, mother let my come together with her to the market. Along the way I found something interesting, this world has something called adventurer, they can use magic and martial arts in order to cast a spell to strengthen their body. Further experiment required"

"I'm 8 now, after a few secret trips to the city library, I've found out that in order to use magic, you need to have a body capable of receiving MANA. And in order to practice martial arts you need something called breathing techniques, it supposed to be a very expensive book that teach you a certain way of breathing and strengthen your body, my father probably is a martial artist I'll ask him tonight."

"This probably going to be my last entry, two years have passed since the last time I ask my father if he is a martial artist, and he said yes, today I ask him to teach me a breathing technique, and He denied it, he said that it's something only a soldier allowed to learn, and they are not allowed to teach to anyone, so I've been copying my father breathing from distance, it's certainly not effective, even without prior knowledge to this kind of things I can sense that something is missing from my breathing. And as I'm now older I can go outside freely, and since something like breathing techniques is expensive, I guess I need so start making money."

And thus I start my adventure in this new and amazing world..., And just as I predicted there are no stock market in this world, so there are no way to make quick money. The second option is starting a business, but it's not like someone is eager to lend money into a kid barely 10-year-old, so I go for the most logical thing someone can do to earn money in a fantasy world..., starting a lemonade stand. What else do you think something that a kid who barely grow any forest do for money? Going adventure like those fantasy novel protagonist? Hell no, I've been in too much life or death situation in my past life just from fighting countless number of people, why should I when given an opportunity to live again would choose violence. Just kidding.

After few days picking spot for my lemonade stand, I experiment with different kind of new plant and spice in order to make my lemonade taste something that will be considered a delicacy, so that I can mark up the price like those people who used to sell cheap clothes but mark up their price just because it got a word "Suprente". In those experiment, I've manage to make the most delicious lemonade I've ever drink, and also create a few deadly poison in the process.

First day of selling my lemonade only few people come and try my drink, well I suppose it was given since the price is pretty high. For a few weeks the number of costumers keep increasing daily, although it's good for business, but it's not really what I'm aiming for. What I'm aiming? Did you really think opening a lemonade stand is something I dream of when I learn it was new world? Of course, I want to go and travel the world, but do you think it's safe out there knowing magic exist? My father is just a squire and my mother just an ordinary person, so the first thing before starting an adventure is to make sure my family is always safe and sound at home, the only way to make sure of that is to search for a backing from some nobility. The spot I'm using is pretty crowded and full of merchant who sell expensive trinket that nobility like, so sooner or later I'm bound to attract some nobility into my drink.

You're maybe wandering why nobility would want a drink from such a dirty place, well since I'm coated my drink with a little "magic powder" if you know, I'm sure someone with indecency will come out. It's just a small amount, so it doesn't cause any long-lasting effects, but it's still an amount that will trigger something if you're someone who have a history of miss using the powder. I'm looking for someone with enough power but also have a feeble mind that easy to control and doesn't have any self-conscious. It's probably harder than finding a needle in the haystack, but it's worth a shot.

In been two months since I open my stand, I've stop using the powder since there's not even a single person that fit the description come by, so I just give up on the idea altogether, but it has not been a pointless two months either. I've come to know many people in this market from merchant to mercenary, but the most important thing is, i got a regular with pretty decent background. A guard captain of a noble family called Lukewarm, it's a sizeable family with good background, although their standing didn't really amaze, but it's still good considering there's nothing I can do to attract more important people. His name is Ken, he likes to tell story of his journey to another kingdom, so sometimes I just put a little poison in his drink, so he would just shut up, almost killed him once.

He's actually pretty nice if you ignore the constant blabbering, and not to mention he's willing to help me learn a breathing technique that he have. Although it just considered to be a D Rank, and before I continue, I guess it pretty important to list a few basic things I found in this world. Breathing techniques classified to 7 rank from highest to lowest is S>A>B>C>D>E>F.

Other than that, martial artist ranked into 8 rank, from rank 1 to 7, and the peak are something called Transcendental Martial Artist. As for a Magician, they're ranked according to the highest tier magic they can use, ranked from tier 1 all the way to tier 10 magic. There are actually rank for equipment and beast, but I supposed I tell you about them when the time come. As for the guard captain he is a rank 3 warriors, although it doesn't seem impressive, but it actually is, in this kingdom alone, there are only around 200 or so people with rank 3 or above, and the queen ruling this kingdom only just breakthrough into rank 6, well it's not really a big kingdom to begin with

Like all the human in any other world would do, this world is also plagued by war, not only human with each other but also with another race not to mention the constant threat from magic beast and demon. It's really a thrilling world. Back to the business at hand, with the help of Ken, I've manage to learn the "Woodenhead Breathing techniques" it's not an effective breathing technique, but it will make due for the time being, and with this I manage to broke through rank 1 Martial Artist. A small step into the world.

I'm 12 now, I've stopped my lemonade stand and manage to gather a pretty good amount of money, but there is something bothering me, I can feel it, the eeriness aura in the sky, a war is coming this way, so I've been buying food and equipment in large quantities with the help of Ken in order to profit from this war. But the worse thing happened the war is between Arkhiem Kingdom and this kingdom, my father is squire of a knight that got sent into the frontline. Before he departed, I stayed up all night drawing a map that point up all the possible escape route, ambush location, Point of interest, and any location that can help with a deployment of the troupe, I manage to slip that map into my father backpack.

I have predicted all the outcome of this war, counting into account all the terrain, weather and preparation of both nation, but eventually the worse possible outcome happened. Not only the main army got ambushed, they were annihilated. Of all 10 thousand people that goes into the war, only less than 1 thousand manage to escape from the battlefield. The war concluded with Evory Kingdom losing 2 of it's 7 remaining city, all the soldiers that survive the battle return into the capital. The city is filled with the cry of people losing their loved one. My family is one of them.