
(Part 2)

Senlin and Shijei went to wash themselves up without Xiao yin who seemed to really distrust Hongqi. Xianwu eyed him "Xiao yin… you really don't want to wash up?" she asked again for which he seemed to decline every time. "No!" he responded straight forwardly. "And here comes a NO again…" Xianwu reflected with a sigh.

"Your brother really isn't used to the atmosphere here?" the woman asked politely. Xianwu replied with a slight nod "It seems so…" After Shijei and Senlin came back Xianwu left with the woman however, Xiao yin urged to accompany her, for which he was repeatedly rejected.

Even the woman laughed in wonder. "Xiao yin… why are you so hard to understand?" Xianwu asked in utter defeat. Xiao yin with a proud smile which Xianwu seemed to catch a sight of after a long while smiled exclaimed proud fully "Sister, because I'm the only one in this world who can bother you like this!"

"Yes, yes…" Xianwu replied back. The two of them walked towards a little spring but the sight in front of her made her eyes widen to an extend of disbelief. Her lips breaking apart in a gasp. Xiao yin stared at the bridge in front of them "The bridge of forever silence…" he called. The memories of her past came gushing into her mind as she smiled. Her expression hidden by her hairs. "It's been so long… and here we meet again…" she whispered.

The woman walked towards them slightly bowing she informed "Young lady, the spring is in front of you. Please use it to your heart's content. Do let us know if you need anything." Xianwu nodded in thanks as she left.

Xiao yin who stood gazing at the dark bridge questioned "Sister… did you come here before?" Xianwu who was pulled back from her memories nodded. "I did once… a long time ago. Those were really great times…" Xianwu smiled. Xianwu went towards the spring. She unwrapped her wound which she gave herself before. She gently washed the blood over it. Xiao yin who had washed his face glared at the wound his gaze becoming a displeased one.

Xianwu stood up wiping it while Xiao yin tore his robe. Hearing the voice Xianwu asked puzzled "Xiao yin?! What are you doing?" Xiao yin however tied the piece of cloth around her arm. "Never! Ever! Do that ever again!" he angered. Xianwu slightly surprised gazed back at him. "Sister, don't think only you can get angry at me. I can also get angry and really badly. And once, when I get, you won't be able to do a single thing." he warned.

Xianwu had nothing to say. From the start of their journey he hasn't said a single thing regarding her. He saw Xianwu distressed after getting caught up in illusions. Then, he saw her fighting the illusion ghosts head on and lastly even saw Xianwu hurting herself just to protect them from the tribesmen. It's true he is little boy and has no direct connection with all this, however, Even his patience has its limits. "But to think he would become this angry… it's the first time I've seen it…" she thought.

"Okay… I won't make you angry. Right now, I can't bear to see you turn frightening. Even I'm fighting really hard…" Xianwu acknowledged his words. Xiao yin with a smile comforted "Don't worry sister, I won't become frightening." Xianwu couldn't help but sigh with relief. Xiao yin continued "But… for some reason, I feel like that person is trying something behind his back…"

Xianwu looked at him "So, you thought so too. Senlin and Shijei said the same thing…" she replied. Xiao yin rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Even their name annoys him…" she thought with a sigh. "So, under your observation… what do you think is the reason for his sudden change?" she asked curiously.

Xiao yin replied with a smile "Sister, it's clear that he wants to know more about Human Eating corpses. You might not feel so, but there connection with them is much greater than you think it is" Xianwu pondered "Is that so...? Even Xiao yin agrees. I should really find out more about it…" "Xiao yin." Xianwu called receiving his attention. "Let's go back" Xiao yin smiled nodding.

The two of them went back, joining Shijei and Senlin on the spot. Their welcome was grand just as if they were invited. On the other hand it created a weird feeling for the four of them who sat in front of a grandiosely served dinner when only a moment ago they were threatened to be killed. Hongqi sat in front of them.

Xianwu gave a polite smile, suddenly her ears rang "Xianwu, we have already taken Hunger replenishing pill, what should we do now?" Shijei asked worriedly. And, that was indeed a problem. They had already thought not to anger them or do something that might change their impressions on them. However, here they were not even able to eat anything.

Xianwu had no choice but to start up a conversation to divert his mind from food. "Leader Zhong, I've been meaning to ask this from a long while… have you ever visited the Silent city crossing the bridge?" Instantly, everything went silent. The clatter of platters and noises of laughter had died down. "Did I step on a landmine?" Xianwu thought a she glanced at Hongqi who held a frown over his face. Senlin, Shijei and Xiao yin too looked at the surroundings in surprise.

"Never!" he replied aggressively. Xianwu was slightly relieved but his tone made her feel uneasy. "Why, Do you want to go there?" he interrogated. Xianwu with a slight nod continued "That's right! We need to go. It's true we lost our way to here but if we've come, we'd like to study out everything." Xianwu explained. Hongqi frowned "Why do you want to do that?" he asked.

"To tell you the truth, all four of us are planning to write a journal on the present conditions of the mortal world. And, the Silent city and the Forest of no- return also plays a great role in our exploration. Even though it was to be written out in the later part, but now when we have already come. We want to complete it." She replied.

Hongqi after staying silent for a long while spoke up "When you now about the Human eating corpses, let me tell you something. They come from the Silent city you are talking about. If you want to get yourself killed you can go as you wish!" he threatened. Xianwu gulped with a shudder.

Xiao yin with a smirk corrected "You mean… get killed by the Human eating corpses or you?" His question was like a huge blow. Xianwu looked at him with shock. "Why does he have to add up fire in between of everything?!" Senlin gritted in anger inside the group transmission. Hongqi with a blink of his eyes laughed "Haha! Not just the sister… even the brother is pretty interesting." He complimented. Xiao yin smiled back with a glare.