
Divine Daddy from Heaven

Wang Kuan had everything a man could ever wish for. Wang Kuan came from a big wealthy family, surrounded by girls, blessed with good looks, graduated from an Ivy League university and friends but suddenly, he was kicked out of the family and became a failure in life. The name "Eternal God" echoed everywhere in the world of the strong and he was marked as the ruler that defines heavens. On the day of his coronation as God Emperor of the heaven, he was betrayed by his lover and his loyal disciple and was poisoned to death by the adulterous couple. Filled with hatred and humiliation, he vowed to get revenge. Due to unknown circumstances, he was given a second chance and was met with the presence of a little girl coming into his life but he was also given a new strange type of power. Follow along his journey from a god to a loving father, adjusting to his new power as he fights off enemies. *This is my first novel and I am no native speaker, please do expect grammar errors* Please note: This is entirely fiction and the cover pic does not belong to me but to the rightful owners.

CLAUDE · Urbain
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16 Chs

New Power

Wang Kuan woke up feeling feverish but he wanted to accompany his daughter and also woke up to the sound of cries.

"Tian'er, what's wrong?"

"Papa, I saw a monster took Papa away and left Tian'er alone," The little girl said sobbing.

"Papa is here, so where is the monster? Papa will beat it up for scaring my little girl," He said while caressing the little girl's head.

"The monster is under the bed," The little girl said scared and closed her little adorable eyes. Wang Kuan looked under the bed and pretended to fight it off willingly, making the little girl giggle.

"Today, we're traveling to Disneyland, so let's get ready for a day of fun with Papa," Wang Kuan said throwing the little girl up and caught her with his hands, playing with the little girl. They got ready. The little princess wore a white dress with pink sneakers on as for Wang Kuan, he wore casual clothes. He didn't like to dress up formally.

Wang Kuan still felt feverish and tired. They made their way to Disneyland, Wang Kuan bought two tickets. The duo went in. Tian'er wanted to go to the Gardens of Imagination and Wang Kuan took her there. They took a couple of pictures with the princesses. They could not help but praise,

"What a cute and adorable child and the father is also handsome"

"Hehe, Papa is the most handsome in the world," Tian'er praised her Daddy proudly.

Wang Kuan could not help but smile. They went to Fantasyland and took a boat ride. Fantasyland is the park's largest land themed to Disney animated films. The land features Enchanted Storybook Castle, themed to Disney princesses. The castle is the largest in any Disney theme park and features the Royal Banquet Hall restaurant, a boutique, and Voyage to the Crystal Grotto, a boat ride around and under the castle that takes guests past scenes from films including Tangled, Aladdin, Mulan, Fantasia, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Attractions include Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Peter Pan's Flight, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration, Alice's Curious Labyrinth, a walk-through hedge maze inspired by the 1951 and 2010 versions film adaptations, and the Hunny Pot Spin, a spinning Teacups-style ride themed to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

As they were walking, Wang Kuan also took notice of every place.

Tian'er jumped up and clapped her hands all the way. They also took a trip to Treasure Cove. Treasure Cove is themed to an 18th-century Spanish harbour town located on a Caribbean island that has been captured by Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.

"Yarr, little girl, we'll capture you and your father," The Pirates said.

"No, they will not take Papa away, Papa will protect me and mama," Tian'er said hugging her Papa tightly. Wang Kuan also went along, "I shall protect Tian'er and you pirates will never capture me". They laughed and played. They watched a live-show for Sleepy Beauty.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream" The actresses sang.

Tian'er sang along with her childish and cheery voice. She must have inherited from her mother. Wang Kuan listened but he could feel his temperature constantly rising, almost to the point he might faint. He used his Qi to suppress the heat and supported his body so he could go on forward with the show.

After the show, it was almost nighttime.

Wang Kuan bought ice creams for him and his daughter. They ate while Tian'er was humming to the music and eating at the same time. Wang Kuan smiled and suddenly turned his head, to find a man in a black coat staring coldly at him and he also stared calmly back. He blinked and the sight immediately disappeared. Wang Kuan could've sworn he saw something behind that man but shrugged it.

"Tian'er, let's go back," Wang Kuan said cautiously. The little girl nodded her but seemed reluctant to part with the happiest place on Earth.

Before he went back, he took one last glance behind him.

They went back to the hotel, Tian'er was much more cheerful than before.

Music Convention, Hong Kong,

"Qing Zhu, when will your album release?"

"Qing Zhu, what's your next big role?"

"Qing Zhu, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Qing Zhu, what will the album be about?"

Flashes of light shone everywhere followed with a series of questions coming from the fans. The fans were freaking out because they saw the Ice Goddess with their own eyes. The Ice Goddess smiled sweetly at them and answered them one by one, unlike when she is with others, she is temperate and friendly. The Ice Goddess was devastatingly beautiful, a picture couldn't show how beautiful she was.

The convention ended two hours later.

They quickly packed up and booked a flight to Hantian City.

"This is very tiring, I want to go back and see my daughter, leaving her alone with that bastard can't give me peace," Qing Zhu thought about it, she was immediately furious. The hostility between the two still hasn't calmed down.

"Thinking about it makes me want to strangle that bastard"

"Sister, I don't think letting the little girl stay with that scoundrel was a good idea, knowing his reputation and behaviour when he dated you," Qing Zhu's manager, Luo Yi, said.

"When I first met him, he was a good person but only after dating him, did I find his true colours," Qing Zhu said with complicated feelings but it was quickly replaced with concern, "I'll make a phone call to my daughter, I miss her".

Luo Yi tossed her the phone and Qing Zhu quickly called Wang Kuan. After several seconds later, The phone connected and the lively and childish voice came,

"Mama, how are you?" The little girl cheerfully said. The little girl sounded much happier, Qing Zhu can't help but have a strange feeling about this.

"Mama is alright, how are you, my sweet cotton candy?" (Author: nice pet name)

"Tian'er is enjoying life with Papa very much and we get to play and eat nice foods," The little girl clapping her hands and laughed.

Enjoy life with her Papa? Play? Eat nice foods?

"I hope your Papa treats you well but if he didn't, tell Mommy, she'll beat him up," Qingzhu said angrily. Yes, she may be weak in strength but she'll definitely hire some guards to beat his ass.

Wang Kuan: (Why do I feel a chill down my spine?)

They may hate each other but they could not deny the influence they had on each other, If it wasn't for each other, they wouldn't have found their place in life. Qing Zhu felt extremely complicated about him cause he used to have a place in her heart.

"Attention, Flight...."

"Tian'er, be a good girl, Mommy will pick you up," She immediately hung the phone up and went to the entrance. This trip is destined to be a waste.

Back at the hotel

Wang Kuan felt worse and worse and the conditions are getting more critical, his Qi can't do anything to suppress it. He felt as if he was bathing in a pool of lava and couldn't breathe. He got up,

'What kind of sorcery is this? My immortal power can't suppress it, what is this? This is the first time something went against my power? I can't survive if it's getting more serious and I'm like this, I must find a solution'

Wang Kuan jumped out of the window and flew around.

'I'm sorry, Tian'er but this is a dangerous mission and daddy might lose control of himself'

He subconsciously flew and landed on a dark and mysterious place. He immediately felt a chill behind his back.

'Is this some sort of illusion? I can't use my power or anything'

"No need to struggle, your power is useless here" A mysterious voice came from behind him. Wang Kuan immediately turned behind and found the same man that stared at him while he was on a trip with his daughter but he shrouded his face in darkness while as last time, he wore a mask.

"To think an immortal actually took the body of a mortal is just...," The mysterious man laughed coldly and took a look at him, "Do you feel slightly strange today?".

"What are you on about? And how did you know I'm an immortal?" Wang Kuan replied calmly. The mysterious man laughed again, "Do you feel something is manifesting inside of you?". The question immediately shocked him and yes, even without his immortal power, he could still feel something is brewing inside of him.

"Why do you know this sort of things?" Wang Kuan replied coldly staring straight at the man and suddenly the man revealed his appearance,

"You have manifested a Spirit, the same power as I, you are worthy of fighting against me so show me your strength and Spirit," The man said sadistically and something came behind the man's back. It appeared as a spirit cloaked in a dark robe. It wears a smiling jester mask with downwards curved eyes and an eerie smile, as well as metallic gauntlets, shoulder pads, a collar, and a high hat.

"This is my Spirit, now it is time to show me yours," The man said with a sadistic smile and the Spirit rushed forward to attack him. Wang Kuan dodged the attacks easily and tried to break out of the illusion.

"Hehe, there is no place for you to hide since this is an illusion I use to kill people"

Wang Kuan kept dodging but the Spirit didn't seem to slow down so Wang Kuan had to use his legs and own strength to defeat him. He ran around and kept dodging. The Spirit's attack hit his left leg causing him to fall to his face. Wang Kuan got up and kept going even though his left leg was basically broken.

"You still have the energy so let's get serious, Spirit, destroy him to pieces," The man said pointing his finger to Wang Kuan. The Spirit immediately obeyed and strike Wang Yuan as hard as he can.

Wang Kuan had no place to hide and was helpless cause the strike the Spirit unleashed was too strong. He closed his eyes as he awaits darkness while thinking about his daughter. This was the first-ever time, the Eternal God felt helpless and it's a horrible feeling.

"Papa is sorry, Papa might not make it back to you" Wang Kuan mumbled with closed eyes.

After a while, there seemed to be no sounds or anything, Wang Kuan opened his eyes to see a spirit, it resembled a tall man that looked similar to Wang Kuan. It had long, flowing hair with a darker shade above its eyes and on the bridge of its nose, blurring the distinction between its hair and head. The spaces under its eyes and on its cheeks and chin are a darker colour and divided clearly from the space around its nose and mouth. It wears a diamond headband, looking almost like the Eternal God's old appearance.

'Its features were similar to my old self's, yep, that's definitely my Spirit' Wang Kuan thought and was thankful that he didn't die. He struggled to get him.

"So this is your spirit, absolutely magnificent," The man said in amazement, "Now, quickly kill him". The man's Spirit immediately strikes again but this time, Wang Kuan's Spirit easily deflected it.

"Um, can you end him?" Wang Kuan asked his Spirit seriously. The Spirit nodded his head and rushed toward the enemy's Spirit, raising its fists and swiftly jabbed forward.

"Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah," The Spirit shouted while it was bashing the enemy's Spirit. After a series of cries, the enemy's Spirit couldn't keep up with the strength that Wang Kuan's Spirit unleashed. It was defeated easily, the Spirit was hit in different places and the man was too, causing it to disfigure the man's appearance, crippling him. Wang Kuan observed and understood some additional stuff about Spirit now but he was still clueless.

'If the Spirit gets hit directly, the owner will get hit too but indirectly'

Wang Kuan's Spirit disappeared and the illusion also disappeared.

"No wonder that man wanted to kill you so much," The man said weakly as he vomited blood. Wang Kuan was fixated and asked, "Who is that man? Tell me, why does he want to harm me? What did I do to him?".

"I can't tell you, I can't tell you," The man repeated and suddenly, his own Spirit appeared and beat the man to death. His own Spirit beat him to death. The Spirit withered away alongside its owner.

'If the owner dies, the Spirit dies with him too, I must study more about this so I could protect my family'

Wang Kuan looked pitiful for a sec but it was quickly replaced with an indifferent expression. He flew back to the hotel with an expressionless face.

Spirit is like my version of Stand from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Spirit will be the new power that the Eternal God will use as a mortal.

I'm a really huge fan of JoJo and I admire Araki's works of art. So don't mind me if I added some references. 人(_ _*)

I'm bad at writing action scenes but I'm trying my best to improve it. (*_ _)人

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