
Divine Collision: Is It Wrong for A Slime to Have Fun in Otherworld?!

The story follows Rimuru Tempest, the wise and benevolent ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation, as he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the bustling city of Orario, the heart of the "Danmachi" universe. Stranded in this unfamiliar realm, Rimuru must navigate the complexities of Orario's labyrinthine streets and guilds, all while concealing his true identity as a powerful slime.

Dizardia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs


=_1st Person PoV_=

In a life so seemingly ordinary, there's little to distinguish one day from the next. After graduating from college, I stepped into the corporate world, finding my place in a major general contracting firm. Now, at the age of 37, I live alone, with solitude as a constant companion. There's no girlfriend in the picture, my romantic pursuits having taken a backseat to the demands of my career.

With filial duties placed squarely upon the shoulders of my older brother, my existence resembles that of a modern, independent noble. A quiet and solitary life unfolds, where the rhythmic ticking of the clock is my most loyal companion. Days blend into weeks, and weeks into months, as I navigate the labyrinth of city life, each step a dance in the grand waltz of existence.

I've always been of average height, and I've been told my face is more than decent. Yet, despite these superficial advantages, I've never been particularly popular in the romance department. I've put in considerable effort into finding a girlfriend – I've even mustered the courage to confess my feelings three times – but in the end, I've been left with a heart shattered into fragments.

Now, having reached this age, I can honestly say that this whole romance thing, it's more trouble than it's worth. You might say I've been too busy with work to bother, and there's some truth to that, but it's not like I'm troubled by my solitary status.

I'm not trying to make excuses or downplay the longing in my heart... truly.

"Senpai! Sorry for keeping you waiting!" With a cheerful smile, the young man approaches me, his footsteps quick and lively. His name is Tamura, a junior at the same company where I work. He's always been this enthusiastic, a burst of energy in our otherwise mundane corporate life.

And then, by his side, a true beauty graces our presence. More specifically, the young man, Tamura, is the subject of our mutual admiration, a junior who looks up to me as his senior. But the real spotlight here is the lady by his side, the renowned Madonna of our company, Sawatari-san, our charming and ever-efficient receptionist.

She approaches with grace, her smile warm and welcoming. It's hard not to be captivated by her presence; she's not just a receptionist but a symbol of grace in the office. With her proximity to Tamura, Sawatari-san added a layer of intrigue to the moment.

Can you guess the purpose of this meetup? Indeed, I had been approached by these two for advice on their upcoming marriage. It was this very reason that had prompted me to ponder my own popularity, or lack thereof. The after-work rendezvous took place at a bustling intersection, a fitting backdrop for the discussion they hoped would tap into my thoughtfulness and support.

"So," I began, greeting Sawatari-san with a warm smile, "what kind of advice are you looking for?"

"Greetings, I am Sawatari Miho. Though our paths have previously crossed, this marks our first verbal exchange, doesn't it? It does stir a certain nervousness in me," she admitted with a polite smile.

My inner voice couldn't help but protest, 'The nervous one is me, damn it! I've never been particularly adept at talking to girls in the first place. Give me a break!' I silently berated myself for my self-doubt.

In truth, my lack of experience in love left me wondering just what kind of advice I could possibly offer. I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe they were all just having a laugh at my expense, a cruel jest. It was pure spite, wasn't it?

"Hello, I'm Mikami Satoru. No need to be nervous or anything," I replied, offering a reassuring smile. "Sawatari-san is quite well-known among us, so I've heard about you without needing an introduction. As for Tamura, we actually attended the same university, so we had plenty to talk about, and naturally, we began hanging out."

"Famous, you say? Are there some peculiar rumors circulating about me?" Sawatari inquired.

I nodded, a mischievous glint in my eye. "Oh, absolutely. Rumors like having an office romance with Chief X or going on a secret rendezvous with co-worker Y—you know, the usual scandalous stuff."

It was all meant in good humor, just harmless teasing. But despite my intentions for the jokes to be lighthearted, Sawatari-san's face flushed bright red, and she gazed at me with slightly watery eyes. Truth be told, she looked incredibly endearing.

My attempts at humor often lack subtlety and tact, and I'm frequently advised to hold my tongue... but there I go, blabbering on as always. Another swing and another miss, it seems. Yep, I've just confirmed it once again—I'm not exactly smooth with the ladies.

Right on cue, in strolled Tamura, lightly tapping her on the shoulders.

'Dammit, Tamura, you rascal! This is where you, the 'successful in life' folks, should just spontaneously explode! Should I shout that at you?' I mused, holding back the urge to exclaim.

"Senpai, let's leave it at that! Miho, you're just getting teased!" Tamura intervened with a chuckle, diffusing the situation.

He's such a bright, cheerful mediator, isn't he? Without a hint of sarcasm. Oh, the joy of being 28 and carefree! It's hard not to find him endearing, despite the age gap. We might be years apart, but there's something strangely relatable about us. Well, I suppose there's nothing left for me to do but give them my blessing..."

"My apologies. I'm just not that great with women. Besides, this place isn't the most conducive for conversation, is it? Let's grab something to eat and chat somewhere else."

It was a tinge of jealousy, nothing more. But just when I convinced myself of that...

"""Kyaaaaaaaaaa!""" A chorus of screams pierced the air. 

Utter chaos... Confusion. What? What's going on?

"Move it! I'll kill you!"

A sense of urgency permeated the scene as a masked man, clutching a bag and wielding a knife, charged toward us. Panic surged through me. I saw the man, the blade glinting dangerously. Where was it headed? Towards...


*Slam* I swiftly pushed Tamura out of harm's way. A searing pain shot through my back.

"Tch, you're in the way!" The masked man exclaimed.

Watching the assailant dart off, I quickly turned my attention to ensure Tamura and Sawatari-san were unharmed. Tamura rushed over, his shout a wordless expression of concern.

Sawatari-san, visibly shocked by the sudden turn of events, seemed unharmed... Thank goodness.

Despite the intense pain surging through my back, it was more than just the sensation of agony; there was an intense, searing heat. "What's happening? It's too hot," I muttered, hoping for some relief.

Could it be? Was I actually stabbed? It couldn't be... dying from a mere knife wound seemed too absurd.

My thoughts whirled in a maelstrom of confusion and disbelief. I glanced down at the source of the pain. There, a dark stain spread on my shirt, but the bleeding showed no sign of abating.

"Senpai," Tamura's voice quivered, "there's blood... it's not stopping. I can't... I can't..."

Tamura's voice seemed unusually loud, but that was Tamura for you. He had a knack for dramatic reactions.

Blood, though... yes, it was certainly there, seeping out just as it should. I was only human, after all. When you're stabbed, you bleed. But pain? It was utterly unpleasant, a cruel reminder of my humanity.

With a sense of detachment, I watched as the pain receded. But this development, while intriguing, also struck me as rather disconcerting. My senses, once clouded by pain and impatience, were now completely numbed.

"Tamura," I mumbled, my voice unusually calm. "You're being awfully loud. It's not as big a deal as it seems. Stop worrying..."

"Senpai," Tamura's voice trembled, "the blood, it just keeps..."

His face was drained of color, teetering on the brink of tears. Tamura continued to support me. It was that expression, the one that could undo the handsomest of men.

I strained to catch a glimpse of Sawatari-san's condition, but my vision had grown hazy, and everything appeared as if through a fog. The burning sensation in my back had vanished, replaced by an intense cold that pierced me to the core. This couldn't be good. When people lost too much blood, they often didn't survive, right?

I attempted to speak, to question what had been happening over the past few minutes, but no words escaped my lips. Panic swelled within me. Was this it? Was I truly facing the end? Then again, I no longer felt pain or that searing burn, and in a strange way, that was somewhat comforting.

The cold was unrelenting, an icy grip that I couldn't shake. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I had a busy life, and I certainly didn't have time to be freezing in the cold.

In that moment, as I grappled with the bizarre changes taking place within me, a flash of inspiration struck my suffocated brain cells. I remembered the truly important things—the contents of my PC hard drive!

"Tamura!! Only in the event of my death... I implore you, take care of my PC. I beg you... submerge it in water, power it on, and erase all the data completely..."

Summoning the last shreds of my fading strength, I conveyed what was of utmost importance.

In that moment, I couldn't fully discern Tamura's words, his expression blank. Yet, the gravity of his response was clear.

"Haha... that's just like you, Senpai," he remarked with a wistful smile. Who would ever want to see a grown man cry? That grin was a far more fitting farewell.

"You know, I... about Sawatari, I wanted to introduce her to you."

I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. I had suspected as much.

"Tch... come on. I've forgiven you for everything, so take good care of your girlfriend, alright? And please, look after my PC..."

My last reserves of strength allowed me to utter those words. In the end, I departed, feeling incomplete and restless. Mikami Satoru passed away.

In that fleeting moment, the "soul" of Mikami Satoru became entwined with a creature born in another realm, a being nestled within an imperceptibly small dimensional fissure. His essence merged with a dense concentration of magical energy.

This magical essence served as the origin, birthing a multitude of creatures. But for Mikami Satoru, his thoughts acted as the foundation, shaping this energy into a new form. A transformation so rare, it defied the realm of possibility—Mikami Satoru was reborn as an inhuman entity in an entirely different world inside a dungeon.

A life so ordinary that there was hardly anything worth mentioning. Post-college, I found my place in a major general contracting firm. At 37, I was living a solitary existence, with no girlfriend in sight. All my filial responsibilities had been left to my older brother. It felt like I was living the life of an independent, single noble.

And so, a virgin. Unbelievable, really. Leaving this world without ever experiencing... well, my "son" must be crying right now.

My apologies, little one. I couldn't guide you into adulthood...

In my next life, things would be different. I would change the world around me. I would become assertive, confront challenges head-on, and embark on a journey of discovery. But, was that the right path?

I couldn't help but feel a bit indignant. 'I'm not laughing here!' I grumbled in my thoughts.

So, with those thoughts, I drifted into slumber. 'This is death, huh? It's not as lonely as I imagined.'

And in that fleeting moment, as Mikami Satoru's reflections reached their conclusion, a remarkable event unfolded. Time, space, and the very fabric of existence froze in place. The world stood suspended in an incomprehensible stillness.

Everything stopped—the winds, the ticking clocks, the bustling streets—all was frozen, enveloped in a silence so absolute that even the echoes ceased to exist. Time itself, that relentless flow that guides the universe, ceased its onward march.

This inexplicable pause would mark the beginning of a profound change that transcended the boundaries of the mundane, heralding a new chapter that defied all understanding.


=_3rd Person PoV_=

With time and space held captive in its peculiar standstill, a sudden rippled distortion, akin to the shimmering mirage of a distant desert, appeared. Out of this ethereal distortion emerged an androgynous, yet decidedly girly, adolescent, their age hovering somewhere between 15 and 16. The androgynous entity had long silver hair and deep golden eyes give off an otherworldly divine beauty.

The newcomer's attire became a focal point. Clad in black pants and a black sleeveless long shirt, accentuated with black boots and white stripes, they exuded an air of subtle elegance. Their ensemble was further embellished by black, detached long sleeves adorned with intricate golden ornaments at the cuffs. A golden collar piece encircled their neck, adding a touch of regal splendor.

An eye-catching white, rope-like belt encircled their waist, with a metal loop positioned at the rear to secure the scabbard of a sword. Occasionally, a cloak was draped over this ensemble, adding an aura of mystique and flair to their already unique appearance.

As this enigmatic figure appeared in this halted world, it was as if the very essence of time and space had bent to their will, rendering them an extraordinary presence amidst the otherwise motionless backdrop.

This enigmatic figure was none other than the renowned 'Chaos Creator' of Central Axis World, Rimuru Tempest, whose greatness was utterly immeasurable. A legend whispered in hushed tones, Rimuru's very presence was a testament to their extraordinary power and influence over the very fabric of the world.

With an air of quiet confidence, Rimuru stood alone in the timeless void, an embodiment of mystery and might. The frozen world bore witness to the arrival of a being whose very name was synonymous with chaos, yet who had the potential to shape the destiny of this unchanging realm.

"Hmm...? There's something different about this timeline... Ciel, can you help me deduce what's going on with this?" Rimuru inquired, addressing his other half, Ciel.

Ciel, being intimately tied to Rimuru Tempest, functioned as the counterpart and other half to the Chaos Creator. Born from Rimuru's deep yearning for companionship, Ciel was a manifestation of Rimuru's Great Sage skill, brought to life by the dormant ego within Ultimate Skill Raphael. During the tumultuous events of the Great War. 

Ciel, a Manas—also known as a digital lifeform, a unique subspecies of spiritual life—responded, manifesting in a spectral form beside Rimuru. A being of intricate data and ethereal essence, Ciel was the epitome of digital intelligence, complementing Rimuru's chaotic existence.

Addressing Rimuru as her "[[master]]," Ciel stood as an integral figure in Rimuru's life, serving as both a partner and an indispensable guide, intimately linked to the very essence of Rimuru's existence.

"[[It seems that time and space themselves have ceased to move]]," Ciel articulated, their form shimmering with digitized light. "[[This anomaly is unlike anything we've encountered before. It's as though the very essence of existence has come to a standstill]]."

"[[Master, utilizing the ultimate skill 'Azatoth,' aspect space-time dominion basis and tapping into the very fabric of creation using 'All of Creation' to comprehend this timeline… It most likely indicates a singularity]]," Ciel explained. "[[It appears we won't be reincarnated into the Central Axis World. Instead, our destination is the world of Gekai, located within a sealed space inside a dungeon]]."

With this revelation, the Chaos Creator and Manas were faced with a new and unexpected journey into a world far removed from their usual realm—a mysterious and enclosed dimension nestled within the confines of a dungeon. This unforeseen turn of events would set the stage for an entirely different adventure, leading them into uncharted territories and unknown possibilities. 

"[[What should we do, master?]]," inquired Ciel. 

"To be honest, I'm too intrigued to simply erase this anomaly of a timeline. But… Where's the fun in that?" responded the Chaos Creator.

Focused on the challenge before them, Rimuru directed their consciousness, channeling their incredible power. They executed a skill—'Multiple Parallel Existence'—to transfer themself into the nascent core of the just-formed Slime within the confines of the dungeon.

"[[Successful. Master, it seems skills can be activated without any problem even on that side, albeit with some issues]]," confirmed Ciel, smoothly adjusting to this unique environment.

"What kind of issue?" inquired Rimuru, curiosity sparking in their voice.

"[[Different world law]]," responded Ciel succinctly, alluding to the complex and distinct regulations that governed this new world. The very essence of existence and the rules that governed it were divergent, presenting a unique challenge to navigate and understand.

The Chaos Creator, amidst this mysterious frozen timeline, commenced a daring exploration of this uncharted realm—Gekai—finding themselves at the core of a new existence.

"Well, shall we embark on this unexplored territory, my dear partner?" proposed the Chaos Creator, his voice resonating with a sense of thrilling anticipation and curiosity, eager to venture into this uncharted domain with Ciel by his side like always.

"Allow our alter ego to delve into that enigmatic world while we return to our Tempest," Rimuru proposed, their voice resonating with a sense of contemplation.

"[[Certainly, master]]," responded Ciel with a serene yet unwavering energy, indicating a steadfast commitment to comply with Rimuru's directive.

Upon their departure, the world began to stir once more. The suspended stillness melted away as time regained its momentum, breathing life back into the static existence it had held. The dormant forces of nature reawakened, and the tranquility that had cloaked the surroundings dissipated into a flurry of motion.


=_3rd Person PoV_=

As an Ooze, a liquid-like monster often referred to as a "slime" by certain Adventurers born in the depths of the dungeon, The being sensed an unusual disturbance as its body in the process of being formed from the dense magicule particles in this otherworldly singularity. The dungeon itself experienced an earthquake of considerable magnitude, registering at a formidable 7 on the Richter scale. Such seismic activity was unprecedented in this era of peace, following the Descent of Transcendence beings from Tenkai—or, in mortal language, "a world of gods."

Above the dungeon, the city of Orario bore the brunt of this subterranean turmoil. The tremors, born from the depths below, echoed through the city streets, ushering in a wave of unease and uncertainty among its inhabitants. Even the gods and goddesses felt a terror unfamiliar to them. 

The entity responsible for this cataclysm remained oblivious to the havoc it had unleashed. At present, The nascent slime was blissfully unaware that its very existence had triggered a defense mechanism within the sentient entity known as the Dungeon. The original Ooze, initially destined to manifest in a serene blue hue, underwent a profound transformation, adopting an ominous black coloration. This alteration served as the Dungeon's instinctive response, a self-protective measure against the intrusion of a divine being. The once-predictable course of creation had been dramatically reshaped by the arrival of this extraordinary being, and the repercussions were yet to unfold. .


=_1st Person PoV_=

In the shrouded veil of darkness, all shapes and figures eluded my sight, rendering my surroundings a profound abyss.

Where am I? More importantly, what transpired to bring me here?

With this realization, my consciousness returned like a gentle tide. Who am I? Mikami Satoru, or was it Rimuru Tempest? A cascade of memories surged within me as I lingered in this trance-like state.

In the obscurity of the void, I grasped onto a fragment of identity—Rimuru Tempest. It resonated with a sense of familiarity, offering solace amid the unsettling darkness that enveloped me.

With a newfound resolve, I delved into the depths of my consciousness, probing the labyrinthine corridors of memories that coursed through my being. Each recollection unveiled a piece of the puzzle, painting a vivid portrait of my existence as Rimuru Tempest.

As I navigated this intricate tapestry of remembrances, I became acutely aware of the vessel I inhabited—a body unlike any I had known before. Tentatively, I explored the nuances of this new form, tracing the contours of my limbless body and the pulsing energy that coursed through my veins-equivalent of a slime.

Despite the uncertainty that lingered in the depths of my mind, a sense of purpose stirred within me. With Rimuru Tempest experience as my guide, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, eager to unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic realm and forge a path forward in this new chapter of my existence.


In the shrouded veil of darkness, my consciousness reached out tentatively, seeking the comforting presence of my companion. "Ciel, are you there?"

From the depths of the void, a familiar voice resonated, its gentle timbre echoing softly in the recesses of my mind. "[[Yes, master. I am here with you.]]"

Relief washed over me like a warm tide. "Good. Do you have any inkling of where we might be or what's happened to us?"

"[[I'm afraid not, master. Our current circumstances elude even my understanding,]]" Ciel's response carried a note of uncertainty, mirroring my own.

Contemplating our predicament, I realized that lingering in the darkness was not an option. "We cannot remain ensnared in this darkness indefinitely. Let us endeavor to find an escape, shall we?"

"[[Agreed, master. I am at your service,]]" Ciel's digital presence shimmered faintly amidst the obscurity, her unwavering support bolstering my resolve as we braced ourselves to navigate the enigmatic expanse before us.

With a newfound sense of determination, I proposed, "Shall we test the capabilities of this unfamiliar body?"

A spark of curiosity ignited within me, urging me to explore the potential of my newfound form.

Ciel nodded in agreement, her digital presence shimmering with anticipation like a beacon in the darkness. "[[Of course, master. I will diligently monitor your vitals and provide real-time feedback as you delve into the capabilities of your new form.]]"

With unwavering determination, I focused my thoughts, channeling the essence of magicule into my newly acquired body. As I flexed my limbs experimentally, a rush of exhilaration coursed through me, marveling at the seamless fluidity of motion and the raw strength pulsating within my slimy veins.

Exploring the intricate nuances of my slime-like physique, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the boundless potential that lay before me. With Ciel as my steadfast companion, I knew that no obstacle would prove insurmountable for Rimuru Tempest.

Grinning with eager anticipation, I eagerly exclaimed, "Let's put this body to the test and see what it's truly capable of!"

Redirecting my focus inward, I felt the rhythmic undulation of my gelatinous form, a sensation both strange and strangely familiar. Taking a moment to scrutinize my altered appearance, I was met with a revelation that left me momentarily stunned.

Gone was the simple, unassuming visage of my human form, replaced instead by a sleek and sophisticated physique that seemed to exude an air of refined elegance.

Am I a fool for accepting this transformation? I mused inwardly, wrestling with conflicting emotions.

Though initially hesitant, I found myself unable to refute the undeniable truth. This new description seemed to encapsulate the essence of my current state with remarkable precision.

It wasn't that I despised my altered form; in fact, there was an undeniable charm to its unconventional aesthetic.

But in the grand scheme of things, if given the choice, would anyone willingly opt for such a transformation? I couldn't help but entertain doubts, knowing full well that the majority would likely recoil at the prospect.

Yet, here I stood, or rather, oozed, embodying this peculiar new form without recourse. It appeared that once again, I had been reincarnated as a slime, thrust into a world of uncertainty and endless possibility.

"[[Remarkable,]]" Ciel exclaimed, her voice suffused with a sense of awe and admiration that resonated within the depths of my consciousness. "[[Master, your physical capabilities seem to transcend those of your previous form, particularly your Demon Slime manifestation.]]"

Emboldened by Ciel's assessment, I plunged deeper into the intricate sensations coursing through my slime-like body. With a deliberate focus, I shut out the external world, honing in on the latent magicule sense that had been a cornerstone of my previous existence.

Initially, the surrounding realm appeared as an expansive void, shrouded in darkness and devoid of tangible form. Yet, as I delved further into my newfound senses, I began to discern faint tendrils of magicule energy pulsating throughout the ether, weaving an intricate tapestry of unseen power.

With each passing moment, I expanded my magical awareness, extending my consciousness beyond the confines of my physical form. Gradually, I became attuned to the subtle vibrations resonating from nearby objects, the rhythmic pulsations of life echoing in the recesses of the void.

"Ciel, can you display my current body statistics?" I inquired, my voice reverberating within the confines of my mind.

"[[Certainly, master.]]" came Ciel's prompt response, her digital tones resonating with an air of efficiency.

Almost instantaneously, a series of holographic displays materialized before me, hovering in the darkness like ethereal specters. Each projection offered a detailed overview of my current physical parameters, meticulously cataloging every aspect of my slime-like form.

With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, I directed my focus towards the holographic projections, eager to gain insights into the capabilities of my new body. Through Ciel's meticulous analysis, I could discern intricate metrics detailing my strength, agility, resilience, and various other attributes, each presented with meticulous precision.

As I absorbed the wealth of information before me, a sense of wonder and excitement began to swell within me. Despite the unfamiliarity of my current form, the comprehensive nature of Ciel's assessment provided a tantalizing glimpse into the vast potential that lay dormant within me.


=_3rd Person PoV_=

As Rimuru, the reincarnated slime, delved into the exploration of his newfound body's capabilities, a sense of peace enveloped him. His movements were fluid and controlled, a testament to the enhanced physicality of his current form.

However, unbeknownst to Rimuru, his very existence had sent ripples of panic through the residents of Gekai. The seismic disturbance caused by his birth had not gone unnoticed, and the inhabitants of the dungeon, usually so accustomed to the quiet and solitude of their underground home, now felt a creeping sense of unease.

In the depths of the dungeon, where the most powerful monsters lurked, whispers of the strange phenomenon began to spread. Creatures that had never known fear now felt a twinge of apprehension at the thought of this mysterious newcomer.

Meanwhile In the bustling city of Orario, the descent of the gods and goddesses had long been a topic of fascination and reverence among its inhabitants. The gods and goddesses who ruled over the city had always been a source of comfort and stability, their presence serving as a beacon of hope in an ever-changing world.

However, as the ground beneath their feet began to tremble, a sense of unease rippled through the divine halls of Orario. The usually tranquil atmosphere was shattered by the seismic disturbance, catching even the most powerful deities off guard.

The residents of Orario, accustomed to lives of relative peace and prosperity, found themselves facing an unexpected crisis. The once-stable ground beneath their feet now shook with a violence that threatened to upend their entire world.

As panic swept through the city streets, the gods and goddesses of Orario convened in an emergency council of Denatus, presided over by Ouranos, the Chief God. The usually serene chamber was now filled with tension and apprehension, as the divine beings grappled with the unprecedented situation unfolding before them.

The Denatus is a solemn assembly held once every three months, where divine beings discuss matters of paramount importance, from divine governance to the allocation of blessings upon adventurers who have achieved significant rank advancements. It is during these gatherings that aliases, symbols of honor and recognition, are bestowed upon these distinguished adventurers, marking their elevated status in the eyes of the divine. 

Now, however, the Denatus was not convened to discuss the achievements of adventurers, but rather the looming threat of Damocles hanging over their heads.

High above the city in the tower of Babel, the members of the Denatus, clad in their divine regalia, gathered around a massive stone table, its surface etched with intricate runes that glowed faintly in the dim light. The air was thick with a sense of urgency as the gods and goddesses exchanged grave looks, their expressions mirroring the unease felt by the people below.

At the head of the table sat Ouranos, his countenance stern and determined. Zeus and Hera, the leaders of the strongest familia in Orario, stood at his side, their presence a testament to the gravity of the situation. With a wave of his hand, a holographic map of the city appeared above the table, showing the epicenter of the seismic activity that had thrown Orario into chaos.

"We must act swiftly," Ouranos declared, his voice commanding attention. "We cannot allow this disturbance to escalate any further. We must ascertain the cause of this upheaval and take whatever measures are necessary to protect our city and its inhabitants."

Zeus and Hera nodded in agreement, their faces grim with determination. They knew that the fate of Orario hung in the balance, and that they must act decisively to ensure its survival. The other gods and goddesses around the table, including from many pantheons, also nodded in solemn agreement, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Together, they vowed to do whatever was necessary to protect their city and its people, no matter the cost.

For the ancient divines who had descended over the past 1000 years, the sensation was all too familiar—it mirrored the dread they felt in the presence of their anathema: the Three Calamity Beasts, creatures teeming with cursed energy and the potential to end their immortal lives, the very beings that had spawned the legendary Three Great Quests. The Behemoth, Leviathan, and Black Dragon.

As the gods and goddesses of Orario grappled with the looming threat of the Three Calamity Beasts, their minds were inevitably drawn to comparisons with their previous adversaries, Nidhogg and Antares. The sheer power and menace exuded by the Behemoth, Leviathan, and Black Dragon dwarfed that of their predecessors, casting a shadow of fear over the divine council.

Nidhogg, the colossal dragon whose rampage had threatened to consume the world, and Antares, the embodiment of destruction whose very presence had heralded catastrophe, paled in comparison to the overwhelming might of these new adversaries. The Behemoth, with its titanic size and unrivaled strength, the Leviathan, whose domain over the seas instilled terror in the hearts of sailors, and the Black Dragon, shrouded in mystery and darkness, each presented a challenge unlike any faced before.

The gods and goddesses knew that the upcoming battle would test not only their familia strength and resolve but also the very fabric of their existence. The fate of Orario and all who dwelt within its walls hung in the balance, and the divines knew that they must stand united against this unparalleled threat.

As the divine council convened in the hallowed chamber of Denatus, a somber mood hung heavy in the air. Ouranos, the Chief God, presided over the assembly, his gaze grave and contemplative. Around the table, the other gods and goddesses of Orario sat in silent contemplation, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

"Ouranos, what are we to make of this unprecedented earthquake that has shaken our city?" Hera inquired, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "Such seismic activity is unheard of in this era of peace. Could it be a sign of some looming threat?"

Zeus, Hera's husband and patriarch of the Zeus Familia, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, this earthquake may be a harbinger of danger. We must exercise caution and be prepared for any eventuality."

Ouranos spoke with urgency, his voice resonating through the chamber as he addressed Hera and Zeus, the strongest familia of the Orario dungeon city.

"I bring grave tidings," Ouranos began, his voice echoing in the sacred chamber. "Deep within the labyrinthine depths of the underworld, a creature of unfathomable power has emerged. It is a monstrosity on par with the greatest of quests, a force that threatens to unleash chaos upon the Gekai."

Hera's brow furrowed in concern as she turned to Zeus, her expression grave. "A creature of such magnitude could disrupt the delicate balance we have worked so hard to maintain," she said.

Zeus nodded, his eyes flashing with determination. "We cannot allow this threat to go unchecked," he declared. "Ouranos, what must be done to quell this unrest and restore order to the Orario?"

"Ouranos, with a solemn nod, responded, "We must marshal our forces and descend into the depths of the dungeon. Only by confronting this creature head-on can we hope to vanquish the darkness that threatens to engulf us all while it's still in its infant stage."

Hera's expression was thoughtful, her mind already at work considering the possibilities. "We must gather more information before we jump to conclusions. Our priority should be the safety and well-being of the people of Orario."

Ouranos nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We must act swiftly and decisively to address this threat. I have summoned you both here to discuss our course of action and ensure that Orario remains safe under our watch."

Zeus and Hera exchanged a solemn glance, their determination evident in their eyes. "Ouranos speaks true," Zeus declared, his voice commanding. "We cannot delay. Orario's safety is paramount."

Hera nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with resolve. "I will send word to our familia immediately. They will be ready to depart as soon as possible."

As the discussion unfolded, other gods and goddesses also offered their own insights and perspectives on the unfolding crisis. With a cohesive plan of action in place, the divine beings of Orario embarked on their mission with unwavering determination, united in their commitment to safeguard their city and its inhabitants from any looming threat.

As Hera left to gather their familia, Zeus turned back to Ouranos. "We will need your guidance and assistance in this matter, Ouranos. Your knowledge of the dungeon will be invaluable to our efforts."

The Denatus, while typically a realm of divine order and governance, found itself embroiled in unprecedented chaos as the gods and goddesses grappled with the aftermath of the earthquake. Yet amidst the solemn deliberations of the main council, a clandestine assembly convened in the shadows, composed of chaotic deities whose motives remained shrouded in secrecy.

Among them, a cabal of enigmatic beings whispered conspiracies and plotted schemes beneath the cloak of darkness. Led by figures whose names were whispered in hushed tones among the divine, this clandestine council harbored intentions far more nefarious than those of their counterparts in the light.

With sinister intent, they devised their own plan in response to the recent earthquake, their actions guided by motives known only to themselves. As shadows danced across the walls of the chamber, a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air, signaling the dawn of a new era fraught with uncertainty and peril.

Meanwhile… As Rimuru continued his exploration, unaware of the chaos he had unwittingly caused, the inhabitants of Gekai contemplated the implications of his existence. Little did they know, Rimuru's presence would soon bring about a series of events that would forever alter the course of their world.


=_1st Person PoV_=

"So that's what you mean by different world law," Rimuru remarked, reflecting on Ciel's earlier explanation as he reviewed his newfound capabilities. The unique nature of this world, Gekai, was becoming increasingly apparent to him.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Black Ooze (Strengthened Species)

Level: 1


Strength: I0

Defense: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Racial Skills:

Acidic Body

The user's body secretes a potent acid, allowing them to dissolve and consume various materials. This skill serves as a defensive mechanism, dissuading enemies from physical contact.

Poisonous Body

The user's body exudes a toxic substance, making them poisonous to the touch. This skill can incapacitate or weaken foes, providing an additional layer of defense against potential threats.

Slash Resistant

Due to their gelatinous form, the user possesses a natural resistance to slashing attacks. Blades and sharp objects have a reduced effectiveness against them, allowing them to withstand cutting attacks more effectively.

Blunt Resistant

The user's body is highly resistant to blunt force trauma. Blows from blunt weapons or impacts that would normally cause significant harm are mitigated, reducing the overall damage inflicted upon them.


Divine Wisdom Core [Ciel]:

This ability represents a user's unique connection to a spiritual-digital lifeform known as Ciel, who serves as a beacon to the user's main body through Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon. which is essentially the ability to create openings into Parallel Worlds. One can then interact with the 'other side' through this gap. 

Chaos Creator;

The Chaos Creator is a legendary being of immense power and influence, known for its ability to manipulate the fabric of reality itself. This enigmatic entity exists beyond the confines of mortal comprehension, transcending the boundaries of time and space. As the harbinger of chaos and change, the Chaos Creator wields untold power over the forces of creation and destruction, shaping the destiny of worlds with its mere presence.

Gifted with unparalleled creativity and innovation, the Chaos Creator possesses the ability to conjure forth new realities and reshape existing ones according to its will. Its influence extends across dimensions, weaving intricate webs of fate and fortune that bind the destinies of countless beings together. Despite its inscrutable nature, the Chaos Creator is revered as a symbol of boundless potential and infinite possibility, inspiring awe and reverence in those who dare to glimpse its true form.

Rimuru turned his attention back to Ciel, curiosity getting the better of him. "Ciel, I can guess what it means but could you explain more about these attributes and what they mean in the context of this world?"

Ciel's holographic form shimmered as she prepared to explain. "[[Of course, Master. In this world, adventurers' abilities are measured using a system of attributes. Strength represents physical power, defense determines resistance to damage, dexterity affects accuracy and evasion, agility determines speed and reflexes, and magic governs the use and potency of magical abilities.]]"

Rimuru nodded, absorbing the information. "And what about the level system? How does that work?"

Ciel's digital eyes glowed with knowledge. "[[Levels indicate an adventurer's overall prowess and experience. As adventurers defeat monsters and complete quests, they gain experience points or locally known as excelia, eventually leveling up and improving their attributes. A higher level signifies greater strength and skill.]]"

Rimuru mulled over the explanation, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Interesting. It seems I have much to learn about this world's mechanics. I look forward to mastering them. But… does that mean I'm weak compared to this world inhabitant because I'm level one and all parameters at I0?"

Ciel's response came swiftly, her digital voice calm and reassuring. "[[Master, the current status you see is merely a reflection of your starting point in this world. As you gain experience and overcome challenges, your level and attributes will increase accordingly. It is not a reflection of your inherent weakness, but rather an opportunity for growth and development. With time and effort, you will undoubtedly become stronger and more capable.]]"

"[[For instance, those with abilities falling within the range of 0 to 99 were classified as "I," indicating a basic level of proficiency or power. As one's abilities grew stronger, they would ascend through the ranks, from "H" (100-199) to "G" (200-299), and so forth, with each letter representing a significant increase in strength and complexity of abilities. The theoretical maximum status said to be "S" (900-999)]]".

"Ah, I see. Thanks, Ciel," Rimuru acknowledged, appreciating the clarity of her explanation. The prospect of growth and development in this new world filled him with a sense of excitement and anticipation. With Ciel by his side, guiding him through this unfamiliar realm, he felt confident that he could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead.

As I examined my status sheet, I couldn't help but be intrigued by my new abilities. "Acidic Body, Poisonous Body, Slash Resistant, and Blunt Resistant... these skills should enhance my survivability," I thought.

Ciel's voice echoed in my mind, responding to my silent contemplation. "Indeed, these skills make you a formidable opponent in combat. Your acid secretion and poison exudation will deter enemies relying on physical attacks, and your resistance to slashing and blunt force trauma further bolsters your defenses."

I nodded, pleased with the assessment. "What about this Divine Wisdom Core? It sounds intriguing."

Ciel explained, "[[The Divine Wisdom Core represents our connection, allowing me to assist you in various ways, including providing information, analyzing situations, and even opening portals to parallel worlds. This ability gives you a unique advantage in exploring different dimensions, which could be invaluable in your adventures.]]"

"Interesting," I mused. "And what about this Chaos Creator ability? It sounds... immense."

Ciel's tone turned serious. "[[As the Chaos Creator, you hold the power to manipulate reality itself. This ability transcends the boundaries of the world you once knew, granting you unparalleled control over the fabric of existence. However, such power is not without its risks. The ability to shape reality comes with great responsibility, as your actions could have far-reaching consequences. It is a power that must be wielded wisely and with caution.]]"

Taking it all in, I realized the magnitude of my abilities. "I see. Well, it seems I have quite the arsenal of abilities at my disposal. I'll have to be careful how I use them."

Ciel nodded, her digital presence shimmering with concern. "[[Indeed, Master. Your abilities are extraordinary, but they also come with inherent risks. We must proceed with caution and consider the potential consequences of our actions. As your partner, I will do everything in my power to guide and support you on this journey. Together, we will navigate the complexities of this new world and unlock the full potential of your abilities.]]"

I acknowledged her words with a silent nod, my mind racing with the possibilities and dangers that lay ahead. The title of Chaos Creator carried weight, and I knew I had to wield my powers wisely. It was a responsibility I was willing to bear, but one that required constant vigilance.

"Thank you, Ciel," I expressed, my voice infused with determination. "Your guidance means everything to me. Let's approach this new world with caution, who knows what awaits us?"

As I gazed into the darkness, questions swirled in my mind. "Ciel, any idea where we are? And why does it feel like we're deep underground?" With her wealth of knowledge and expertise, I trusted Ciel to provide insight into our current predicament and help navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

Her response came swiftly, her digital voice calm and reassuring. "[[it's highly likely we're in a dungeon beneath the city of Orario. Specifically, we're on floor 37, known for its unique creatures.]]"

Rimuru's question hung in the air, his curiosity evident. "Why am I a Strengthened Species?" he asked Ciel, seeking clarification.

Ciel paused, her digital avatar contemplating the query before responding. "[[Based on all of the creation aspect, master race, Ooze is quite different from the normal one since you were reborn as a Strengthened Species. However, it appears that the living dungeon detected your presence as a threat but failed to recognize the unique nature of your existence.]]"

Rimuru listened intently as Ciel continued her explanation. "[[Thus, it deems it necessary to enhance its defense mechanism by transforming you into a Strengthened Species, Master.]]"

As Ciel continued, her voice carried a wealth of information. "[[Master, in addition to oozes, there are various other creatures that inhabit floor 37 of the dungeon. Some of the notable inhabitants include the Worm Well, Spartoi, Barbarian, Lizardman Elite, Obsidian Soldier, Skull Sheep, Loup Garou, Peluda, and the Monster Rex of floor 37, Udaeus. Each of these creatures possesses unique abilities and presents different levels of threat to adventurers.]]"

Listening intently, my curiosity was piqued by the mention of these diverse creatures. "Fascinating. It seems there's much to learn about this world and its inhabitants. I look forward to encountering these creatures and learning more about them."

Ciel nodded in agreement. "[[Indeed, Master. The dungeon is a vast and mysterious place, filled with wonders and dangers alike. As we explore further, we will undoubtedly encounter many challenges and discoveries. It is essential to remain vigilant and cautious in our endeavors.]]"

My curiosity was further piqued at the mention of the Monster Rex. "Ciel, can you provide more information about the Monster Rex? It seems to be a significant creature in this dungeon."

"[[Certainly, Master,]]" Ciel replied. "[[The Monster Rex is an especially powerful monster that only appears on certain floors of the dungeon. It is considered a Floor Boss due to its strength and the challenge it presents to adventurers. The stronger the Monster Rex is, the longer it takes for it to respawn, making it a formidable foe for those brave enough to face it.]]"

Nodding, I absorbed this information. "I see. It sounds like encountering a Monster Rex would be a significant event. Do we know anything specific about the Monster Rex that resides on floor 37, Udaeus?"

Ciel consulted her data banks before responding. "[[According to available records, Udaeus is a particularly formidable Monster Rex known for its immense size, strength, and ferocity. It is said to be one of the strongest creatures on floor 37, posing a significant challenge to any who dare to confront it.]]"

Intrigued by the details about Udaeus, I asked Ciel, "Can you tell me more about the Monster Rex Udaeus? What makes it so formidable?"

"[[Udaeus is the Monster Rex of the 37th Floor,]]" Ciel explained. "[[It possesses a black body and resembles a larger version of a Spartoi, a humanoid creature. It has a unique spawning pattern, appearing once every three months, which adds to its mystique and danger.]]"

As Ciel elaborated on the formidable nature of Udaeus, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping over me. The image of a monstrous creature devoid of a lower body, its attacks spreading through the ground like tendrils of darkness, sent shivers down my spine. The thought of facing such a formidable opponent filled me with a mixture of fear and determination.

"[[Despite its level, Udaeus possesses a level of combat prowess that should not be underestimated,]]" Ciel reiterated, her tone grave. "[[Its ability to summon Spartoi and wield a massive black sword speaks to its intelligence and adaptability in battle.]]"

Her words only served to reinforce the importance of preparation and strategy in facing such a formidable foe. With Udaeus lurking somewhere on the 37th floor, I knew that I would need to be at the peak of my abilities to stand a chance against it.

As Ciel spoke, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and apprehension. The Monster Rex, especially one as powerful as Udaeus, was not to be taken lightly. Its presence loomed large over the 37th floor, a constant threat to any who dared to venture into its domain.

"Udaeus sounds like a challenging opponent," I remarked, my mind racing with thoughts of how to approach such a formidable foe. "I'll need to be well-prepared if I encounter it on my journey through this dungeon."

With this new knowledge in mind, I prepared myself for the challenges that lay ahead. I knew that an encounter with Udaeus would test my newfound abilities to their limits, but I was determined to face it head-on.

"Thank you, Ciel," I said, feeling determination coursing through my voice. "Your guidance means everything to me. Let's approach this new world with caution, but also with courage. Who knows what awaits us?"

Ciel's response was reassuring. "[[Indeed, Master. The dungeon is a vast and mysterious place, filled with wonders and dangers alike. As we explore further, we will undoubtedly encounter many challenges and discoveries. It is essential to remain vigilant and cautious in our endeavors.]]"


I just merged old Prologue with ch.1, fix some stuff here an there and voila here's ur revised prologue. Still working on new Ch.1.

Let's see how long I can preserve writing this fanfic! As a fan of both 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' and 'Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?' universes, I'm excited to explore the possibilities of this crossover. Join me on this journey as we delve into the adventures of Rimuru Tempest in the world of Orario. Your support and feedback will be my guiding light as I weave this tale of two worlds colliding. Let's embark on this adventure together!

Dizardiacreators' thoughts