
Divine Ascent

Valor wakes up with no memories outside a mysterious tower. A voice from within beckons him to climb its floors, setting him on a path of adventure and discovery. What lies ahead of him? Will he be able to unfold his past? Only time will tell.

RenderLeaf · Action
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1 Chs

Chapter. 0

The boy slowly opens his eyes, squinting at the bright light. He groans as he tries to sit up, but his body feels heavy and unresponsive. Looking around, he realizes that he's lying on the ground outside of a tall tower. He tries to remember how he got here, but his mind draws a blank.

As he struggles to sit up, he hears the sound of someone crying. The voice is distant, yet it sounds familiar to him. He tries to focus on the voice, and as he does, the sound becomes clearer.

"No..! We can't…leave Valor…like this!" the girl's voice cries out. The name Valor triggers something in his mind. It sounds like it could be his name, but he's not sure.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through his head, causing him to double over in agony. He clutches his head and grits his teeth, trying to fight off the pain. As he does, another voice speaks to him.

"Boy, do you want to remember?" the voice says. "The tower before you holds the answers you seek. But be warned, only those who are strong enough can climb it. What will be your answer?"

The boy's head is still throbbing, but he tries to remain calm and take deep breaths. "I don't know," he replies. He feels lost and confused, unsure of his purpose in life.

The voice from the tower speaks again, offering him a new purpose. "Climb the tower and find out who you are," the voice says. "Discover the truth about your past and why you are here. Only then will you find your true purpose."

The boy nods slowly, taking in the weight of the voice's words. He doesn't know what lies ahead of him, but he's determined to find out who he is and why he's here. With a newfound sense of purpose, he stands up and faces the tower, ready to begin his climb.