
Disturbing Data

I write everything that comes to mind (sometimes in unexpected places) these data will keep you awake and you will not want to stop reading them, also your route will not be the same

estefan8990 · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

# 2 The Park, The Bed and The Cat

Firts imagine that you go on a night walk and tell your sister I'll be back

later and you find yourself near an Abandoned Park

and suddenly you hear moans like an ummmmmmmmmmm


ummmmmmmmm and you look for all the people that were when you left

and there is no one then you listen again the ummmm ummm you try

to return home but there is no way and it is still heard

louder the ummmmmmm ummmm you turn around to see if it's a joke when

you see there is a silhouette of a girl with her hair forward

and a worn white coat and says: SLAMED or HANGED (voices of laughter and heartbreaking tears in the background)

you try to run and instead you freeze then you wake up

in your bed and then you get out of bed

to meet your sister to tell her about your nightmare

but you find your sister on the sofa having a cup of coffee

talking on the phone on loudspeaker and they say: You are the sister

by Rafael Hernandez Clara Hernandez and she says: Yes

And they tell her Her brother has passed away She instantly cried then

She asked: where did he die? And I told him so we found him

SLOTTED on the road near the road where it is

the park abandoned at that moment you see the girl again

across the room and has a smile from ear to ear and says:

How do you prefer me to kill her SLIPPED or HANGED ... (voices of laughter and heartbreaking tears in the background)

2) The Bed.

Once I was in my bed it was night and I had seen a movie ofterror that night I was sleeping when I woke up quickly I withoutknow what happened i started to imagine horrible and disgusting things surrounding me when I'm going to turn around to wake up a relative whosleep in a bed next to mine I see something approaching him to my relativefast as I can I throw at the thing around him and when I'm going to grabto my relative to hug him I see that that was really the thing and my relative hada knife to try to kill him and suddenly the thing started laughing at that Now I tried to get my relative to react, but he didn't when I go to seewhere is the thing was no longer scare me even more and I thought he had diedat that time then there was a silence I felt enormous frustration thenI saw that thing and for a few seconds that saw me try to wake up againmy relative but he was gone then monsters begin to appear everywhere but the strangest thing was that there were 5 exactly the members of my family are 5there scare me when I go to try to run the the door of my house was no longer adoor but a mirror and when I go to look in the mirror I am a monster and justto them and it turns out that my whole family was made by my imagination and I always imagined everything.

3) The Cat.

Once our dog saw a cat on the street and started to chase him

all over the sidewalk they had been running for a while and had not

attention until suddenly my mother had made a cake for a while

of strawberries and I was taking it out of the oven when the cat fell on me

Mom and fell and the cake fell he could catch it but then the dog jumped

in search of the cat and jumped on top of my mom this time she couldn't catch the cake

and this one fell boiling on my mother's face, at the same time burning, it was going away

melting his whole face and with all his might he tried to hurt the cat the dog

I did not stop him and kept chasing the cat but the cat was not only the cause 1 that my

Mom would burn her face but after that she tried to scratch her eyes

my mom and then she achieved her mission and scratched my mom's eyes she

bleeding to death he tried to reach the sofa and when he was crawling in pain the cat

scratched her hands and she kept crawling now with more pain she reached the sofa she leaned back and

at that very moment I touched my mother's hair and it was too cold and I was looking

revenge of the cat I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and went straight to the cat to

gut him and feel good when I grab the cat he jumps at my dog ​​and scratches his paw

at that moment I just thought of my dog ​​and grabbed a handkerchief, soaked it in alcohol and

I wrapped my dog's paw so I went to the cat and stabbed him in the stomach with a knife

eyes and head.

(It was a relief (ツ)) She said.....

That was the whole chapter I hope you liked it and that you vote for it 😘 I say goodbye and very soon I will upload the next chapter and God Bless You😚.

This is Amazing

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