
Dissociative Alters

What happens when alters or alternate personalities suddenly have their own body?

Sue_6075 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

In a laboratory, two young male bodies lying in beds, seemingly in comas. Their lips were pallid, and they were attached to critical patient hospital equipment. One of them had a smaller body structure compared to the other, but both were undeniably good-looking, with distinct temperaments.

An older male, yet still exudes handsomeness, was also in a bed, positioned between the two young men. However, unlike the youngsters who appeared to be in comas, he seemed completely lifeless.

Apart from a hand hooked up to an IV drip, no other hospital equipment was connected to him.

A few minutes later, individuals in lab coats and scrubs approached them.

A tall middle-aged man who appeared to be the leader among them spoke, "Let's start the operation!"


"The operation was successful!"

Two doctors came out in different operating rooms and announced the news to the patients' guardians.

Doctor Hong, attending to the grandson of Henry Seo, the chairman of Seo Corporation, conveyed the news to the chairman, who seemed to have aged while waiting outside the operating room for so long.

Upon hearing the good news, Mr. Seo's nervousness and anxiety slowly faded. He silently expressed gratitude to God for saving his beloved grandson. However, within his heart, he still harbored regret and sorrow over not possessing prior knowledge of his grandson's prolonged suffering. He hoped and prayed that his sweet grandson would find forgiveness in his heart.


Doctor Kim, who was responsible for the patient and happened to be the son of Conor Lee, the Chairman of Lee Industry, made a similar announcement.

Mrs. Lee, upon hearing the news, burst into tears and tightly embraced her husband, repeatedly mumbling expressions of gratitude and relief. Although Mr. Lee may have appeared outwardly indifferent, deep inside, he also felt grateful and thankful. He reciprocated his wife's embrace, showing his appreciation to the doctor with a slight bow. After all, his only child had been saved.


In a dimly lit room, Mikhail, or rather, the elusive "Xavier's third alternate personality," couldn't contain his glee as he fixated on his reflection in the mirror. The air was thick with a sense of long-awaited vindication. "Finally," he whispered to himself, a smirk playing on his lips, "after years of neglect and confinement in the shadows, I am back." The sound of his own laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls as he reveled in his newfound freedom.

His gaze lingered on the body before him, a vessel now under his complete command. It was a sensation unlike any other, the thrill of autonomy coursing through his veins. The corners of his mouth curled upwards in satisfaction, realizing that this form was tailored to his every preference.

Yet, as the echoes of his laughter faded into the silence, a shift in his demeanor was palpable. His expression hardened, and a steely resolve flickered in his piercing blue eyes. A simmering desire for retribution stirred within him, fueled by the memories of "Xavier's" attempts to erase his very existence. The thought of vengeance danced tantalizingly at the edge of his consciousness, a tempting prospect.

But as quickly as the desire for revenge surfaced, a bitter realization took hold. "Xavier" was no more, his presence extinguished from the realm of the living. The opportunity for retaliation had slipped through his grasp, leaving him with a heart heavy with unresolved grievances, despite the slight victory of having his own body for now.


Jack Lee, or should I say, "Xavier's second In a room cast in an eerie stillness, Jack Lee, or rather, the enigmatic "Xavier's second alternate personality," stood before the mirror with an air of detached composure. His gaze, devoid of emotion, lingered on the reflection of his hands, a silent observer of his own existence.

"He have resurfaced once more, inhabiting a body that is, in essence, not truly his own," he mused silently, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air, underscoring the complexities of his current reality.

As he grappled with the implications of his return, a sense of lingering resentment flickered within him, a remnant of past grievances. The memory of 'Xavier's' attempts to erase him tugged at the edges of his consciousness, a testament to the tumultuous history they shared. And yet, in the depths of his contemplation, he found himself unable to fully assign blame.

After all, he acknowledged, he was but a fragment of Xavier's intricate psyche, a manifestation born from the depths of his consciousness or 'Alter.' Without Xavier, he reasoned, he would cease to exist—a mere echo in the vast expanse of Xavier's mind. The realization washed over him, softening the edges of his resentment as he clenched his fist in a silent acknowledgment of his current fate.


"Mikhail" discovered that 'he' had a grandfather, who happened to be the chairman of Seo Corporation. He also learned that "his" mother was a Russian and "his" father was Korean. Unfortunately, both of "his" parents passed away in an accident when "he" was only five years old. "His" grandfather, who had taken care of "him" for many years, was also Korean and showed great affection towards "him", especially now as he cared for him so attentively.

"Mikhail's" physical appearance, resembling that of a rare and exquisite BJD (Ball-Jointed Doll), captivated those around him with its ethereal beauty. His affectionate, fairy-like deer-shaped blue eyes held a depth of innocence and wisdom, drawing others in with their enchanting gaze. Framed by long, curled lashes and soft, inviting rosy lips that curved into a gentle smile, his features exuded a delicate charm that seemed almost otherworldly. Adding to his captivating appearance, there was a beautiful beauty mole on the end of his upper lip on the right side. His flawless complexion, reminiscent of porcelain, radiated with a luminous glow that spoke of ethereal grace.

The meticulously placed curls of his black, shiny hair cascaded down his shoulders, framing his face in a way that accentuated his doll-like allure. Each detail, from his captivating grin to the gleam of his pearly white teeth, added to the allure of his presence. As he reveled in the mirror, "Max" couldn't help but indulge in moments of self-admiration, basking in the realization that he now inhabited this exquisite vessel.


On the other hand, Jack discovered that this body belonged to a wealthy family. "His" father is Conor Lee, the Chairman of Lee Industry. Unfortunately, "his" mother, who was an Irish, passed away during childbirth. "His" father later remarried, marrying Aisha Seong, the daughter of Director Seong, one of the shareholders of his company. Although she was "his" stepmother, but based on "his" observations over the past few days, she had always been sweet and caring to "him," treating him as if he were her own child. In contrast, "his" biological father seemed to wear a poker face every day.

This "Jack" possessed a ruggedly handsome appearance, characterized by a strong and chiseled jawline that added a touch of masculinity to his face. His eyes were strikingly narrow, almond-shaped, with a sharp outer corner that gave the appearance of a slanted or upward tilt, reminiscent of a snake's eye. His green eyes shimmered like emerald jade, captivating and alluring. A refined nose perfectly complemented his features, exuding an air of elegance. These facial attributes, combined with his well-structured body and impressive height of 6'1 ft, painted a portrait of a remarkable individual who exuded both power and grace.

"Blue" believed that this guy must have been an athlete, judging by his well-structured physique, defined muscles, and commanding presence.


Meanwhile, the middle-aged man sat dejectedly, cupping his face in his hands, displaying an expression of disappointment and sadness. He muttered, "Sir, I'm sorry for not being able to save you..."

(A/N: Hello everyone!

I'm quite new to writing, so please bear with me if there are any errors or nonsensical plot points.

I don't have much knowledge about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), so I apologize if I unintentionally include any nonsensical elements that may not relate to DID.

Additionally, I want to assure you that I'm not taking DID lightly or as a joke. I understand the pain and difficulty that comes with having DID, as I also have my own mental struggles. It is important to recognize that mental health issues should never be trivialized or treated casually.

Thank you for understanding!)

Sue_6075creators' thoughts