
Dissimilar Supergirl

Supergirl finds herself ensnared in a web of deception and manipulation orchestrated by one of Superman's arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. Captured and rendered powerless by an energy field designed to neutralize her abilities, Supergirl confronts Lex, only to reveal his ultimate plan: to break her spirit and bend her to his will. With cold determination, he enlists the help of a villain skilled in the art of hypnosis, ordering them to manipulate Supergirl's mind and make her his and listen to his order. * * * Note : DC Universe: EARTH XXXXX *** Author's note : I do not own DC or any of its characters other than my own variation of the said characters. This fanfiction is also on scribblehub.

marvel_away · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: The Interogation II

Inside the safe house, Supergirl sat upon a plush sofa, her posture rigid yet composed. Mercy Graves, clad in her suit, sat opposite her, her gaze sharp and penetrating.

Mercy Graves moved on to ask the basic questions to Supergirl even though they had all the related information about her. But procedure is procedure in her line of work.

"Let's start with the basics," Mercy began, her tone clipped and businesslike. "What is your name?"

Supergirl blinked slowly, her expression vacant as if lost in thought. "My name is Kara Zor-El," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

Mercy nodded, jotting down notes on her pad. "And what about your alias names? The ones you use to conceal your true identity?"

Supergirl's brow furrowed slightly as she struggled to recall. "I go by Kara Danvers in my civilian life," she answered, her voice monotone. "It's the identity I've adopted to blend in with humanity."

"Tell me about your family," she prompted. "Your parents, your upbringing."

"I grew up on Krypton," she began, her voice hollow "a world of wonder and technology beyond Earth's comprehension. My parents, Zor-El and Alura, were esteemed scientists, and my upbringing was one of privilege and love."

"And what about your journey to Earth?" Mercy inquired.

"My parents sent me to Earth to protect my infant cousin, Kal-El," she explained. "But due to a malfunction in my spacecraft, I arrived much later than him. By the time I reached Earth, he was already grown up and had become the legendary Superman."

The information about Supergirl being older than Superman was new. She circled this information on the pad.

Mercy listened intently, writing every word as Supergirl recounted the story of her origins. The details were sparse, but they hinted at a life marked by tragedy and loss.

Mercy nodded. "And what about your adoptive family on Earth?"

"My adoptive parents, the Danvers, played a crucial role in shaping who I am today," she replied but her voice hollow without an ounce of affection. "Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers took me in as their own when I arrived on Earth, providing me with love, guidance, and a sense of belonging. They helped me adjust to life on this planet and supported me every step of the way."

"How do you reconcile your identity as Supergirl with your role as Kara Danvers, daughter of Eliza and Jeremiah?" she probed, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"It's a delicate balance," she admitted. "But I've learned to compartmentalize my two identities, drawing strength from both. As Supergirl, I fight to protect the innocent and uphold justice. But as Kara Danvers, I cherish the love and support of my family and friends. They ground me and remind me of my humanity, even in the midst of chaos."

"Your ability to navigate the complexities of dual identity is commendable," she remarked, her tone genuine.

"And what about your life on Earth?" Mercy pressed, her eyes narrowing. "Your relationships, your struggles with others?"

"I struggled to adapt to the society as I reached adulthood on Earth at first," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "Everything was different from what I knew on Krypton. The customs and the way people interacted in the society at large. It was all so alien to me."

"I concealed my powers, fearing how the people of this world would react to me," Supergirl said. "I was afraid of standing out, of being seen as different. And so, I lived in the shadows, hiding who I truly was from those around me."

"But over time," she continued, "I began to realize that my powers were a gift, not a curse. My dear sister, Alex, has been my rock throughout it all. She's the director of the DEO, the organization that took me in and helped me hone my abilities. Together, we've faced countless challenges and overcome insurmountable odds. She's not just my sister; she's my confidante, my mentor, and my closest friend."

Mercy nodded, her mind already racing ahead to the next line of questioning. "Tell me about your powers," she prompted. "What are they, and how do they manifest?"

Supergirl's expression remained soulless as she spoke of her abilities. "I possess superhuman strength, speed, and endurance," she explained. "I can fly, I have heat vision, and I'm invulnerable to most forms of physical harm."

"Tell me about your interactions with other superheroes," she demanded. "How do you view your role within the superhero community?"

"I've worked alongside other heroes like Superman, the Flash, and Green Arrow," she began, her voice distant. "I see myself as a protector, someone who fights for justice and defends the innocent."

"And what motivates you to continue fighting?" she asked, her tone probing. "What drives you to put yourself in harm's way time and time again?"

Supergirl's gaze was vacant even though she was telling her motivations. "I fight for truth, justice, and the protection of innocent lives," she declared, her voice resolute. "I can't stand idly by while others suffer. It's my duty to use my powers for the greater good."

"Tell me," she continued, shifting gears, "about your experiences as a reporter. How do you balance your dual identities, and what insights have you gained from your work at CatCo?"

"Working at CatCo has given me a unique perspective on the world," she explained, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "It allows me to connect with people on a personal level and shine a light on injustice."

Mercy Graves leaned back, studying Supergirl with a calculating gaze. "Let's delve deeper into your personal life," she said, her voice measured. "Tell me about your closest relationships. Who are the people you trust the most, and how do they influence your decisions?"

"My sister, Alex Danvers, is my closest confidante," she replied, her voice tinged with warmth. "She's been there for me since I arrived on Earth, and I trust her implicitly. My friends at the D.E.O also play a significant role in my life. They're like family to me."

"And what about romantic relationships?" she continued, her tone casual yet probing. "Have you ever been involved with anyone romantically? How do your personal relationships intersect with your life as a superhero?"

"I've had relationships in the past but balancing my personal life with my duties as Supergirl has always been a challenge. It's difficult to maintain a romantic relationship when danger lurks around every corner."

Mercy's lips curved into a sly smile,"Do you ever feel alone, despite the support of your friends and allies?" she asked, her voice low and persuasive. "Isolation can be a powerful motivator. How do you cope with the weight of responsibility that comes with being a hero?"

"There are times when I feel isolated, when the burden of responsibility weighs heavily on my shoulders, but I try not to break down in the face of hardships."

As the interrogation drew to a close, Mercy couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for the woman sitting before her even though Supergirl is her enemy. She was also saddened that they are breaking such a wonderful individual.


After the intense interrogation, Mercy Graves decided that it was over as she lead Supergirl to the dining area. Supergirl followed silently, her movements fluid but robotic, still under the effects of the hypnotic trance.

The dining table was set with simple elegance, a stark contrast to the austere surroundings of the safe house. A flickering candle cast a warm glow over the room, softening the harsh lines and lending an air of tranquility.

On the table lay an array of dishes, each carefully prepared to satisfy even the most discerning palate. There was a savory aroma wafting through the air, promising a meal that would nourish both body and soul.

Mercy gestured for Supergirl to take a seat, and she complied without hesitation. As they sat across from each other, Mercy poured a glass of wine, the rich crimson liquid swirling in the glass like liquid velvet.

The first course arrived, a delicate salad of mixed greens adorned with ripe cherry tomatoes and slivers of tangy goat cheese. The fresh flavors danced upon the palate, a refreshing prelude to the meal that lay ahead.

Next came the main course—a succulent roast chicken, its skin golden and crisp, nestled upon a bed of roasted vegetables. The chicken was tender and juicy, bursting with flavor with each bite. Supergirl ate her food with no emotion even though the food was appetizing because of the hypnotic trance that was instilled in her mind.

Finally, dessert was served—a decadent chocolate mousse, velvety smooth and rich with cocoa. Each spoonful was a delight, a symphony of flavors that danced upon the tongue of Mercy, as she savored it.

As the meal drew to a close, Mercy Graves felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Despite the circumstances that had brought them together, she found herself grateful for the opportunity to share this moment of reprieve.

Mercy then guided Supergirl to the bedroom of the safe house, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet confines of the dwelling.

Inside the dimly lit room, Mercy gestured for Supergirl to sit on the edge of the plush bed, her movements deliberate as she observed her captive with a critical eye. Supergirl complied without protest, her posture rigid with the weight of her captivity.

"It's time to retire for the night," Mercy announced, her voice tired but resolute. "Get changed into the nightdress provided."

Supergirl's expression remained blank, her eyes distant as she rose from the bed and began to undress. Mercy averted her gaze, a pang of sympathy stirring within her as she watched Supergirl shed her clothes, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath without any emotion.

As Supergirl slipped into the provocative nightdress provided by Lex Luthor's henchmen, Mercy couldn't help but feel a surge of anger rise within her. Mercy surveyed the nightdress before her. It was a garment designed to both entice and degrade, its form-fitting silhouette leaving little to the imagination.

The nightdress itself was a creation of dark allure, crafted from a silky fabric that clung to Supergirl's curves like a second skin. The neckline plunged dangerously low, teasing at the promise of what lay beneath, while intricate lace adorned the hem, adding a touch of delicate femininity to the otherwise provocative ensemble.

Mercy knew the discomfort Supergirl felt, the indignity of being forced to wear such a garment against her will. But there was no choice in the matter, no room for resistance.

Once Supergirl was dressed, Mercy climbed into bed beside her, the mattress dipping slightly under their combined weight. She pulled the covers up to her chin, the soft fabric offering little comfort against the harsh reality of their situation.

As exhaustion washed over her, Mercy closed her eyes and allowed sleep to claim her.