

[Mature content] The King gets what he wants, always. “He's very rough." A mistress whispers to the woman standing beside her. “He’s inhuman, breeds a new kink everyday. I was so close to being chosen last week." Another mumbles. “Never make eye contact with him, he hates it.” The middle aged lady whispers in my ear, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. -x- The embodiment of Ruthless, Vain, Perverted : King Min Yun Ki. Attracted to what he deems pious and pure when his hands are dripping in the blood of his own. The reigns shift when a mere commoner rises to the ranks of The Queen Consort as his supposedly faithful better half. Can she infiltrate the man who sees her nothing more than just a slice of steak- medium rare? *The art is from Pinterest, editing is done by me.

Jinfiction · Histoire
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95 Chs

“Do you want to sleep with me?”

"S-Soojin-ah.." Yun Ki gulps, nervously, prying the woman who'd enveloped him as a pillow, away. 

"It's not what it looks li-like.." He stutters, watching Soojin's furrowed eyebrows and shaky pupils.

Areum detaches herself from the Koala hug she'd engulfed Yun Ki in, turning back to meet eyes with Soojin. 

She stands next to Yun Ki, bowing before Soojin. 

Soojin's lips are sealed in a tight line. 

Yun Ki watches her furrows clear as she looks away from them, breaking eye contact. 

She's trying to be nonchalant. 

But then, there's a voice coming out from beside him. 

One that shouldn't be intervening, in this time and age.

"Jeonha's right, Daebi-Mama..nothing's happening here.." She defends, rubbing her hands in apology. 

Yun Ki looks her way in rage. 

Soojin scoffs. 

The audacity, she thinks.