
episode 4

(The episode opens with Kamina in her bed sleeping roughly, while the camera is spinning her around)

(The screen switches to Kanisha running in the woods)

Kanisha (leans on the tree) (looking scared): What's going on?

A voice: Kanisha, you know what is the right path for you

Kanisha (while running): Stay away from me. I am not a villain

A friendly voice: But, you are, more than you know

Kanisha(looks scared): No, it can't be

(Kanisha runs further into the woods)

Kanisha (looking scared and angry): What do you want from me?

A voice: Choose the path you are meant to be meant to take

Kanisha (looking angry): Never, I am not a villain

A voice: But, you aren't a goody two shoes hero like your friends

Kanisha (looking nervous): Maybe I'm not, but that doesn't mean that I am a villain

A voice: But don't you ever want to let out your bad side and use dark magic

Kanisha: Never… maybe… I can't

A voice: Why not?

Kanisha: I don't know how to control it

A voice: Is that the only reason…maybe

(Another version of Kanisha is shown with a long black dress with bat wings)

Evil Kanisha: Or maybe you think you might love it

Original Kanisha: Never, I won't ever use dark magic

Evil Kanisha: Never is a long time, sooner or later you will give in.

Original Kanisha: No, I won't

(The screen switches to the villains watching Kanisha's dreams from a crystal ball)

Cruella: Seems our plan is working, and we figured out something new

Lady Devil (thought): This is bad, if Kanisha has nightmares her dark powers come out and if that happens

Madam mim: Something wrong, Lady Devil

Lady Devil (trying to hide her feelings): No, why?

Madam mim (whispers): I know you don't want us to mess with your friend, just leave this school and warn her

Lady Devil (whispers): No, I have to know what you are up to, plus I'm not sure if I am a perfect hero

Madam mim (whispers): You actually know you have a dark side, then let's go of your good side and let's us work

(Lady Devil looks nervous, then her and Madam mim are moved towards Cruella and Jafar)

Cruella: Is something you want to share?

Madam mim: Well, tell them Lady Devil

Lady Devil: Fine, I'll let go of my good side and follow the plan

Cruella (smiles): Really?!

Lady Devil: (sighs) Yes

Jafar: And how do we know you are sincere?

(Lady Devil touches the crystal ball)

(A girl who has long red hair with black and blue, white skin, wearing a brown dress with green stripes, and heels appears to Kanisha in the dream world)

Kanisha: Not you too

The girl: Hi, sister

(Black energy comes out of Kanisha's hands)

(The villains smiled)

Lady Devil: I'm sorry, Kanisha, but it's for your own good

(The screen shows Kanisha seeing her hands)

Evil Kanisha: Seems never is sooner you think

Kanisha (looking scared): No, no (waves her hands, but the black flames are still there)

(The black flames grow bigger, then creates a sonic boom)

Cruella (with her arm on Lady Devil's shoulder): Good job, Lady Devil

Lady Devil (nervously laughs): Yeah (looks guiltily at the Crystal ball)

(The screen switches to Violet driving to the bushes)

(Quiet Storm is skipping, while smelling flowers)

(Mulan appears with Aladdin)

(Cordelia appears with fruit)

(Rapunzel lands on the grass by Quiet Storm)

Cordelia: Hey, aren't we missing somebody?

Mulan: Yeah, where's Kanisha?

Rapunzel: Maybe she woke up late

Quiet Storm: The grass senses a great disturbance

Cordelia (looking concerned): Like what?

(Black flames appears around them)

Mulan: Like this

Violet: This is weird

Quiet Storm: I don't mean to alarm everybody, but this is Kanisha's magic

Aladdin: That doesn't make sense, this is dark magic, she doesn't use anymore.

Violet (touches the magic): Quiet Storm is right, this is indeed Kanisha's magic

Rapunzel: But, what could've caused that?

Cordelia: Who cares? We need to help Kanisha

Quiet Storm (touches the flames): Wait, the flames said it will take us to her

Mulan: You speak flames

Quiet Storm: I can communicate with anything that has a soul

Rapunzel: Alright, flames, take us to our friend, please

(The black flames gulp them up)

(The screen switches to Kanisha looking at the mirror, she sees her black hair is mixed with white and blue, wearing two bracelets: the one on the left is red and the one on the right is black, a black shirt, red jacket, black skirt with a belt, and black boots)

Kanisha: This is terrible, I can't go to school like this

(Kanisha taps a magic mirror)

The magic mirror: Hello, Kanisha, who would you like to call? (Eyes and a mouth appears) And yikes

Kanisha: Fairy Godmother please, and I know

(Fairy godmother appears on the magic mirror)

Fairy godmother: Hello, oh my

Kanisha: Fairy godmother, my dark magic is acting up, I'm going to have to call a sick day, I'm sorry.

Fairy godmother: It's okay, I'll send you something, also have you seen your friends?

Kanisha: No, wait

(Kanisha's friends appears)

Kanisha: Never mind

Quiet Storm: Hello

Violet: Headmistress we will make it to school, we just wanted to check on Kanisha

Fairy godmother: I understand, Violet you better keep to that promise.

Violet: You know I will

(The magic mirror goes off)

Quiet Storm: Kanisha, I sense your aura is different.

Kanisha: Don't get too close, my dark magic has been acting up and I can't fully control it.

Cordelia: We aren't afraid, so don't push us away

Kanisha: I don't want to hurt any of y'all please stay away

(A large amount of black energy and pushes her friends Away)

Kanisha (sees everybody on the floor): I'm sorry! I'm sorry

Quiet Storm (while getting up): Kanisha, in order to control your powers you have to accept your dark side along with your light side, one can't exist without the other

Kanisha (looking scared): I can't

Rapunzel: Kanisha, you aren't your mother or your sister

(The black energy starts to disappear)

(The screen switches to the villains)

Cruella De Vil: They are going to ruin our plans

Lady Devil: It won't work

(The villains turn around to see Lady Devil and looked shocked)

(Lady Devil touches the crystal ball and red energy enters it)

Jafar: So, the good girl finally makes a move

Lady Devil (red eyes): I said I would let go of my good side.

Madam Mim: You are earning my respect

(Lady Devil smiles)

(The screen shows a red aura surrounding Quiet Storm screaming in pain)

Kanisha (looking horrified): Quiet Storm!

Quiet Storm (while in pain): Don't panic otherwise your powers will go out of control

Kanisha: (breathes slowly) what do I do, to make it stop?

(The red aura grows strongly)

(Quiet Storm fainted)

Kanisha (looking worried): Quiet Storm!

(Everybody runs to Quiet Storm)

(Kanisha tries to wake Quiet Storm, but she doesn't wake up)

(Back to the crystal ball)

Cruella De Vil (hugs Lady Devil): Girl, I love you

Lady Devil (thought) (looking sad): I'm sorry, Quiet Storm, but you need to stay out of the way.

Cruella De Vil: Don't looks so sad

Lady Devil: You are right, after all this will mentally damage Kanisha more and will lead her more of the right side

Madam Mim: She really is changing.

(The screen switches to The fairies taking Quiet Storm away)

Cordelia: This isn't your fault

Kanisha: I know

(Cordelia hugs Kanisha)

Cordelia: I mean it, don't feel bad like this is something you need to do alone

Rapunzel: Yeah, we are here.

Violet: We will make it our job to make you happy

Aladdin: So, don't do anything reckless

Mulan: Ironic that you would give that advice.

Aladdin: Hey!

Kanisha: Thanks for making me feeling better, but you all should go to school

Violet: Right, my promise

Kanisha: Bye everybody

(A portal opens)

Everybody: See ya!

(Everybody goes through the portal and the portal closes)

(The episode ends with Kanisha looking worried)