
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Kanisha by a classroom)

Kanisha: Excuse me, I need to borrow Ariel

(Ariel is shown writing, then looks at Kanisha)

(The blue fairy is shown as the teacher, she has blonde hair, wearing a glittery blue dress)

The blue fairy: Do you have a pass for her?

(Kanisha gives The blue fairy with paper)

The blue fairy (looks at the paper): Ariel, you are excused.

(Ariel gets up and walks to Kanisha)

Kanisha: I won't have her for too long.

(The switches to Ariel and Kanisha walking together with Becky)

Ariel: Where are we going?

Kanisha: The lake?

Ariel: Oh, so that's why you need me, you're going to visit her.

Becky (confused): Her?

Kanisha: The lady of the lake, whenever I feel stressed out I would go to her.

Becky: And you visit her how often?

Kanisha: Yes, ready Ariel?

Ariel: Hang on (looks in a mini mirror and brushes her hair) okay, now I'm ready.

(Ariel summons a water door appears)

Kanisha: I never get tired of seeing that.

Ariel: I agree (takes Kanisha's hands) now let's go.

(Ariel and Kanisha go through the door)

(The door disappears)

(The screen switches to ten doors and the last one on the one is revealed)

(Madam mim,Jafar, Cruella, Queen of Hearts, and Lady Devil are in a room full of books and tea)

Cruella: Alright, let's open (the file opens) this book

(The villains gasp)

Lady Devil: It can't be

Madam Mim: Seems you figured out why Lady Tremaine needed you

Lady Devil (closes the file): Well, then the deal is off (walks off)

Cruella (steps in front of the door): You can't possibly tell me that you are giving up after one mission, what about our mission to go to school together?

Lady Devil: Sorry, but I would never betray my friend and even though I know Kanisha isn't a pitch perfect soon to be fairy godmother, but she definitely isn't a villain

Madam mim (looking at the file): Well, (evil smiles) how about we put this to the test?

Jafar: Good idea, this could help push her in the right direction

Cruella: Great, so Lady Devil are you in or not?

(Lady Devil thinking)

(Lady Devil's Angel side and Devil side appears)

Lady Devil's Angel side: You have to watch over them and protect your friend

Lady Devil's Devil side: Forget that, you know she was created to be a villain, so help her become the villain she is supposed to be.

Lady Devil's Angel side: No, she has to help her, if Kanisha goes to being bad, that would break Fairy godmother's heart and you know Kanisha doesn't know who she wants to be

Lady Devil (looks at Cruella): Fine, but it is only to keep an eye on all of you

(The villains giggles)

Madam mim (looking at the file): Now, I have a perfect plot

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Ariel coming through a door and end up in a lake)

(The door closes)

(A woman is revealed in the lake and is in a water form)

(This woman has long dark hair and a long dress and is the lady of the lake)

The lady of lake: Kanisha, Ariel, it is great to see you again

Kanisha: Same to you

Ariel: Always nice to see you as well

The lady of the lake: So, what happened now?

Kanisha: Is it too much to wish time would freeze?

The lady of the lake: That fairy godmother really wants you to be next in line for the throne, since she has no children of her own.

Kanisha: I can't… I mean I am eternally grateful that she adopted me, but me as a fairy godmother, it's too crazy

The lady of the lake: You don't have to take the throne, you have the right to choose your own destiny

Kanisha: You think so

The lady of the lake: Absolutely you are much too young to be put this kind of responsibility on, and besides (lifts Kanisha up) you just proved a little while ago that you aren't a new villain

Kanisha: I knew you would understand, I wish I could stay with you, but unless I'm a water being I probably won't survive very much

The lady of the lake: Sorry Kanisha, but I think I can convince Fairy godmother to not push you into the position

Kanisha (smiles): Really?!

The lady of the lake: Of course because you should find love, travel, and have lots of fun before you have to choose a destiny

Ariel: I agree with that except I already know my destiny

Kanisha: I'm glad, since your older than me

Ariel (blushes): Sorry, I guess that's nothing to brag about

Kanisha: Please, you can brag all you want. After all you aren't the only one that knows your destiny, that is my friend.

Ariel: No, I won't make you miserable, after all you are my best friend.

(Ariel hugs Kanisha)

Kanisha: I'm glad that you are my friend

Ariel: So, what now?

Kanisha: Hold it! You sense that Lady of the Lake

The lady of the lake (looks at the fog): Who's out there?

(The screen shows Lady Devil with Cruella, Madam mim, and Jafar)

Cruella: Lady Devil, go before catches us

(The lady of the lake sends a wave in the form of a hand)

(Lady Devil gets in the way of the wave and gets taken away)

(Kanisha and Ariel looked shocked)

Ariel: Lady Devil, what are you doing here?

Kanisha: Yeah, I thought you were sick, since you weren't at school.

Lady Devil: Well, I was so nervous that I couldn't come.

Kanisha: It's okay, as long as you explain it to the Fairy Godmother.

Lady Devil: Right, so how has hero school been for you?

Kanisha: Pressuring

Lady Devil: They still want you to be the next fairy godmother, even though you don't feel that is your destiny.

Kanisha: You know me too well

Lady Devil: So, is this going to get you to stop from going to school?

Kanisha: I would never miss school just because of this

Ariel: Are you sure? I mean you could take time off, so you can be relaxed.

The Lady of the lake: That's a wise choice, I could ask Fairy Godmother for you

Kanisha: No, I would like to stay in school, so I can be with my friends and I can create hobbies to distract myself.

The Lady of the lake: That is great, what kind of hobbies?

Kanisha (smiles): Baking!

The Lady of the lake: Oh, you like to bake, anything else you like

Kanisha: Swimming, skydiving, and reading.

The Lady of the lake: Let's see how good you are at swimming.

Kanisha: Fine

(Kanisha spins and she is shown with a red swimsuit with white stripes)

(Lady Devil looks at Kanisha with dreamy eyes)

(Cruella looks angry)

Ariel: You look cute, Kanisha

Kanisha (blushes): Really?

Lady Devil: Where did you get that outfit from?

Kanisha: Well, I can also sew.

(Lady Devil, Ariel, and the Lady of the Lake looked surprised)

Ariel: Did you test it?

Kanisha: Absolutely and it's perfect

(Kanisha dives into the lake)

(Cruella threw a bottle in the water)

(Lady Devil and Ariel changes and dives into the lake; they sees a mysterious mist surrounds Kanisha)

(Kanisha's eyes glow)

(Lady Devil and Ariel look worried and swim towards Kanisha, but the mist disappears)

(Lady Devil and Ariel look at each other; Lady Devil gives a nervous smile and Ariel looks suspicious)

(The screen shows Cruella faces the villains)

Cruella (whispers): Now the plan is in full swing

(The villains laugh quietly)

(The episode ends with the villains' eyes shown)