
Chapter 6

Underneath the ocean blue sky, the three of them walked towards Bonze. Dipp stopped where he stood as he looked towards their new travelling companion.

"Oh, Oliver. We haven't introduced our selves!" Dipp said in a loud voice. "This is Oliver, and I'm Dipp. What about you. What's your name?" Dipp asked wide-eyed and curious.

The snowy white Feline looked down at Dipp surprised. Dipps large eye's overtaking the majority of his fluffy face as listening carefully.

"Oh, My names Pallas. Are two looking for an adventure in Bonze?" He said in an energetic voice as they continued to walk down the road, a heavy wind brushing against his fur as they spoke.

"Adventure?. We don't know much about the world, so we're just heading to Bonze while we figure out things some more." Dipp said in a slow voice as he thought about why exactly he wanted the world.

"I'm not quite sure what that means, but it sounds like you have a goal at least, so I'm sure it'll work out!" Pallas said in a loud and excited voice. Hearing the confidence in his voice as he spoke, overtook any doubts in Dipp's mind, leaving hope in its place. The three of them meandered quietly under the blue sky. The sound of wind rushing through tree leaves surrounding them. As they walked the day quickly crept away from them, leaving the orange of sunset in its place.

"Should we set up a camp for the night, before the light disappears completely?" Pallas asked the pair. Suddenly noticing how little equipment the two had with them. The heavy wind now replaced with a still cold breeze Pallas couldn't help but scrunch his nose under the oddly familiar scent.

"That sounds like a perfect idea, Mr Pallas, Master Dipp and I will collect firewood if you would like?" Oliver said as he walked towards the treeline with Dipp hot behind. Dipp scrambled to collect twigs and sticks for their fire. Dipp completely oblivious to Oliver using collecting firewood as an excuse to talk.

"Master Dipp. We should be cautious, We can't afford for our secret to let out we should separate ourselves from Mr Pallas." He suggested in a grim tone. Dipp listening stiffened his body as he contemplated Oliver's words.

"So far, he seems nice. If we give it some time he might be okay with it and accept us like the others did" Dipp said optimistically. The idea of distancing himself from everyone he met left unease in his stomach. Although he couldn't be sure, he had to hope that someone like Pallas would overlook something like this.

"If you trust him, then I will to," Oliver said in a low voice nodding towards Dipp as he spoke. Sticks and branches in hand the pair returned to Pallas, ready to build a fire. Without a word, the three made and sat around the fire. The sound of the ember crackling filled the air around them. Pallas sat scrunching his nose, even with the billowing smoke of the fire in his face an eery smell filled his being. Quietly he sat racking his brain for the familiar scent, the metallic smell was on the edge of his mind. Until it hit him, with a narrowed gaze, he looked at Dipp and Oliver.

"This whole time I've been thinking there was something off about you two. But it finally hit me, the smell that hangs around you. Blood and death, why is it clinging to you so much?" Pallas asked in a dramatic tone. Dipps hair stood on their ends as he heard Pallas' words. Instantly he found his mind flooded with excuses and lies that might get him out of the situation.

"Oh, yes. Our last mission, it turned out very messy and blood. Neither Master Dipp or I had the chance to wash away the smell yet. I hope it isn't too potent" Oliver said in a polite voice, a smile on his face as he spoke. Dipp sat down in unease, repeatedly tapping his finger on his leg as he watched Oliver lie to there companion.

"Hmm..." Pallas hummed away in thought, smelling the air around him as he sat. There story made sense, they hadn't done anything suspicious, but for some reason, something was oof about them. They were hiding something big, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't ignore it.

"I'm sorry, what Oliver said isn't entirely true..., things went badly in the last place, some people attacked the town it got bloody. But that's probably not the reason for the smell..., Oliver and me are undead... not bad undead, but we're undead..." Oliver said in a slow and shaky voice, he desperately hoped he would accept then. While Oliver waited in anticipation for Pallas answer, the precautious Oliver stiffened his body as he readied to defend his master in the worst-case scenario. Silence filled the campsite, the crackling of the fire lingered around them, accompanied by a slow and cold night breeze.

"Ugh... Holy shit, I wasn't expecting that at all. But you aren't serial killers or murders or anything your just undead.. damn undead huh, you don't look like it at all" He said in a fast and erratic voice as he processed the two in front of him being undead.

"Thank you, Mr Pallas. I didn't want to deceive you, but I was uncertain how you would react. Hopefully, now we can continue on hour journey in peace" Oliver said with a smile on his face, amazed how well the heated situation was handled. Shame filled him as he regretted doubting Dipp's plan.

"It's okay, I understand completely. It's hard to trust a stranger you just met. I'm just glad you guys trusted me enough to even tell me" Pallas reassures them that there's no hard feeling. But with that all sorted we should crash for the night, that way we can get up early." Rolling out a thick fur out on the floor as he speaks. Dipp and Oliver both roll out blankets ready to lay down. The three in silence stair into the stary night sky prepared to slip away to sleep.

Dipp's mind begins to race as he remembers the last times he slept. Wide eyes, he stared into the sky a cold sweat pouring over him as he feared the same reoccurring dream. The feat alone leaving him wide-eyed throughout the night as the other two slept until dawn the next day.

Pallas's eyes fluttered under the light of the morning sun, unable to ignore the bright light and chirp of birds he sat up. His mind still sluggish and exhausted, he stretched loudly letting out an exaggerated morning yawn.

"Uhhh, shit, I slept well. alrighty then, should we pack up straight away and head to Bonze as fast as possible?" He asked in a slow and tired voice. Dipp gives a small nod as he suggests the idea, standing on his feet rolling up his mat.

"It seems Master Dipp likes the idea, so let's hurry and make our way to Bonze," Oliver says in a polite tone while he collects there gear and rolling up his mat. The three quickly head down the path towards there destination, Dipp was trailing behind as he walked deep in thought. Was the nightmares the curse for being undead? Did Oliver have them?. The worry of the dream left him wide awake through the night. The only other undead he knew Oliver slept through the night with ease unburdened by any nightmares.

"Master Dipp is everything alright?. you seem to be falling behind." He asked in a worried tone as he looked behind to his slowly moving master.

"Oh yeah, sorry!. I was just thinking about some things" He said in a hasty voice as he scurried over to the pair matching their pace.