
Requiem- Pet Shop

"Learn to treasure your life because unfortunately, it can be taken away from you anytime." – L Lawliet


DIO was on his way to a certain palace in Cairo, where every Pillar Man was residing. Using The Passion to find clues through a photograph was the easy part, the harder part would be reaching Kars without meeting anyone that could be dangerous.

Avdol was assigned to stay back and search for more Users around the city. He possessed an ability that could track Stand Users through his flames. Avdol was left behind with Ralph Hernadez just in case they found a User which can be converted later.

This meant that only the ladies would be going with DIO to the mansion in which Kars was hiding.

From the memories of the future, DIO knew this would be slightly more difficult than other Stand Users because of Kar's race being Pillar Man. It was a good thing DIO possessed the only Red Stone of Aja, or else things would be close to being inconvenient for DIO.

But since Kars was just a potential threat to his servants and descendants in the future, then DIO would do Kars a favor and take the Requiem Arrow off his hands for free. DIO was very generous, flying to Egypt just to help Kars out, some people might even call DIO a saint!



Name: Dio 'DIO' Joestar

Race: Ultimate Being (Pillar Men), JoJo (100%)


Timeline : Part 3--Stardust Crusaders

Racial Abilities : Open Status, Pillar Men Inventory, JoJo Poses, DIO's Will, Every Race, Every Ethnicity, Instant Regeneration, Anti-Aging, Immortality, Mastered Body Manipulation, Top Intelligence, Joestar Intelligence, Super Charisma, Mastered Senses, Absorption, Shapeshifting, Elemental Battle Mode (Ice), Vaporization Freezing (EBM), Ultimate Being

DIO's Will- Charismatic, Peerless ambitions, Cunning, Insatiable hunger for power, and Enhanced Stand Talent

Jonathan's Will- Charismatic, Proud, and Enhanced Ripple Talent

Pillar Men Inventory : Modified Stone Mask, Red Stone of Aja, Boules (30x), Stone Mask, Knives (55x), Wallet, Road Roller Mini Model, Polaroid Cameras (20x)

Fighting Techniques : Spin (51%), Boxing (Max), Optic Stamps (Max), Ripple (82%)

[The World] Abilities : Muda Barrage, Time Stop

[The Passion] Abilities : Divination, Precognition, Ripple Transmission

Weaknesses : Racial weaknesses are non-existent to Ultimate Beings.

Poses: Use a Pose to show dominance after a fight and have extra luck on your side. Each Pose effect cooldown is 12HR.

[The Original Joestar Pose] (Ripple), [Koichi's Lackadaisical Pose] (Presence), [Killer Queen Cross Armed Pose] (Fear), [Shadow Dio] (Charisma)



Mohammed Bey al-Alfi Palace was the old residence of the Pillar Men. After arriving at a mansion which is the hidden lair of the main villain for today, it is portrayed as the final stop for DIO on his final stop in Egypt.

The Fatimid architectural mansion was developed in the Fatimid Caliphate (909–1167 CE) of North Africa combined elements of eastern and western architecture. It was a place that would make a good vacation home for DIO after he finished up this little trip.

Since DIO took so much effort to come here with his servants, he decided to let them do the fighting for some time.

Lisa Lisa was a powerful Ripple master, she acted as a mentor to both Joseph and Caesar Zeppeli and now had nothing left to prove such a past. Forget her students, even the Ripple was unusable now that she became a vampire.

Still, what made her important to DIO was the Stand she had, and DIO would be testing that against those Pillar Men who annoyed him.


Kar's Mansion appears as an extravagant three-story mansion made of terracotta, noted to be quite old, situated in one of the older districts of Cairo. The main building is surrounded by a wall and an extensive garden that includes numerous palm trees and other exotic plants.

There are four towers on each corner of the rectangular main building. The mansion is ferociously guarded by the falcon Stand User, Pet Shop. This information was received through Jotaro Kujo, and now DIO knew everything guarding this place.

After using The Passion, he learned that there were three Pillar Men with dozens of vampires, and at least six Stand Users, including Kars. All their Stands were known except for the Pillar Men, but that did not phase DIO, after all, most of the guardians of the mansion had weak Stands.

As DIO opened the door to the gate, he found the first enemy, a bird!

This falcon's name was Pet Shop, and his Stand name Horus gives it the capacity to generate and manipulate ice, which he primarily uses to create ice spikes and propel them as makeshift missiles.

Right as DIO opened the gate all the way, Pet Shop felt a sharp pain in his wings and saw sharp pain in his mouth. He started throwing up and saw many little sewing needles gushing out of Pet Shop's mouth alongside a large portion of blood.

Although it is painful, it is nothing compared to the pain Pet Shop received during training. Pet Shop decided to end things quickly by flying into the air first.

Pet Shop then started to nose-dive towards DIO from up in the air. He was going at incredible speeds which seem impossible to track. A normal person can be killed if they were to make contact with him, but this was not a normal person Pet Shop was targetting.

Unfortunately for Pet Shop, he crashed right into the pavement without even realizing it.

All he saw was yellow-colored blood coming out of his wings. His entire vision was yellow instead of red, making him curious how he lost without even realizing it.

Pet Shop does not know that Reimi Sugimoto went invisible to get close enough to Pet Shop for her Stand to work. Her Stand Metallica turned the iron inside her target's blood into sharp objects such as sewing needles to damage them internally.

Furthermore, the iron from the target's body was dramatically diminished because of the quantity of hemoglobin inside them, reducing the blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout the body.

In other words, Reimi took the iron from Pet Shop to make them into damaging internal weapons, then that iron deficiency resulted in an almost poison-like status being inflicted on Pet Shop, weakening him.

The blood of Pet Shop steadily changes color from red to yellow as more hemoglobin is removed. Unable to function, the suffocating body will eventually die if the victim doesn't replenish their iron in time, enabling Reimi to simply wait out her opponent's death or allow them to slowly weaken.

This was a complete win for Reimi Sugimoto against another enemy Stand User. Unfortunately for her, it did not seem to be impressive even a little bit for DIO, causing her to be a little sad. She vowed that next time, she would finish them faster to please her lord.

DIO in the meantime decided to enter the mansion's main hallway, looking around the walls while uttering.

"Next should be that old hag..."

I was rushing the research in this chapter.

Also, I'm taking a few days off due to being very busy and needing to reread Part 7. I will come back after I am not that busy, meaning at most one week. This is to bring better quality writing and make things easier on me. Thanks for reading.

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