
Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Terrorized by the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak, the dimension where Stein was created had its civilization destroyed. Once a world developed with technology as its core, now it was just a wilderness with remnants of tech that's inedible. Unknown if it was a call of good or bad luck, Zhang Qin Feng was chosen as the one to bring life back to this lawless, desolated place. What can he do? How can it be done? For what purposes? Is it worth risking his life for? There's no one to answer Zhang Qin Feng, as he was the only one with such a privilege. But he knew... That everything came with a price. "STEIN, Inventory!" Zhang Qin Feng grabbed the Phalanx X-02 that took four inventory spaces from his Dimensional Storage. Holding the pistol with both of his hands, he fired a shot accurately at one of the incoming zombie's head.

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421 Chs

Various Arsenal

[The system has completed its task. Do the user still have any instruction?]

'There's nothing for now. I'll give you the instruction to return to the modern world after the others give me what I needed.' Zhang Qin Feng replied. It seems that he did not spend his time leisurely as he went into the post-apocalypse as soon after he returned to the workshop.

"Boss! Although I'm not so sure about why you need something like this, here you go. I've got the Reprinter Unit to assemble the material blocks together. This is the shooting practice wall you requested." Marvin pointed at the two one-layer thick resin-material walls.

"How durable it is?" Zhang Qin Feng asked.

"A Phalanx would have difficulties punching through the wall, but I'm sure it will be a piece of cake to the Centurion. Well, the Centurion is Charged-Rifle after all." Marvin quickly answered all of Zhang Qin Feng's questions.