
Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Neptune in One Piece, Tail Beast in Naruto, Fate's Fantasy Species, Gourmet Captive Cuisine. This is a dimension restaurant opened in Marvel, Connected to dimension world, welcome you to taste the deliciousness of world Original https://www.mtlnovel.com/dimensional-restaurant-in-marvel/

Renz_Udquin · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Hunger is not good on the road

After half an hour, Mu Qiu stepped out of the kitchen, holding a tray in his hand. The tray contained a burger, a glass of iced whiskey, and a glass of ice water. The thick aroma emanated from the burger and filled the restaurant.

Wu Muqiu slowly came to them in the eyes of Tony Stark and Ethan, and took out the contents of the tray one by one in front of them.

A more intense aroma broke out, and the strong aroma of beef and the milky aroma of cheese were intertwined into a large aroma hand. The five fingers gently stirred before Stark's nose, arousing his appetite.

"Please enjoy."

Wu Muqiu made a gesture with one hand behind his back, one chef Fan said.

"Delicious! Delicious!"

Tony didn't go to see Mu Qiu's pose at all, and Stark, whose saliva had flowed down, couldn't wait to pick up the burger and send it to his mouth, taking a bite.

For a moment, Tony's eyes were dull and dull, the burger in his mouth spread, the extreme taste hit his taste buds, making him unable to concentrate, and his expression was stunned. The soft, sweet bread and fragrant beef were mixed with the crisp and tender beef scent, which constantly bombarded Tony's mouth, and the sensation of lingering in his head was lingering.

"Delicious! Really delicious! Why is there such a delicious burger in the world? What have I eaten before?"

Stark is immersed in food. The delicious food makes him feel comfortable. At the same time, the special effects of the ingredients are also playing a role, nourishing Tony's damaged body, repairing the damage to the body, and the dual pleasure of the spirit and the body. The corner of his mouth could not help but a hint of wretched smile.

咚 "Gum ~ I want a cheeseburger too."

Esen, who was across the street, saw Tony's ecstasy's expression inevitably caused a roundworm, swallowed, and couldn't help but order a cheeseburger.

"OK! Wait a moment."

Wu Muqiu raised a brow slightly, the corner of his mouth drew, and Yi Sen's order was within his expectation, how could a hungry person refuse food. When I go shopping, I ca n't help but buy something to try, not to mention hungry.

After receiving the order, Mu Qiu went into the kitchen and brought the prepared burger out and placed it in front of Ethan, pulled a bench to sit aside, and watched the two gobbled with interest.

After a short while, Tony Stark was standing in a chair, gesticulating his fingers with a swollen belly, and sat comfortably with a full stomach and a pleasant face.

"嗝-delicious, indescribably delicious! I have never eaten anything so delicious, it is incredible ..."

Tony shook his finger, admiring the words, and Ethan bit his burger and nodded in approval.

Tony said with pleasure, Mu Qiu did not interrupt, but silently doubled the price of the burger. Since you said that this is a rare delicious food on earth, its price must be worthy of its status.

If Tony knew that his words of excitement made him cope twice as much alive as before, I don't know if he would be stunned, but the biggest possibility is to break his teeth and swallow his stomach, and he will also be crooked at the same time. The proud face of the face said you.

Thinking of this, Mu Qiu couldn't help but smile, then converged, and turned his eyes to the wooden door, flicked his fingers, and sent something into the door.

Thinking of this, Mu Qiu couldn't help but smile, then converged, and turned his eyes to the wooden door, flicked his fingers, and sent something into the door.

Uh ...

At the same time, in the desert thousands of miles away, Tony was trapped in the cave for more than half a month. A large group of armed men gathered around the wooden door, facing the wooden door with a gun, their expressions were tense, as if they were not facing the wooden door but Horrible monster.

"Spread apart!" There was a roar of roar from outside the crowd, and the militants in a group followed with a commotion, shoved and hurriedly spread out to both sides.

The crowd quickly separated a road leading to the entrance. A fat man swayed in front of him and turned his head from time to time to say something to the shaved head behind him. The bald head kept his face expressionless and did not produce an extra expression because of the fat man's words. His eyes were locked on the wooden door, and the others All things are deficient.

"Bring the video." The bald head first circled around the wooden door, inspected the cave to make sure there were no Tibetans, and shouted at the three people standing at the corner of the cave with blue and swollen faces.

It seems that because of the escape of the two Tony Stark, the three of them have not been beaten, and have been completely harmless. But the three didn't dare to have a bit of dissatisfaction. When they heard the word, they immediately moved and immediately called out the surveillance video. After all, the boss was not a good man and girl. As long as he dared to show a little bit of grudge, it was the bullet that would greet you next second.

The video started to play, and there was no noise in the cave. Everyone stared at the TV screen intently. From the wooden door to the disappearance of Tony Stark, they watched it.


He stared at the screen in which the two men disappeared into the wooden door. His eyes were obscure, and he reached for the fat man behind him for a moment of silence, and said, "Go get ten bazookas and two machine guns."

And all of this was seen by a mosquito in the cave, and Mu Qiu in the restaurant rubbed his eyebrows. Are people now so irritable?

Everywhere is a rocket launcher ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A machine gun or something, isn't it big enough that you still need a missile?

The things in the restaurant come with an indestructible effect. Mu Qiu is not afraid to attack the wooden door on the opposite side, even if they attack the exhausted wooden door, they will not be damaged.

What Mu Muqiu cares about is that they opened the door and fired inwards. Mu Qiu and the restaurant, who inherited the strength and ability of the game characters, would be fine, but Stark and Ethan were calm.


Wu Muqiu pressed his temples and whispered, "Take them out before they do anything. Well, you can charge a service fee."

After thinking about it, Mu Qiu took off the apron, threw a mobile phone to Stark, and said with an aggressive expression on his face, "Now you go to imprison your cave with me to handle something, and you Call your good friend Rod and ask him to pick you up. "

After speaking, before waiting for the two to respond, he walked towards the wooden door one by one. After clarifying Mu Qi's words for a few seconds, Tony returned to God and started yelling.

"What ?! What do you say ?! Do you know if you go out now and say that there are dozens of guns at you! One second will make you a sieve!"

"Yes, there are not only dozens of guns but also ten bazookas, and they will be launched all at the same time."

Mu Qiu said indifferently about the layout outside the door, and it was his calm expression that calmed down Tony while he was going crazy. A guy who is a chef in a magic restaurant cannot be a lunatic, he dares to There must be considerable confidence.

When Tony thought about this, the three had passed through the portal to the cave. Under the watch of dozens of people, Mu Qiu put down Tony and Ethan who were holding their hands and greeted them.

哟 "Oh, have dinner? It's not good to be hungry!"