
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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121 Chs

Chapter 59: Resolve

~Third POV~

Later till it was morning Saeko woke up first as she enters the main hall room of their place of residence as she opens her eyes to wake up Tatsumi, "Ah~ Good morning –"

However, her words are cut short as she Ruby new appearance as she stared shocked but also for the fact that they were both sleeping on the couch with her on top of him in a hugging position as she talks to herself, "Ok… this is certainly new… and Ruby appearance appears drastically different and built differently now."

After that the two began to wake up as Tatsumi opens his eyes first as he yawns but then sees Ruby in front of her as he glances around before Saeko spots them as he talked while Ruby was starting to wake up, "Say Saeko can you do me a massive favor and helping out what are Ruby clothes size so I can use [Overhaul] to create her a new set for… her new look."

Saeko nodded smiling at this at that point Ruby opens her eyes as she glances around then suddenly blushed very hard about what happened yesterday as she tries to defend herself, "Ah! Sorry, Tatsumi about yesterday! About my new appearance and all my emotions being jumbled together and talking about my fears and – "

Quickly stopping her with his finger pinching her lips he groaned at her as he yawns still tired trying to calm her down through the night, "Yaah~ Yeah, I get it already Ruby you had a mental breakdown as well be emotional reck on me. You were a mess crying than having sudden mood swings from crying to fearful to happy to lustful even as you tried to make out with me."

Hearing that some of the memories are recalled back at the moment as Ruby's body shivered but then remembers darkness as Tatsumi explained at that point, "Fortunately for you being the good friend that I am I knocked you out before you get handsy on me. You almost tried my face and stopped you before going for my shaft."

It was at that moment Ruby.exe has shut down at those words as she remembered the whole situation then came down to the realization of what happened and blacked herself out from the sheer embarrassment.

Ruby was once more on top of him as her mind is trying to process what happened as Tatsumi managed to get off from her as he began to go to the kitchen making some coffee as Saeko talks about the whole scene with an expression of confusion, "Huh? You know Tatsumi most people in your position would mostly like being able to get laid taking advantage of Ruby or try something. Or even at least react to her with some blushing or embarrassment but you seem to just ignore it?"

Tatsumi looks at Saeko with his eyes indifferent to her question as he responds as Ruby was still listening in as he talks to her with a shrug on his shoulder, "Honestly though I'm way too tired to deal with that topic at the moment. Also taking advantage of Ruby in her current state would count as rape something I loath a lot. No way I'm doing that to her as I consider my friend."

Saeko smiles at this as she nods her head as Ruby in her mind sighs in relief that nothing too perverted had happened during her encounter as she tries to manage her emotions and think straight again…

Saeko and Hinata were both at the door leaving Tatsumi and Ruby company as they began to talk to them as Hinata spoke first, "Ruby-san and Tatsumi-san I and Saeko will return with clothing rolls from the store. After that will take Ruby measurements and you'll use your [Overhaul] to create a new set for her ok?"


Tatsumi nodded as they went away as Ruby was now awake as she begins to apologize to him with a red hue on her face, "Sorry Tatsumi for being so… messed up in that night… I was going through so many emotions and my mental thinking was going over the place. I was just –"



That was when Tatsumi flicked her forehead as he was still tired but had enough energy thanks to the elixir of black coffee as he flicked Ruby's forehead as they began to talk again.

Tatsumi was the first to talk to Ruby in a soft but still tired tone to her, "There you seriously have to stop talking like that. You apologize too much."

Ruby rubs her head as she pouts at that as Tatsumi began to explain to her being blunt as he can be now that Ruby is calmed down, "Since you are now calmed down how do you feel? You feel good without being such a mess now?"

Thinking it over Ruby began to think more calmly and surprisingly more logically as she felt her body the first time as she felt she physically gotten stronger and more thoughtful of her mentality after her emotional reck as she explained it to him.

That was when Tatsumi clicked his teeth as he figured out why she was such a reck when they met at the night, "Tch. Now that explains it. The [Body Purifier] not only cleanses your body of curses and diseases it also meant ALL kinds as well. Body and the mind kinds as it cleanses your mind of all of those emotions. Now that process was over how do you feel now?"

Ruby's eyes flashed with surprise as she talks to Tatsumi about how she felt in a surprised tone to him, "When you say it like that, I feel that my body can take on the world, and not only that I feel much better than I was. It's like both my body and soul is clean so to speak and freer of what I want if that makes any sense. It's like I feel reborn I guess."

Tatsumi nods at this as he began to sit close while having his arms at the back of his head as he smiles lightly as he began to keep his promise, "Good. At least you feel good about yourself but before I keep my promise to you about talking about what I know of your world tell me do you want to return to your normal body again?"

As Tatsumi first asked that question Ruby was thinking for a bit thinking taking the easy way to get her body to normal again. She thought some time as the two were left with silence as she thought about it…

When she was done, she began to explain to Tatsumi in a helpful bright smile to him as she thanked him for his help but responded to him with some determination in her voice, "Hmm… Maybe no Tatsumi I brought this on myself I can explain to my family about the condition and chalk it up to puberty or blame Yang."

At that Tatsumi laughed at blaming her sister but that was when Ruby resolves her mind of the current situation as she makes the best of it, "Even with your [Overhaul] quirk I don't want to take the easy way out. But how come you guys don't want to talk about each other's worlds anyway with Saeko?"

At that, a chuckle escaped his breath as he responds to Ruby in a heartful tone, "Hahaha…. True but what happens when we spoil our future? Isn't our life just how we want it to be full of life and expense of the unknown what would be the point if we follow like we are scripted."

Flash of surprise was written on her face as Ruby didn't consider that but Tatsumi begins to explain to Ruby about her world as he talked to her, "True but considering what's going to happen in your world future soon. I think I can give you some key points to prevent and who's the bad guy in your world but if something really dangerous happens I will talk more in detail is that fine or would you like the whole truth?"

Ruby stands in silence thinking about her choice…

At this point, Tatsumi wanted to test out how much Ruby matured and wonders which answer she wants to give as Ruby has her eyes waver but then asked him in a serious tone, "I want to know everything about my world. At least the relevant details if something bad or worse happens then I want to prepare for the worst to come and maybe meet some people to help prepare me."

Tatsumi smiles at this Ruby wanting to challenge and change her very story of plot something he can understand as he went off the road of his world rules. Sometimes future knowledge comes with its double edge of benefits and curses.

However, he indulged to Ruby what he knew so she can prepare how she sees fit…


Ruby and Tatsumi were left by themselves as they saw the U.A. Festival event as they heard them as well saw the two returned as Ruby spoke happily to them, "Hinata! Saeko! Great to have you back and thanks for doing this for me."

Now Hinata and Saeko were already done getting the materials to Ruby's new bust and body size as they returned from their shopping trip from the clothing stores as they came back. They made a list of her measurements as Tatsumi was left out because of personal reasons of not wanting to see Ruby doing a physical.

When they were done, they gave Tatsumi the rolls of cloth of different kinds and textures as he began to use [Overhaul] quirk rearranging them into clothing for Ruby to use as she looks amazed by the structure of them.

All the new clothes all had her mother emblem on them as she tried them on as she came out with a new look as she views the mirror in a happy tone, "Oh my gosh! These clothes fit very well and are very comfortable… thank you guys so much for helping me out I mean it."

The members smiled at this seeing Ruby getting used to her new look as they all enjoyed their time that day to rewind.


A/N: Yup you perv wanted the body and now you got it (Although I'm not complaining) also just for the readers to know she is about now the same size as Blake in height if any of you were curious. Now I have one more chapter for the MHA world before they return home.

A/N Extra: Also, about them getting quirks for the members not happening for the reason of their wills conflicting against their bodies like in chapter 48 as Kai will try to reject Tatsumi being a new host but got conquered. Also, one more thing the next member will be a guy, but I was wondering which series would you recommend to recruit in the future?