
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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121 Chs

Chapter 55: True Hero vs. Tatsumi

~Third POV~


Multiple shots of energy arrows were shot in Mirko's direction as she moved away, jumped, and dodged them all. She clicked her teeth not amused by the fact that she was playing cat and mouse with the shinobi.

The more she rushed forward the more she can tell that the person moved to try to get away but Mirko moves around the forest area region in a separate space as she was not amused by the idea.

The more she rushes forward the fewer arrows come towards her till it finally reached a point where they all finally stop as she made it to a clearing fully expressing what she wants to hear, "Finally! Those fucking cat and rabbit game is so done! Now that I see ya punk you now want this to be a fistfight huh?"

In the clearing was Tatsumi fully transformed into his [Lionel] state as he had in his flip phone tossing it over to Rumi as she caught it and asked in confusion, "The hell you gave this to me for? You want to make your confession or something?"

She listen intently as Tatsumi asked a few questions as he had his [Observation Haki] active as he spoke to her seriously, "The Rabbit Hero Mirko… if I was to tell you that we were forced to attack you heroes what exactly would you do?"

Mirko just glared down at her enemy as she simply replied as it was a matter of fact, "That would depend on how guilty your group has been. And quite frankly I'm seeing that you lot are going to be spending some time in jail."

Titling his head at that Mirko looked at the flip phone as it showed videos and photos of someone getting tortured with dried blood as well as some research notes about creating a quirk-ending bullet but was made with someone's D.N.A. to make it work.

Her eyes narrowed at this but she let the villain in front of her respond in his words almost as if disappointed, "Ok then Mirko from what you saw you know why we had to deal with those yakuza as they were truly going to make something world breaking. Those quirk erasing bullets would be the end of society if it fell into the wrong hands."

That was when Mirko made a disgusted expression as she spoke to the ninja with venom in her voice that made Tatsumi more disappointed, "Yeah I saw… what you plan to tell me that you stole the thing made to create these bullets? What are you villains are going to do to create more torturing the damn thing in place of the yakuza?"

At this Tatsumi shakes his head he spoke quite angry that Mirko was referring to Eri as a thing and not a person as he talked to her calmly, "No… we won't do such a thing to a little girl. Also, we are currently taking care of her for the time being and searching for a place to give her a home. I can't exactly trust you heroes or your HPSC to give her a PROPER home for someone that has gone through so much."

Mirko could tell the sympathy from his voice as she thinks to herself calmly but not letting her eyes waver at the boy in front of her, 'From the way he spoke it sounds like he speaks from experience… did something happen to him to fall on this path…'

Shaking her head at this while keeping her eyes on him she began to resolve herself as the hero as she observes the person was not right in the head, 'Damn it kid… from the way you speak it sounds like you were forced to grow up and grew to be a killer. Maybe had no one to tell him from right or wrong but… becoming a killer isn't the answer.'

She smirks at this as she points her finger at the kid as she spoke confidently on saving him as she spoke, "Ha! Kid, maybe we can work together in helping you out. I don't know who why you smell to have a lot of blood on ya but trust me kid we can get you proper help."

Narrowing his eyes at that under the mask Mirko senses some malicious intent as she raises her fist as she grins saying something heroically convincing to him, "Trust me, kid, once you get some mental help you can start to become a hero! No matter what your – "



That was when her instincts screamed at her to jump away from her position as Tatsumi was now there slamming his fist creating a crater as he spoke to her clear up the confusion, "No… I'm afraid you are mistaken about this. I chose this path I walk on and killing is something that is second nature to me."

Twirling around backflipping onto the ground again she takes this time seriously to examine his words as she spoke confidently on her skills as she tried to persuade him, "Kid it doesn't have to be like this way. There is a better path than just killing you know, and you can become a hero to help others with your gifts don't you even want that?"

At this moment Tatsumi just laughed as if he heard a funny joke making Mirko's eyes furrow down at that as he began to talk again but in a normal manner, "Hahahaha!! That was very funny hero didn't know you can make jokes and don't even get me started talking about heroes when you guys are nothing but complete jokes."

Getting to his fighting pose and fighting style he began to speak the final time as he gets serious against Mirko as he spoke to her, "As for helping people? I think it's natural that we do but as a job dressed up in tights like perverts. Yeah, hard pass there shame really. I thought you would a great addition I guess that was my mistake."

Mirko just grins at this as she didn't know what he was saying but it looks to her to solve this is to fight after all as she spoke, "Don't worry kid I the Rabbit Hero: Mirko will save you from yourself. But if your that dead set then I seem to have wasted my time shame really could've needed a sidekick like you."



With that, the two melee fighters began to clash as her foot and his fist clashed creating a small burst of shockwave as the two recoiled back.

Mirko the faster of the two began to move towards him as she began to swirl focusing on her legs as she began to use [Luna Ring]. Mirko uses her incredible leg strength to kick her target simultaneously as she performs a cartwheel in the air with her legs extended to Tatsumi as he views it.


Quickly crossing his arms to guard the [Luna Ring] from Mirko he then began to grip her ankles as he began to swirl her around as he talked to her, "Ok you got power their rabbit. But how lucky is your rabbit foot is? Shall we test it out?"




That was when Tatsumi began to slam Mirko to the ground with his grip strength slamming her to the ground and repeating the process slamming he to the ground as she could only defend herself from the first slam and second.

Mirko getting real sick of being slammed around managed to escape the third knockdown as she kicked his hand forcing her to release him as she used the hand as a footing to jump up in the air.


She grins happily as she felt her body's blood being pumped up in excitement focusing on her next attack the [Luna Fall]. Mirko swings her foot downwards while she is above her opponent, driving her target straight into the ground beneath her feet with a mighty kick.

Tatsumi quickly sensing an attack from above with his [Observation Haki] he began to counter it back with a fist attack as his arm began to charge using the [Hasshoken] as it was vibrating his arm with complete bodily control.

With that, the two attacks meet head-on creating another disturbance within the area causing another shockwave sending the grass in the area to be uprooted from the vibrations of the shockwave caused by the two.



Tatsumi noticed a sound of creaking as he felt Mirko's foot as his eyes under his mask flashed with surprise as he thinks to himself, 'Mirko bones… I heard them crack… I better heal her once she's down as I didn't expect her to go this far.'

That was when Mirko flinched as she now was in pain as her foot as she didn't feel anything anymore as she made her conclusion, 'Fuck I break my foot to the bones from that one hit. Damn but I ain't going down like that not without some fight!'

Using all of her remaining she managed to surprise Tatsumi as she began to raise her other leg using the last of the momentum to land another hit the [Luna Arc]. Mirko raises her leg and delivers a powerful front-facing ax kick onto her opponent.

Tatsumi [Observation Haki] then detected the danger he felt as Mirko then landed another blow to his shoulder as she mocked the kid, "Sorry kid but this will show you to not ever underestimate against a true hero!"



The attack landed on his shoulder as the pain of his shoulder bones cracked open as he was sent to the ground feeling the pain as he underestimated against her in the last second and her willpower to continue despite her injured.

But he wasn't the only one to have his bones broken as the other feet bones on Mirko also braked as she fell as she flinches her face in pain as her foot landed on his [Armament Haki] coated his broken shoulder.


[You have defeated one of the Top 10 Ranking Heroes! (5/5)]



The two were down as Tatsumi began to get up again as Mirko couldn't anymore as she grins wickedly at the sky as she talked to Tatsumi holding up his limp arm, "Hahaha! Damn kid you were tough made me break my bones. But from the looks of things though you lost personally in spirit while you won the fight."

Tatsumi for his part began to use his [Overhaul] quirk to begin to heal his broken bones placing them back in place as he flinches in pain as he responds to her, "In a way Mirko yeah. I was underestimating you thinking I had the firepower which I was right but…"

Mirko just grins knowing that Tatsumi is lost in spirit as she smiles brightly at the dimly distorted space as she asked him, "Yeah, I get it kid shame I couldn't teach ya how to be a hero. But seems to me you ain't cut out to be one anyway. But your proposal of joining yeah hard pass I don't work well with others you know but what are you going to do with the kid you rescued?"

Tatsumi thinks for a bit before he apologizes and began to discuss what he plans to do with Eri to her as he speaks to her in truth, "Sorry for breaking your feet and possibly legs never meant to go that far… Damn really but I think we could be good pals honestly. But as for the kid, her name Eri were trying to find a caretaker for her and not any orphanage that will place her under the HSPC train her to be a weapon."

Mirko frowns at that but after their fight, she got a better understanding from Tatsumi as she spoke wanting to understand their situation at least, "You kid you keep on saying they are bad so lend an ear to this rabbit to understand why?"

Tatsumi smirks under his mask at this as he goes over to Mirko using [Overhaul] recovering her legs and feet into perfect healthy condition as she was in pain but ignored it seeing the shock on her face seeing them normal again.

She just scoffs at this as she began to berate the shinobi as he reaches out his hand as she accepted it as she says to him, "Cheap ass bastard. You had a healing quirk at the ready, didn't you?"

Tatsumi soon takes off his mask surprising Mirko a bit before he properly began to explain himself along bringing out Lady Nagant's bio info as he talked to her, "The names Tatsumi Mirko. And that there is the reason why I don't trust them and hopefully help her out. Come on I bet the others are already done."

With that, he left leaving Mirko to follow behind as she began to read the bio with shock on her eyes but then smirked across her face as she talked to herself proudly, "Heh. It is shame you don't want to be a hero you've been a great one wanting to help her out. But maybe there's hope for you yet."

With that, she began to follow behind him to Tatsumi's destined point with the other members.


A/N: So how do you think the fight between the two went down? Good or bad? Because I was trying to make it that in the fight Mirko understood Tatsumi as the fight progressed and get at least an understanding of his character as when she fought him he never intended to kill only defeat that was a reason to hear him out.

A/N Extra: Also thank you guys for helping me figure out what reward to give to the members. I took one of your guy's opinions to be used as a reward.