
Dimensional Game Maker

Synopsis: Elyxian Nexus, an ordinary but brilliant inventor, spent centuries bringing peace to a chaotic universe filled with beings possessing extraordinary abilities. Fearing the dark force within him, he ultimately ends his life, only to awaken in a mysterious void. Granted a second chance by a powerful entity, Elyxian is reborn in a fantastical realm where he can control his new world and explore other dimensions. Guided by a sentient system named Lumos, he embraces his fresh start. Unbeknownst to him, his death sets in motion events of cosmic significance, leading to a destiny beyond his wildest imaginings and a path to greatness. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Due to my studies, I won't be able to follow any release schedule. It means I won't be able to tell when a new chapter will come. Will it be 1 day or 1 week or 1 month? Can't tell. But you can rest assured that I won't drop this novel. --------------------------------------------------------------- Join my Discord Server for discussion & other stuff- https://discord.gg/cTDCNc9WAr Subscribe to My YT channel for no reason? Maybe see the games I am making? https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowOrigin28 ---------------------------------------------------------------

ShadowOrigin · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Ch 7 - Redesigning The Game Creation Dimension

Nexus looked around, taking in the vast expanse of his dimension. The simplicity of it all was both calming and underwhelming. It felt sterile, devoid of the character and flair that he imagined a game-making dimension should possess. After all, this will be the birthplace of countless dreams and adventures.

"Hmm…" he murmured, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns in the air.

Lumos, sensing Nexus's disquiet, inquired, "Is there something amiss, Master Nexus?"

Taking a deep breath, Nexus elaborated, "Lumos, while I appreciate the serene simplicity of this dimension, it doesn't resonate with the grandeur I associate with game creation. Our endeavors are destined to be extraordinary, and I want our working environment to reflect that vision."

Lumos, always ready to assist, replied, "Understood, Master. Please guide me on the changes you wish to introduce."

With a determined gleam in his eyes, Nexus began to detail his vision, "Let's start with the floor. I want it to carry intricate patterns of gold, weaving together stories of legends and adventures yet to be penned. These patterns should evoke a sense of mystique and wonder."

Lumos responded with an affirmative tone, and almost immediately, the stark white floor began to shimmer. Streams of liquid gold danced across its surface, creating intricate designs that seemed to shift and tell tales with each passing second.

"Next," Nexus continued, his voice filled with excitement, "As for the sky, how about adding a night sky appearance instead of the current appearance of the dimension which is white? It will give a nice ethereal look with some adjustments."

Lumos affirmed, processing the suggestion. "A night sky would indeed create a stunning contrast against the white expanse, Master Nexus. It shall be done."

Nexus then shifted his focus upward, "Even if it takes on the night sky appearance, without clouds it won't look as enchanting. So, how about adding clouds? And for the clouds, they should be at various levels - some floating just above the ground, others soaring high, and yet some nestled even higher, caressing the vastness of the sky."

As Nexus spoke, soft white clouds began to form, drifting lazily at different altitudes. Some seemed close enough to touch, while others cast gentle shadows on the landscape below.

"And for the pièce de résistance," Nexus said, his voice dripping with anticipation, "I want a magnificent moon to dominate the skyline. Not just any moon, but one that constantly evolves, releasing hues of varying intensities. Predominantly gold, with bursts of light blue as the secondary shade at different times."

With Nexus's words, the sky transformed. High above, a vast, breathtaking moon appeared. Ethereal in its beauty, it pulsed with a soft golden glow, occasionally interspersed with mesmerizing waves of light blue. The radiant hues cascaded from the moon, bathing the entire dimension in an ever-changing play of colors.

Nexus paused, taking in the dazzling display before him. Then, with a thoughtful expression, he turned to Lumos, "The color transitions are magnificent, but can we adjust the frequency? Let's synchronize the color shifts with every dawn. I'd like the hues to evolve with each successive dawn, marking it as a spectacle that heralds the beginning of a fresh cycle in our dimension."

Lumos, always attuned to Nexus's desires, responded promptly, "Understood, Master Nexus. Adjusting the color transition to synchronize with each new dawn. It will indeed be a sight to behold, signaling the commencement of every new cycle in the dimension with its ethereal dance of colors."

With that, the moon ceased its shifting palette of hues, settling into a steady, radiant golden glow that bathed the dimension in its warmth and brilliance.

As the last rays of the moon's golden glow settled over the dimension, Nexus cast a sweeping gaze over his surroundings. The ethereal beauty that met his eyes drew a smile to his lips. Turning to Lumos, he declared, "This, Lumos, is now a realm truly worthy of crafting dreams."

Lumos, his digital form reflecting the ambient colors, responded, "I'm glad it meets your vision, Master Nexus. This dimension now stands as a testament to your aspirations."

With the setting now perfect, Nexus felt an invigorating rush of inspiration. The newly transformed dimension beckoned him, promising endless possibilities and adventures.

"It's time," Nexus whispered, his gaze fixed on the Game Cube, "to begin our journey into game creation."

Nexus turned his gaze to the Game Cube, the heart of his creation endeavors. As he studied its sleek surface, a frown tugged at his brow. "Lumos," he began hesitantly, "while the Game Cube looks undeniably cool, it feels... too ordinary for my taste."

Lumos tilted slightly, a subtle indication of his curiosity. "How would you envision it, Master Nexus?"

Chin in hand, Nexus considered for a moment before detailing his vision. "I'm thinking of a dynamic and living form. Instead of a solid block, what if the cube was made of numerous smaller cubes? These smaller units would constantly stretch, contract, and expand, giving the larger cube a pulsating, almost breathing appearance."

Lumos responded, "A living Game Cube. An interesting concept. Please continue."

Nexus's voice then took on an animated tone. "These smaller cubes would have empty, patterned spaces, almost like negative designs etched into them. And here's the cool part: inside this dynamic structure lies a core that cannot be seen from the outside. This core would then emit a radiant golden glow, illuminating the empty spaces in the smaller cubes. This would give the entire Game Cube an ethereal, golden luminescence."

"And the touch?" Lumos inquired, knowing his master's penchant for interactive designs.

Nexus grinned, "Ah, yes. When someone approaches and attempts to touch the Game Cube, the smaller cubes sense this. They cease their mesmerizing dance, condensing to form a complete, larger cube. This transformation makes it easy for anyone to interact with it, yet retains its enigmatic allure. The empty pattern spaces on the smaller cubes would, of course, continue to glow with the gold of the hidden core."

Lumos's circuits whirred as he processed the intricate details. "I understand, Master Nexus. Commencing redesign of the Game Cube."

Before Nexus's eyes, the Game Cube began its metamorphosis. The sleek black surface shimmered, breaking into numerous smaller cubes that began their elegant dance of stretching and contracting. They glowed intermittently with radiant gold, casting fleeting patterns of light across the dimension.

Nexus's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the redesigned Game Cube. "One more thing, Lumos," he mused, "Let's change the color. Instead of the stark black, the cube, and its smaller counterparts, will be in a pristine white. This shade will accentuate the golden glow emanating from the core, creating a divine juxtaposition."

Lumos acknowledged the input, "Very well, Master Nexus."

The smaller cubes, still in their rhythmic dance of stretching and contracting, began to transform. Their sleek black color faded, replaced by a pure, unblemished white. The transformation magnified the ethereal golden light pouring from the empty spaces, making it even more enchanting.

The entire Game Cube now looked like a piece of celestial artistry, an entity that seemed to be carved from moonlight and imbued with the golden rays of the sun.

Gazing at the revamped Game Cube, Nexus nodded in approval. "That's more like it. A true reflection of our vision. This is where magic will be crafted."

And so, in a realm reborn with Nexus's unique touch, the saga of dimensional game-making commences.