

In a world ravaged by chaos and overrun by monstrous beings from beyond dimensional cracks, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. Amidst the turmoil, a new breed of warriors emerges—Dimextians—humans endowed with extraordinary abilities that defy comprehension. These Dimextians stand as humanity's last line of defense against the encroaching darkness. Among them is Ajal Dragovich, the elusive second son of the influential Dragovich family. Ajal navigates a world where strength is paramount and survival is uncertain. As he grapples with the weight of his family's legacy and the mysteries surrounding his own identity, Ajal finds himself drawn into a complex web of alliances and rivalries. In his quest for truth and power, Ajal must confront not only the formidable creatures that threaten humanity's existence but also the demons that lurk within himself. With danger lurking at every turn and betrayal looming on the horizon, Ajal must tread carefully as he strives to carve out his own destiny in a world where only the strongest survive.

ArkTech · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Shadows of Sorrow

The movements were so swift, they blurred the lines between reality and illusion, leaving ephemeral afterimages in their wake as they navigated through the oppressive darkness of the gorge. At the precipice, five ominous figures loomed like phantoms, draped in sleek black overalls that seemed to absorb what little light dared to penetrate the abyss. Between the jagged cliffs, a foreboding crevice beckoned, its yawning maw hinting at untold depths and mysteries. Approaching the entrance with silent purpose, the intruders encountered four sentinels standing guard, their vigilant gazes lost in the inky shadows. With choreographed precision, the assailants swiftly dispatched the guards, their movements a seamless ballet of lethal efficiency. It was evident that this was not their first encounter with such opposition; their expertise spoke volumes, silencing any doubts of their capability. 

Venturing further into the cavernous depths, the darkness gradually relented, yielding to an ethereal glow that emanated from the bowels of the earth. The descent led to an expansive chamber, where a state-of-the-art biometric door stood as the final barrier between the intruders and their objective. With a gesture that seemed almost symbiotic, one of their own interfaced with the door, its electronic systems yielding to their command with a whispered acknowledgment: "Welcome, Dr. Kushme." The chamber beyond revealed a scene both mesmerizing and macabre—a clandestine laboratory teeming with rows of tanks containing human subjects, each seemingly caught in the throes of mysterious experimentation. 

Scientists scurried about, their movements frantic yet purposeful, while armed guards stood watch with grim determination. As the inevitable clash ensued, the air crackled with tension, punctuated by the percussive rhythm of combat. Amidst the fray, a figure shrouded in darkness emerged as the harbinger of doom, his chilling presence suffocating the chamber with palpable dread. "Whose in charge?" The masked figure's deep yet cold voice resonated with strength as he asked. An old man stepped forward, his demeanor defiant. "Who are you?," he declared, his voice trembling slightly but laced with determination. "We don't listen to intruder's ." A cruel amusement flickered in the masked figure's eyes. With a flick of the wrist, so casual it defied the lethality of the action, a silver blur separated from his hand. A choked gurgle, a spray of crimson, and then silence. The severed head of the old man rolled across the floor, its lifeless eyes staring sightlessly, a stark warning to those remaining. As chaos erupted around them, the sounds of battle mingling with the anguished cries of the scientists, the masked figure turned to his comrades. "Secure the data. We leave no witnesses." as he took a female scientist hostage to the higher floors in search of the true leader of the lab.

The lab housed three men, fully suited in dark, high-tech clothing, standing watch over the hostages. Their vigilant gaze remained fixed on their captives, yet their attention was momentarily diverted as the biometric door opened, revealing seven figures who exuded an aura of danger that belied their unassuming appearance. The tension in the room escalated. With a nod from each other, the intruders braced themselves for the confrontation ahead.

The buff-looking man stepped forward, his muscles rippling with anticipation. With a thunderous roar, he launched a powerful punch at the masked man. However, the assailant's blow seemed to dissipate harmlessly against the masked man's defensive stance. In response, the masked man chuckled, addressing his teammates, "It's been a while since I've been able to let loose on a mission directly." With a resigned sigh from one of his companions, he added, "Let's just get this over with quickly." 

With a smirk, the masked man retaliated with blinding speed, delivering a precise strike that sent the buff man crashing into the wall, leaving a sizable dent in its wake.

Meanwhile, another of the intruders unleashed a beam of energy from his fingertips, aiming directly at the masked man. With a graceful dodge, the masked man evaded the attack, the energy beam bounced of the chamber walls. Undeterred, the assailant launched another volley of energy blasts, each one expertly dodged by the masked man as he closed the distance between them.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the masked man's feet began to tremble as another of the intruders unleashed a seismic shockwave. Despite the unexpected assault, the masked man maintained his balance, his feet rooted firmly to the ground. With a swift leap, he evaded the next wave of tremors, closing in on the seismic user with deadly intent.

Amidst the chaos, a cloud of white smoke enveloped the chamber, obscuring the masked man's vision. The smoke user cackled with glee as his paralyzing mist filled the room, aiming to immobilize his adversary. However, the masked man remained unaffected, his senses honed to perfection as he effortlessly navigated through the haze.

While the smoke obscured his vision, the other intruders seized the opportunity to unleash a hail of gunfire, their high-tech firearms unleashing a storm of bullets. Yet, the masked man moved with the grace of a dancer, each movement calculated to avoid the deadly onslaught.

With the smoke beginning to dissipate, the masked man emerged unscathed, his gaze fixated on his remaining adversaries. With lightning crackling around him, he closed in on the gunmen, each bolt of energy finding its mark with lethal precision.

With the gunmen neutralized, the masked man turned his attention to the smoke user, his hand moving with blinding speed as he closed in on his paralyzed foe. With a swift strike, he rendered the smoke user unconscious, leaving him sprawled on the ground in a crumpled heap.

As the final adversary thought to be unconscious after being taken out in the first attempt tried a sneak attack from behind, the masked man anticipated his move with eerie precision, sidestepping the assault with ease. With a cold stare, he addressed his foe, his voice cutting through. "You're a skilled fighter seeing how you survived my attack, But skill alone won't save you."

With a swift motion, the masked man incapacitated his opponent, leaving him powerless to resist. As the intruder's headless body fell to the ground, the masked man vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a scene of devastation and fear.

The confrontation had been brief but intense, a testament to the masked man's skill and determination. And as he disappeared into the darkness, his enigmatic presence lingered, a reminder of the danger that lurked within the shadows.

As things got hectic on the other side, another scene unfolded in the upper floors of the facility. The other masked man, his grip firm on the woman he had taken as hostage, ascended to the top floors where the true leader awaited.

In a dimly lit room, the masked man found himself face to face with the leader, a middle-aged woman with glasses and dark hair, her demeanor radiating authority despite the dire circumstances. She regarded him with a mixture of defiance and resignation, her eyes betraying a hint of fear beneath her steely resolve.

"You've caused quite a commotion," she remarked, her voice calm yet tinged with an undercurrent of tension. "But you won't find what you're looking for here."

The masked man remained silent, his expression unreadable behind his mask. With a swift motion, he sent the hostage flying with the shockwave from his palm into a nearby wall killing her on impact, "Was that meant to scare me she said." , her defiance unwavering despite the danger that surrounded her.

"I won't ask again," the masked man stated, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "Where is the research data?

The woman's gaze hardened, her resolve unyielding. "I will not betray my comrades," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear that gnawed at her insides. "You'll get nothing from me."

With a chilling smile, the masked man made a swift, decisive motion, severing the woman's arm. The room filled with the sound of her anguished cries, echoing through the chamber as her severed limb fell to the floor in a pool of crimson.

"You misunderstand," the masked man stated calmly, his gaze never wavering. "Cooperation is not optional."

As chaos erupted around them, with the woman's cries, the masked man turned his attention to the main server room, where the true objective awaited. With a subtle nod to his comrade, he gestured toward the data, silently commanding to secure it. The comrade, grabbing the still-shocked woman, hurriedly made their way to the server room, leaving the masked man alone in the chamber.

A tense silence descended as the masked man stood alone, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings. Suddenly, he spoke, his voice cutting through the stillness. "I know you're there. Come out before I rip your throat."

In response, a figure emerged from the shadows—a middle-aged man with long hair cascading over his shoulders and a menacing moustache adorning his face. Clad in a long coat and wielding a walking stick, he exuded an air of menace that matched the masked man's own. "Well, well," he taunted. "What a feisty one you are. Are you with the government or one of the families? It matters not. My job here is to ensure you don't leave with the research."

The masked man remained expressionless, his eyes locked on his adversary. With lightning-fast reflexes, he unleashed a shockwave kick, aiming for the man's chest. But the man was prepared, blocking the attack with his walking stick before leaping back.

"You're definitely strong," the masked man observed, his tone betraying a hint of respect. "Not an average Dimextian. You're probably a 2 or 1 star. My guess? 1 star."

The man smirked, revealing his true identity. "Not bad. They call me Shadowbroker."

"Shadowbroker," the masked man echoed, his gaze unwavering. "With a bounty of 83 million on the Federation bounty list. Trafficking, kidnapping, arms dealing... quite the résumé."

"It's good to know I'm popular," Shadowbroker quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Let's get this over with," the masked man declared, his resolve unwavering.

With a sudden surge of power, the masked man became enveloped in lightning, unleashing bolts of energy towards Shadowbroker. But Shadowbroker was prepared, summoning shadowy figures to intercept the blasts.

Countless shadow creatures swarmed the chamber, attacking the masked man from all sides. But he moved with the speed and precision of a seasoned warrior, using his lightning powers to dispatch his foes with ease.

As the battle raged on, the masked man received a message from his comrade, signaling that the data had been retrieved. It was time to end this.

Shadowbroker, ever vigilant, braced for the masked man's attack. But a searing pain erupted in his back. A shadow, his own darkness turned traitor, lunged for his heart. He flung himself aside, the betrayal leaving him reeling.

A cold dread gripped him. The shadow – it wasn't his. It felt different, a warped copy. His eyes darted to the masked figure, and a primal fear locked them in place. The figure stood shrouded in a swirling mass of darkness, not Shadowbroker's own. Within it, menacing shapes took form - parodies of his signature ability.

 Shadowbroker realized the true extent of his adversary's power. The masked man had copied his ability to manipulate shadows, amplifying it to deadly effect.

Shadowbroker tensed, every nerve screaming imminent danger summoned another wave of shadowy creatures. Despair gnawed at him as his own darkness, once a loyal companion, now served a different master. He watched in horror as his creatures clashed with their twisted counterparts.

Suddenly, a chilling realization struck him. The masked figure had vanished! He spun in a desperate search, heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Just as panic threatened to engulf him, a figure materialized from the inky depths of his own shadow. In a blink, the masked figure struck Shadowbroker with a brutal shockwave, the force sending him flying across the room until he slammed into the wall with a sickening thud.

Dazed and gasping for air, Shadowbroker locked eyes with his unseen assailant. "To think you don't even know the full extent of your own power," the masked figure's voice, cold and distorted, echoed through the chamber.

Struggling to his feet, Shadowbroker gazed up at the masked man, his breath ragged and bloodied. "Who are you?" he gasped.

The masked man's response was simple yet chilling. "Nobody."

As he lay there, defeated and broken, monstrous creatures, twisted parodies of his own creations, began appearing from the inky depths, lumbering towards him with a predatory grace.

A wave of despair washed over him. His life, dedicated to the pursuit of power and control, seemed utterly futile in the face of this overwhelming force. Regret, a feeling he'd never allowed himself to acknowledge, gnawed at him.

"I'm sorry, Tracy," he rasped, the name a ghost from a life long left behind. It was the last word to escape his lips before the creatures pounced, tearing him apart with a violence that echoed through the chamber.

Nobody, the masked figure who had orchestrated his downfall, watched the carnage unfold with a cold indifference. The shadows around them rippled as the echoes of Shadowbroker's final words faded. "Nobody remembers the forgotten," Nobody said.

As "Nobody" departed from the scene, leaving destruction in his wake, he issued a grim command to his remaining comrades. "Raze the palace to the ground. Leave no evidence behind."

As his men set about carrying out his orders, "Nobody" turned his attention to the chamber where the tanks containing the human subjects lay, their lives forfeit to the cruel experiments of the lab.

Standing before the tanks, "Nobody" felt a pang of remorse wash over him. These were innocent lives, taken and twisted by the depravity of those who saw them as nothing more than mere subjects for experimentation.

With a heavy heart, "Nobody" whispered an apology to the lifeless figures within the tanks. "I'm sorry we couldn't save you," he murmured, his voice laced with sorrow and regret.

As the flames consumed the palace, reducing it to ash and rubble, "Nobody" knew that there was no saving these souls. They had been subjected to horrors beyond comprehension, their fates sealed long before he had arrived. According to the research data uncovered, these individuals had been kidnapped, torn from their families or orphaned, and subjected to unspeakable experiments. Their suffering had been unimaginable, their lives cut short in the name of twisted science.

As the last embers flickered and died, "Nobody" knew that he had offered these souls the only mercy he could. Though he had failed to save them in life, he had ensured that they would no longer suffer at the hands of their tormentors.

With a heavy heart, "Nobody" turned away from the smoldering ruins of the palace, knowing that the darkness that had consumed it would haunt him forever. But in the depths of his soul, he found solace in the knowledge that he had granted these souls the peace they deserved, however fleeting it may have been. As the flames danced and the smoke billowed, "Nobody" and his men dissolved into the shadows, their presence fading like whispers in the wind. With one final glance at the devastation they had wrought, "Nobody" vanished into the night, leaving behind only echoes of their passing.

The darkness embraced them, swallowing them whole as they retreated into the depths of the unknown. Their mission complete, they disappeared from sight, leaving nothing but silence in their wake.

And as the world continued to turn, ignorant of the horrors that had unfolded in the darkness, "Nobody" and his men remained unseen, their actions shrouded in mystery and legend.

They were phantoms, fleeting and ephemeral, leaving no trace of their passing except for the echoes of their deeds etched into the fabric of time. And as they faded into obscurity, they became little more than whispers on the wind, lost to the annals of history.

Hmmm so yeah it's my first time writing and not really good but I've always wanted to write my own web novel and was like f*** it why not so here we are

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