
Dimension System Initialize

A man finishes an ordinary life, dying of old age. Then finds himself graced with a system after death, and reincarnated. Now he will set forth on adventures to different places and meet many people. As a dimensional entity.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


As Princess Elia played with Gabriel so carefree, it warmed my heart. The princess wasn't old, 12 at most. Black hair, fair skin, and bright eyes.

She stole glances at me and I could tell she had a question. I say to her with a kind voice, "Princess, is there a question you had for me. I'm afraid it all over your face my dear, haha."

She gets a bit red in embarrassment. She stops playing and fiddles her fingers a bit as she ask, "Well, I was wondering how old you are are? Your hair is super white. Your face doesn't look old, but it feels old too."

I chuckle, "Well Princess, I am 113 years old currently. I'll be 114 this year."

Her eyes widen, "Oh my! My grandfather is only 50!" Even her guard is surprised at my age. He even has a bit of respect in his eyes now.

I laugh, "Oh, is that your way of saying I'm older than dirt? Haha."

She hurriedly apologizes, "Ah! I didn't mean it like that Elder!"

I wave her down, "No need to get so excited, I was merely jesting."

she calms down and then asks another question, "Elder Oro, since you're so old. Do you have any cool stories?"

I hum in thought, "Oh yes, I have a story from my homeland. A famous story about a princess called Cinderella."

Elia comes over and sits next to me on the bench, "Please tell it." She said to me expectantly.

I clear my throat, "Oh right then Princess. Let me tell you the the story of Snow White."

I then tell her about Snow White.

"Snow White was a wonderful girl. She could communicate with animals, later on magical creatures, her voice uplifted hearts, and the mere sight of here instilled pride in her subjects. The animals especially loved it when she sang. Her voice was angelic. Although she would go through quite a few trials. When her birth mother died, her father remarried to a woman named Grimhilde. Grimhilde was known for being the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen. The most beautiful in all the land. She had a magic mirror that could answer any of questions that she asked. The most frequent question she would ask everyday is, 'Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?'. The mirror would reply everyday that she is the most beautiful woman. Seeing herself as the most beautiful, she also believed she should be the most powerful. Hence, she started to poison her husband for the sole control of the lands. However, one day when she asked the same question the mirror answered, 'no'."

She gasped, "Then what happened?"

I continue, "She asked the mirror who it was. The mirror answered, 'Snow White'."

Elia gasped again. I went on, "Grimhilde was so furious, she plotted to kill Snow White. As she has the magic mirror, it stands to reason that she may have other magical means. Which she does, as she had been a witch all along. So he comes up with a vile plan. First, she finishes poisoning the king, killing him. Then she takes control of the royal guard and sends them to capture Snow White. Snow White runs from her wrath, escaping to the magic forest that her nor her soldiers would follow her into. For it is home to many magical creatures of good nature that would violently reject her."

Elia is captivated by the story, as is her guardian knight.

I continue, "So Grimhilde hatches a vile plan. Before Snow White was driven out, she was in courtship with a valiant prince of another land. Their love was well known and well wished. However, now that Snow White was trapped hiding in the magical forest, she could no longer meet her prince and was terribly missing him. Although she did make friends with 7 kind dwarfs that gave her shelter. 7 brothers, who were righteous, hardworking, and powerful protectors. Grimhilde's plan was to sneak into the forest as an old kind lady with a basket of apples that grant wishes. Of course, she planned to do so when the 7 dwarfs were away mining and getting supplies."

"The apples do not grant wishes, so they?"

I smile, "Most astute princess. It is as you say. Grimhilde enacts her plan and approaches Snow White's cabin when the dwarfs are away. In disguise, she offers Snow White an apple. Snow White is still incredibly lonely and very much still in deep love with her prince. So in a moment of misplaced hope she took an apple, and bit a chunk out of it. Grimhilde tore off her disguise and cackled madly. Her plan had worked. The apple was poisoned and Snow White collapsed, falling into a preserved state of near death."

"Oh no!", Elia says.

"When the dwarfs returned, they quickly tried to help Snow White. When they couldn't, they went to find the help of the forest lord, a unicorn. The Lord told them of the poison, and the cure. Which is 'Love's First Kiss'. The dwarfs only knew of the prince, but they had no way to get to him. Let alone bring him here. Until they could come up with a solution, they placed Snow White in a protective glass coffin filled with flowers."

Elia gets worried, "Will the prince come?"

I smile, "Oh yes, fate had plans of its own. The prince went searching the forest for Snow White, going against the orders of his royal father. He eventually came across the 7 sad dwarfs, who recognized him at a glance. They took him excitedly to Snow White, where the prince laid worried eyes on Snow White. He was told of the cure, and immediately gave Snow White a kiss shared only between couples. The first kiss between the two. Once he was done, Snow White awoke. Everyone was relieved and the two lovebirds were reunited happily."

Elia throws up her hands and even the guardian knight smiles.

"Snow White then tells them all how she got poisoned by her evil stepmother. The dwarfs and prince are furious. They all tell Snow White that the evil queen must be defeated. Although the Prince doesn't have the support of his family or country, he still vows to fight for her. The dwarfs have the idea to go the Lord of the Forest again. To ask for his aid. They all go together to ask. the Lord agrees as Grimhilde has been trying to destroy the forest. Now Snow White has her army of magical creatures, animals, fairies, Ents and odd things. Together they go to face the witch.

Snow White rides the back of the Lord, she rides the unicorn. The prince rides his trusty steed her had used to get to the forest. The dwarfs ride the wild hogs. As Snow White can communicate with magical creatures and animals alike, she could talk and lead them. Seeing Snow White leading many magical creatures and animals, the regular soldiers of her kingdom turn against the royal guard. As they never lost their love for Snow White. Together, the royal guard were defeated and the evil queen was driven out. She was chased down by the 7 dwarfs who wanted revenge for poisoning Snow White, who'd they all but formally adopted as their little sister. They chased her to the edge of a cliff even though a thunderstorm had began. Their righteous fury unnerved. As Grimhilde was on the edge of the cliff, lightning struck, breaking the edge of the cliff. Grimhilde then fell off hundreds of feet and died on the ground below. The dwarfs were satisfied, as knowing that not even the heavens could stand her evil brough them their satisfaction.

Afterwards, Snow White married her prince. They became King and Queen. The 7 dwarfs became forever honored and deigned family by Snow White. The Magical Forest was deigned sovereign and declared an eternal ally until the end of days. The reign that followed was filled with magic, laughter, happiness and prosperity for all the lands. They all lived happily ever after."

Elai was smiling brightly and started clapping at my story, "That was a wonderful story Elder Oro! I loved. Snow White is so cool. I wish I could talk to animals. It would be nice if I had a valiant prince like that too. All the princes dad has told me about are all snobs though, ugh."

I laugh, "Oh princess, I'm sure you will find a valiant prince too. I have a strong feeling of that."

"Princess, it is time for us to go now. You must prepare for the royal dinner.", The guardian knight says to her.

"Alright Vahn, let's go then. Wish I could for another story Elder Oro, but I need to go now. See you later hopefully. Bye bye Gabriel!", She says as she leaves.

"Such a nice young lady, right Gabriel?", I say aloud.

"Indeed Oro, she was fun.", he says back to me. Again, so nice he can talk now.

In my mind, I decide to make the girl a gift. Since she wished to speak to animals. Then I'll help her do so. I'll make her a headband that'll allow it.

We head back to our guest room, and I wait until night falls. Then I go back Oroum. From there, I go back to my tower and make the headband. Red with a red bow on it. Just like Snow White's. Besides animal speak, and animal affinity, I added another one time use. The princess will gain the talent for animal and nature magic. That'll help her in the long run. This will be my surprise gift. Finally, I head back to my guest room none the wiser.

The next day, I am supposed to have my audience with the king after the royal breakfast. When the time rolls around, I make my appearance before him. Then I follow proper my..."etiquette" and give a gentlemanly bow. Although here it is custom to kneel. Gabriel does a little bow too. The king is in his early 30's, brown hair

Some fat noble was about to say something, but the king hushed him before he could speak. The king then speaks, "Hello, Elder Oro. I am King Eric Skylight of this Sky Kingdom. I have questions for you about your book. Additionally, my daughter Elia told our entire family the story you told her about Snow White. Afterwards, she demanded I find her a valiant prince with a pure and righteous heart that rides a gallant steed. Although I did want her to begin realizing she'll need to marry someone in the future, I did not mean for her to want a hero from a fairy tale. I'm not dissatisfied though. If any princess deserves such a prince, it is my Elia. Anyways, answer my queries if you will. I have also read the book."

I answer, "Certainly King Skylight."

We then spend the next hour discussing my book. The king is satisfied with my questions, and decides to keep the book nationally unbanned. Although he won't prevent independent banning of sales. Before the audience concludes, he asks, "Also, you say you were born in the wilderness, but another source says you were born in a place called 'Oroum'? Which is true?"

I answer unperturbed, "Second one is true your majesty. As for why I made the low effort lie, it is so I only explain where I cam from once. As it quite a story unto itself."

I then told the king of my attainments. How I am restarting my path of magic and combat arts for insights. About my family and how I left them to grow, as my age had come and gone. He received my story well and didn't not mind the small lie. Then he compliments me on my age. Now that the audience is almost at an end. I decide now is a good time to present my gifts. Especially now that Elia had entered the room after finding out I am here.

I speak, "King Skylight, I have also brought two gifts. One for you, and one for your daughter Elia. As she made a wonderful impression on me, I just felt I had to gift her something."

He is intrigued, "Oh, interesting, please present them."

My wrapped present is then brought in. I uncover it and reveal my gift. A Mirror, that goes on a wall.

I explain this gift, "Before when Elia told you the story of Snow White, it was no fairy tale. It actually happened. Although so long ago. This mirror, is the same mirror from the story. The Mirror on the Wall. Well, not the exact same, but it has all the same capabilities. Ask it any question, and it will tell you. It can answer in riddles sometimes though. Depending on the question."

The king stood up in surprise at the mirror, and learning the story is true. Which is technically true, just not that it happened in my old world. The king tries out the mirror, the familiar white mask face appears and answers his question. The king immediately orders his royal knight commander to secure the mirror and move it to his room.

The king looks at me with a new gaze, "Your gift is precious. I am thankful for it. This item from your culture will forever be treasured by my family."

I smile, but warn grimly, "Kind words Your Majesty. Although, as a kindness, I must warn you. The mirror answers with the truth, which can be dark and maddening. Be careful what you ask, lest a Grimhilde graces your kingdom. I say this with the upmost care."

The king says resolutely, "Your warning is well heeded, and welcomed. The mirror will be used carefully and properly. Thank you. You also had a gift for Elia?"

I go back to my smile, "Yes, a headband that is the exact replica of the headband Snow White wore. It has the ability to allow the wearer to communicate to animals. Works best with singing. As Elia looked like Snow White, I thought this would be perfect for her. It is why I told her that story."

I then present the res headband. Elia runs over instantly, thanks me while snatching it, and outs it on her head. People start to panic as the princess put an unknown magical artifact on her head. The king calmed them down though. Looks like he developed some trust for me. Elia then starts to sing musical notes beautifully. I didn't know she could sing so well, but I sort of expected it. Then some songbirds fly in from a small open window. They fly around her and chirp. She sticks her arm out and they land on it. She stops singing and eagerly speaks to them. Her eyes light up as they speak back and understanding each other is real.

She lets out a melodious laugh, "Father, I can speak with them now! They have so much to say as they've never spoken to a human before." she begins singing to them again. The songbirds sing back and fly around her as she begins to twirl with them. Needless to say, the room has been captivated by her. The king especially as he dearly loves his daughter.

I think the audience went well.


Thanks for reading. Also, that was my small variation of Snow White. Wondered if you liked it.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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