
Digital Emperor (Naruto X Digimon)

Dying without regrets but it seems the world wasn't done with him. Naruto walks a new path as a Digimon Tamer and fight against the evil of the new world with new comrades. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. A.U.

EternalBliss4U · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs

Chapter 56

With his encouragement, the digi-destined team did the actual DNA Digivolution as their digimon combined with each other.

Angemon combined with Ankylomon to form Shakkoumon.

Shakkoumon was a Mutant Digimon. It possessed white wings on its body, which shines silver, and according to one theory, it was an Angel Digimon which descended to the ancient Digital World. It could rotate its neck and torso 360°, allowing it to attack in every direction.

Gatomon combined with Aquilamon to form Silphymon.

Silphymon was an Animal Digimon. It possessed tenacious leg strength, and its leaping power was said to reach great heights. Also, it was able to fly about by spreading both of its arms and soaring like a glider after leaping high into the sky. Because it processed the information detected by the radar on its ears as images, and transmitted it to the head-mounted display equipped to its head, it was able to accurately find the opponent regardless of day and night.

Finally, Davis had his Veedramon slide evolve to ExVeemon before combining him with Stingmon to form Paildramon.

Paildramon was a Dragon Man Digimon. It had the power of a dragon and the defense of an insect. However, it looked more like a dragon than an insect. It agilely finished off its enemies and would die for its master.

Just like that three powerful Ultimate Digimon descended on the battlefield with Shakkoumon as the strongest amongst them, Paildramon as the most powerful combatant and Silphymon as the fastest amongst them.

It had truly become a real battle now as both parties had showed their ace.

Even Naruto was surprised by their achievement and understood that his partners were about to be challenged.

"Bravo, you have surpassed all expectations. I could have never imagined that you would unlock such a function at this stage. It is truly a miracle." Naruto looked at Takeru as he said those words, since the young man had the crest of hope.

Crest really divided people in this world and showed clearly the chosen ones. These small tags had the power to change everything in the world.

Kari also had the crest of light, which helped her digimon with the light based powers and amped Gatomon to high levels. It had yet to fully activate or she would have already caused Gatomon to digivolve directly to a stronger stage when threatened. It also empowered her digimon with the concept of light, meaning she had the potential to possess an Ultra Digimon.

Ken's crest of Kindness could heal digimon and help him convince wild digimon. It also empowered his digimon through the concept of kindness.

Takeru's crest of hope allowed for miracles to happen because of the hope carried within the heart of the owner and everyone around him. It could also give power according to the concept of hope.

With those broken abilities in mind, all crest holders had the potential to reach Ultra level. Tai had yet to fully realize the potential of his crest or he would have already reached the level to stand beside the Ancients.

Regardless, there were few crests as there couldn't be too many chosen ones in the world.

Naruto didn't know if he could get one, but he definitely desired one for the benefits it provided. He could maybe have something like the crest of family or sacrifice or leadership or destiny.

"Thank you for your generous complements, but it is still less then what you accomplished. It is pretty much impossible for someone else." Takeru responded in kind for his team and all of them could agree on that point.

Even though they had all worked together to reach such a powerful level, Naruto's Metal Meramon was an anomaly and the Darkdramon further proved it.

"Thanks for the compliments, but it is time we kicked your ass. This day has been long due and I look forward to your loss." Davis declared with confidence and got kicked by Ken.

"Sorry about that brother, he still has rash thoughts from time to time." Ken apologized about his rude tone and turned to his best friend.

"What are you doing? Don't just declare victory until the battle is over, anything can happen. You will make a fool of yourself with those words." Ken talked into his mind. Davis was their leader but the young man still lacked the maturity and strategic mindset. He was more like the brave fighter that led others against impossible odds while it was Yolei, Ken and Cody that did the strategic thinking.

"I don't mind. However, it is time for me to crush that hope of yours with extreme prejudice. Darkdramon, don't hold back." Naruto was all smiles as he looked at them and it sent shivers down their spine. It really was a different scene when they stood against him.

Dragon Force

Stat Boost


Dark Roar

Giga Lance

Without hesitation, Naruto slashed five cards in a row to boost his partner. Each card consumed energy from Naruto and put pressure on his partner, but both could take the costs.

With the stats boosts Darkdramon was further improved while Dark Roar caused debuffs on his foes and Giga Lance gave him the power of the real Darkdramon's lance.

"None of you can fight against me, surrender or die." Darkdramon spoke in a powerful tone as his body was further enhanced by the body enhancement skill.

After the boosts were in place, there was no denying the ultimate power held by the metallic beast.

"That is for us to decide, and we will show you that you are not so special." Paildramon spoke up and pointed his hand at Darkdramon.

With that, Shakkoumon shot the target.

Justice Beam

Shakkoumon radiated red laser beams from its eyes that reached 100,000°C at their focal point. The attack was too fast for anyone to dodge as it was light speed.

The attack hit the target point blank but Darkdramon was unharmed by it. The heat was not something to scoff at but Darkdramon could handle worse.

His body was made of powerful metals and he was a nuclear being now, so such temperature wasn't going to harm him.

Darkdramon blocked the attack with his hand and shot lasers from his eyes that didn't travel in a straight line, making it difficult to follow them.

However, the other side didn't just sit still and Paildramon used the opportunity to unleash a barrage of shots from his two blasters.

And, Silphymon disappeared from view as he appeared instantly behind his target. With immense speed behind him, Silphymon kicked towards Darkdramon and stopped inches from him.

Just then an immense force was released and it hit Darkdramon without Silphymon even touching him. It would have been stronger on impact but attacking such a durable digimon with heat properties was a terrible idea.

Nonetheless, Darkdramon easily blocked the attack even though his opponent had surpassed the speed of lightning by a lot.

Nuclear Blaster

Darkdramon pointed his hand towards him and unleashed a powerful blast that completely erased the vast range in the direction.

Fortunately, his tamers boosted him so that Silphymon was able to avoid getting destroyed. On the other hand, Paildramon had blocked the laser with the dragon barrier that was boosted by his tamers.

Shakkoumon used his Super Spirit move to further amp his teammates by 100% and stopped his laser attack since it didn't work on the foe.

"If that is all then here I come!" Darkdramon announced and flames came out of his body burning everything. Without giving a chance to react, Darkdramon flew towards his foes with impossible speed and tore through them with his lance that rotated and unleashed yin-yang energy on contact. Candlemon had inherited Yin-Yang from Naruto but the ability had been very low. With training it had improved and after the evolution it had jumped few levels, allowing Asura to finally show the power of these two elements. Utilizing Yin-yang properly meant reducing everything to nothingness and it even meant healing all damage or undoing reality itself. The power of the field was immense and Naruto had yet to fully utilize it. Regardless, Darkdramon was able to use the erasure properties on a low level and that was enough for now.

Silphymon was the first to fall even though he was supposed to be the fastest and next one was Paildramon before ending with Shakkoumon because the digimon's durability.

The result was a shock to the digi-destined because it went against their understanding of things. The three ultimate digimon had given trouble to a Mega and now they had been fodderized.

It was really unfortunate that Darkdramon was formed from powerful metals so they gave him the ability to pierce through all opposition. With the immense speed from the boosters, he was able to pierce his foes or the team would have given him some trouble.

If it had not been formed from flames then Shakkoumon would have a heavily damaged him with the first attack. The Justice beams were too fast for anyone to really dodge, so the match up was just terrible or the team had high winning conditions.

Plus the power behind the attack was almost most of Darkdramon's energy, so it was a finishing move type of situation and it had devastated the whole battlefield because of the immense flames and speed.

With victory in hand, Darkdramon gave a roar to announce his supremacy.