
Digital Contract

This is a world where the digital world and the human world are intertwined, and this is also a world where the human contract Digimon is. When a person reaches the age of 16, he can communicate with the digital world, awaken the digital soul, and sign a contract with a Digimon to become a beast trainer. He Zheng, reborn sixteen years ago, at the moment of awakening the digital soul, the system appeared... (I only translated and edited.) Author: 不闹不吵 Link for raw: https://wap.faloo.com/new_1015477.html I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this. All copyright goes to their original owners.

Dankan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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75 Chs

Chapter 58 Intelligence

"The smell has faded!" He Zheng noticed something, "It seems that the smell here is related to that infected beast!"

And this also proves that the infected beast has completely left here.

"Not good! People outside!" As if thinking of something, He Zheng slightly widened his eyes.

"Let's go, Guilmon!" Immediately. After yelling at Guilmon, he ran outside.

"Oh!" After repelling the infected beast, the Guilmon turned into its usual cute look again. After seeing He Zheng leave, it quickly reacted and chased after it.

During this process, He Zheng also took out the tentacles that had been cut off before.

It was sticky in the hand, almost like tofu.

Arriving outside the building, He Zheng saw the fat guy outside the abandoned building from a distance.

After seeing that he was fine, he was also relieved, and walked over immediately.

"Did you see anything escape outside?" He Zheng asked.

"No! I kept staring at you, and nothing escaped, what's wrong?" Fat Brother was a little puzzled.

"There is indeed an infected beast inside." As He Zheng said, he threw a few tentacles in his hand to the ground, and continued, "These ghost things were cut off from the infected beast."

"This... this is!" He Zheng said that it was something that infected the beast. The fat brother hid all of a sudden.

He Zheng also ignored him, and immediately took out his mobile phone and took some pictures of these tentacles.

"Then your mission has been completed!" He Zheng said to Fat Brother after filming.

"Then, what about the infected beast?" Fat Brother said.

"Escaped! That guy is very slippery, especially in a dark environment!" He Zheng replied.

To be honest, it was a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity just now.

How to put it, just now, Guilmon was almost able to kill the Infected Beast.

But, how should I put it, this is also He Zheng's first time facing this kind of situation, and it's normal for him to be unable to react. If he doesn't continue to make the mistakes he made before, it will be regarded as progress.

"Escaped!?" Fat Brother sighed lightly, and immediately said, "Okay! That's it! After all, I just planned to let you go in and check, but it turned out that there were indeed infected beasts inside, thank you for your hard work."

"Small idea!" He Zheng said, "However, I will contact the Hunter Union about the infected beasts here. Don't worry! After all, it's okay if you don't know. Now that you know that there are infected beasts here, you must not let them go." of."

Soon, He Zheng separated from that fat guy.

After taking photos of those tentacles and uploading them, He Zheng took back the Guilmon, took off the mask at the same time, and took the bus back home.

Then, on the bus, a phone call reached He Zheng's cell phone.

"Hello?" He Zheng answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Huangqi?" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes!" He Zheng replied.

"We have verified that the photos you uploaded indeed belong to the infected beast. Are you sure that the infected beast is at the address of your upload system?" the man asked on the other end of the phone.

"It's certain!" He Zheng said.

"Okay, we got it! We will send hunters to check it out immediately, do you want to go with us?" said the man on the other end of the phone.

"No, I have something else to do!" He Zheng replied.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Huangqi!" The man on the other end of the phone hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He Zheng put away the phone and sighed lightly.

Back home, He Zheng began to search for information about the beast he had previously infected. After entering keywords, infected beast, and tentacles, He Zheng soon found the answer he wanted.

The cysticercus infects the beast, and its body is pink and white, like a worm, but it releases many tentacles. According to the strength of its own energy level, 500 points can release one tentacles, and 1000 points can release two tentacles.

Looking at the pictures on the computer, He Zheng also squinted his eyes.

The cysticercus-infected beast I faced in the ruined building before had a minimum energy level of 1000 points.

However, judging from the speed at which the infected beast escaped at that time, He Zheng felt that the infected beast must have more than 1000 energy levels.

Under normal circumstances, the vast majority of infected beasts will not appear in the safe zone.

After all, no matter which safe zone it is, it is protected by an energy barrier. This kind of barrier not only protects the ground, but even touches the high altitude, but there is no absolute. No matter what, there will be infected beasts in the safe zone The primary purpose of the Hunter's Guild is to solve this problem.

If the city guards are against foreign invasion, then the hunters are fighting against infected beasts in the safe zone.

At this time, in the branch of the Hunter's Guild in Longshan City.

"Miss, this is the information provided by that [Emperor Knight]!" A man in black suit with sunglasses took out a document and handed it to a certain figure sitting in the office seat at this time.