
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

5 years.

It has been 5 years since I have reincarnated as Arthur stormwind.I opened my eyes to a world bathed in a soft, ethereal light. A feeling of familiarity washed over me, even though I couldn't recall all of my memories from before but I knew I have been reincarnated.

As I sat up, I realized that I was lying in a cozy cradle, nestled within the grand chamber of the Stormwind family's ancestral castle.Even though I was born with golden spoon life was not full of roses in fact it was hell living in this family.

My father Theron stormwind was the duke of northern territory of the lunaria empire.The best way he can be described as a very cold manipulative bastard, a staunch materialistic who only values people who can be used for fulfilling his goal and he is also someone who can do anything to achieve it.

My mother Lucia scarlett stormwind was the only daughter of the Marquis Eldric scarlett lord of southern border defending the lunaria empire from the brutality of the orc federation.The two families had been odds with each other from the very founding days of the empire so it came as a suprise to everyone when both the stormwind and scarlett family started to support the First Prince Julius lunaria for the position of emperor of the lunaria empire.

Even though both family family had the thought of supporting the first prince they were not able to as they were busy pulling each other down,well anyway the alliance between the stormwind and the scarlett family was not going to be easy, seeing the situation the first prince came out with a brilliant plan which anyone could not think of yeah a political marriage, what a fucking brilliant plan that it was that no one ever thought and finally due to meditation of the first prince my mother married the duke of stormwind as the second wife but wait a second the story doesn't end there after marrying the duke my mother passed away after 3 years in an unknown circumstances but at that time the prince Julius was already Emperor Julius and having obtained the throne he didn't want two prominent family to be at war and wanted a stable empire hence the matter was suppressed,the old marquis couldn't even do anything to avenge his daughter but he did stop helping the stormwind family as he blamed them for his daughter's death.

Many people would feel why I know that my mother's death was under dubious circumstances because there was an assassination attempt on me when I was 4 years old, a servant poisoned me with Bloodroot Elixir,it has the name of Elixir but it doesn't heals people but damages the body of the person who is poisoned so that they can't use mana,mana is one of the fundamental elements that builds the foundation of everything in this world and those without it are not able to live beyond 20 years of life,and are weak and sick even minor diseases can lead to their death those without mana can't become knights or wizards and are treated as cursed as mana is seen as the gift from God heck even a newborn has more mana in him than me right now so to summarise,In this castle I am someone who is weak and sick literally a burden and related to someone who is sabotaging the goals of the castle owner that is my maternal grandfather so I am in a very precarious situation where everyone in the castle ignores me but can't ignore me.

The first wife of my father Eliza thorn stormwind who is also from a marquis family but from the north see me as a thorn in her path for her's son succession to the position of duke as I am still the first born so long story short I am weak and sick and can't use mana due poisoning incident and mistress of this castle wants me dead and my father is not going to stop her as I am of no use to him.

Now that you have an idea of my situation it seems life is on hell mode but no I am in pretty good situation as even though there are lots of problems I have a plan which I started after regaining my memories at the age of four,yeah as you would have guessed I regained my memories after the day I was poisoned it indeed destroyed my body but it also awakened my memories of my previous life now here is a secret guess I didn't came to this world alone something else came with me yes an amulet, looking at it brings back the memories of my previous life and of my grandfather.

It was a normal day in every sense except it was my 21st birthday I woke up that morning with a sense of anticipation for the upcoming party tonight which I had planned.As I made my way down the creaky staircase of our ancestral home, I could feel the weight of history resting upon my shoulders. Grandfather, a wise and weathered man, sat patiently in his study. The room was filled with the smell of old books and aged parchment, as if the knowledge of centuries had seeped into the very walls. "Ravindra," Grandfather beckoned me with a knowing smile. "Come, sit beside me. It is time for you to receive the amulet.My heart raced with reverence as I approached him.

His hands, wrinkled with age, trembled slightly as he presented me with a small, intricately crafted box. I could hardly contain my anticipation as I carefully lifted the lid, revealing the jewel-encrusted amulet nestled within a bed of velvet.My breath caught in my throat as I laid my eyes upon its radiant beauty.

The amulet sparkled with a celestial glow, reflecting the hues of a thousand stars. Its design was intricate, a testament to the skill of the ancient artisans who had crafted it. As I reached out to touch it, a surge of warmth coursed through my fingertips. It was as if the amulet recognized me, acknowledging the connection between our souls. I held it delicately in my hands but later dismissed whatever I felt as a result of excitement.

Grandfather's voice broke my excitement. "This amulet, Ravindra, is not just an heirloom. It is a gift from Lord Vishnu himself, bestowed upon our ancestors as a symbol of their unwavering faith and dedication. Our ancestors fought against Islamic invaders and British colonizers,for protecting the amulet as it cannot be allowed to fall in wrong hands."

He paused, his eyes filled with pride and a touch of sadness. "Now, it is your turn, my child. The amulet's power is immense, its uses varies from person to person, listen my child you must remember it cannot fall in wrong hands ever".

Grandfather placed his weathered hand on mine, his voice filled with emotion. "Remember, Ravindra, the true power of the amulet lies not in its material worth, but in the virtues it represents. Wisdom, courage, compassion—these are the qualities that will guide you on your journey. Use the amulet for good, and it shall serve you well."

At that time I thought that it was all nonsense as there is no such thing as superpowers but now I think he was right and the proof was dangling around my neck and this amulet which is now looking like a worn out necklace is secret key to achieving my ideal life in this knew and unknown world.