
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime et bandes dessinées
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245 Chs

Chapter 7 Hill House

The staff lady glanced at the items Eero was pointing at.

"Little brother, it's bar fish sushi, sweet soy sauce dango, and tuna rice onigiri." The staff lady politely introduced herself, suppressing her urge to pinch Eero's cheeks. 'What a cute little brother.'

Eero nodded, then pointed at them and spoke, "Give me ten sushi, ten dangos, and also ten onigiri, as well as those other food items each ten. Today, I am throwing a party; I will let my friends eat them."

The staff girl was surprised. 'That's rich; even a six-year-old throwing parties, huh?'

Suppressing the surprise in her heart, she then nodded with a smile, "Okay, little brother."

Starting packing up, then passing the eight packages of different food items, "Here little brother, I have added extra sauce packets."

"Thank you, elder sister. How much is it?"

"It's 1600 for sushi, 4000 for dango and onigiri, and the other 20,000, totaling 25600, little brother," the staff lady politely replied.

Eero nodded, then didn't care about the price. After paying and picking up the packages, 

He walked outside the shop and put five packages away in storage while no one was paying attention, leaving three outside. 

Appeared near a lake bridge and sat down on the public seating, started opening up the package, ready to eat.

'It's delicious.' His eyes lit up after eating sushi, then checked onigiri. 

'It's also delicious,' then dangos, 

'delicious, sweet, and fluffy.' 

Happily started gorging them one by one.

After a while looking at the remaining food and his bulging little stomach, 'It's been ages since I have eaten something so delicious. It's a billion times better than those bitter liquid nutritions.' Patting his bulging stomach like a pregnant woman, he muttered unsatisfied, "I can't eat more, or it will burst." He put away the remaining dangos, sushi, and onigiri.

'Well, it's time to find a quiet area to place the portable house,' Eero thought, then walked toward the outside direction, because no one will let him place his portable home inside the city, nor can he buy land at this age.

But he didn't know; few people moving around were looking at his bulging stomach strangely. 'This little guy is greedy; what has he eaten to make his stomach like that?' 

'My stomach is aching; it seems I overate a little,' frowned, patting his painful stomach.

Then, Eero's eyes lit up; he covered his body with the domain and walked with a constant pace toward the destination, feeling a little relieved stomach pain. 'As expected, talent usage helps in digestion.'

After a while, a hoverbus stopped near the city edge, and Eero hopped outside.

'I have reached.'

Looking at the pathway leading outside the city, also looking at green hills far away, then glanced at West City behind him, Eero ran outside, covering his body with the domain. His bulging stomach also reduced a lot because of constant use.

After a while, he sat down beside the pathway to restore stamina. 'Today is 1st May 763; probably Gohan is also six years old. Also, after a few years, Cell arc and Majin Buu arc will start. The second one is dangerous for me, but still, it's ten years later; there is a lot of time.'

Then I stood up and ran again, after looking at the direction of the hills around me. "I should choose a secret and hidden area, probably at the backside of the hill, hidden from the glimpses of travelers."

After a few hours, near the afternoon, 

Eero finally found the best place for placing the home, looking at the sun, and then glanced at the only flat section area, behind the second hill located in the east direction of the west city, looking at green grass on the ground.

Its edges are very steep; there are only a few hidden ways to reach here; also, a little climbing skills are required on this way. 

This is also one of the reasons Eero chose this place; he will exercise and run to West City daily. Also, it is hidden from all angles; travelers on the pathway can't see this section of a hill with direct vision.

Opened the storage panel, clicked the portable home.

Instantly, a projection appeared in front of him, attaching to the edge of the hill in this flat area. An arch-shaped door and window materialized.

"So, this home has hidden features. It seems to be good," Eero muttered in surprise, opened the door, and walked inside, looking at a small studio-shaped lit-up house with only two rooms, a kitchen, a shower, and a lounge area. 

Opened the tap, looking at water flowing.

"Somehow water is not an issue."

Also looking at high-tech used inside, a wall screen in the lounge area, a well-decorated room, heat functions in the shower room, and also all kitchen utensils and refrigerator, chiller, oven, and stove, checking everything one by one. A satisfied smile appeared on Eero's face.

"Although I don't know how to cook, I can learn through recipes on those grocery packaging. I heard there are recipes written behind every seasoning and ingredient package," Eero muttered thoughtfully.

Eero then left the house, appeared outside, looking at the about 20 by 40-meter empty area in front, and happily spoke, "Thankfully, the home has a hidden function; it is hidden inside the hill. Now, this open area is reserved for my training."

'I should also buy equipment for my training tomorrow; before that, I should use Saitama's training manual,' he decided, then started his training right away.

"First, 10 push-ups," he muttered, then adjusted his standard push-up prone position on the ground.

After doing four, flattened on the ground tired, after taking a break for a while, started doing them again and again, and in just 10 minutes, finally completed the 10.

"Now sit up," he muttered. He started sitting up; it was easy; he completed 10 sit-ups in a minute or two.

"Finally, squats," he muttered, adjusting his little hips. He started squatting; it was also easily completed.

"As for a 1 km run, I have already completed it, probably." Thinking of running from West City to this hill, his legs and whole body are now creaking.

Looking at the dark sky with stars and purple neon far away at the edge of the sky, Eero was standing at the edge, looking at it emotionally, with a peaceful heart.

"So, this is how a starry sky looks like; what a breathtaking view," muttered, locking the view in his heart, then walked inside the house, lest some dinosaur or beast pop out from nowhere.

After bringing out food from his storage and starting to gorging them, his eyes lit up. After a while looking at his bulging belly, 'It seems I have to control this overeating problem.' Helplessly thought, then went to sleep, enduring the stomach discomfort.

After a while, drifting in a dream peacefully.