
Die Schöne und das Biest

Fantasy Romance
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What is Die Schöne und das Biest

Lisez le roman Die Schöne und das Biest écrit par l'auteur Dreams of White Tresses publié sur WebNovel. Nachdem sie sich in einer Welt der Tiermenschen wiederfindet, wird sie von einem Leoparden gerettet und später entführt. Bai Qingqing erleidet einen ziemlichen Nervenzusammenbruch, denn die Männchen i...


Nachdem sie sich in einer Welt der Tiermenschen wiederfindet, wird sie von einem Leoparden gerettet und später entführt. Bai Qingqing erleidet einen ziemlichen Nervenzusammenbruch, denn die Männchen in dieser Welt sind so prächtig und gut aussehend wie stolzierende Pfaue. Die Frauen hingegen sind lächerlich hässlich, werden aber von den Männern trotzdem sehr geschätzt. Als schöne Highschool-Schülerin ist sie irgendwie zur faszinierendsten Schönheit dieser Welt geworden. Das Schlimmste aber ist, dass diese Welt eine matriarchalische Gesellschaft ist. Sie will nicht, dass drei oder vier Ehemänner auf sie warten! In ihrem Leben geht es darum, einen Leoparden zu necken, einen Tiger zu kitzeln, eine giftige Schlange zu verführen und einen Adler zu fangen. Bai Qingqing, die einen vollen Harem hat, ist zu tiefst zu Tränen gerührt. Sie wollte wirklich nichts von alledem. "Hey, hey, Bruder Leopard, Bruder Tiger, Bruder Schlange, Bruder Adler, was macht ihr da? Bleibt zurück!" Es sind vier männliche Anführer: Der junge und starke Leopard, die schüchterne und stille Schlange, der kräftige Tiger und der unnahbare und einsame Adler.

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"Are you insane? Let me go!" She barked,trying to free herself from his strong arms that tightly and aggressively held her. "I will let you go,but before then,I want to remind you of something,in case you've forgotten. "The only darn thing keeping us under the same roof,is the stupid contract marriage our parents signed. "I do not love you,and never will. I don't even have any feelings for you" He spat,disgustedly. "Just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and live happily!" He gruffly said,yanking her hand off without caring. °°° It's like they always say, " Marriage is sweet when you marry right". That feeling when you say "I do" to the one you love. That satisfied and sweet feeling when you marry the man or woman you are mádly in love with. Sweet,right? But,what happens when you say,yes! And marry the one you do not have any feelings for? Not sweet,right? Let's meet Caesar Ruslee,an incredibly handsome 25 years old Thailand guy. A billionaire,Celebrity and owner of CISCO AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. He's a hot talented actor whom ladies dìe for because of his incredibility. He's got the looks,the money,that kind of body every lady desires in her man. He is super sèxy,dark hair and eyes. A beautiful smile that will melt your heart away like candle wax. He smiles a lot,but that doesn't mean he's the coolest person you would ever meet. Caesar is a proud and cold hearted jerk. The only person he cares about and loves,is Cindy,his girlfriend and maybe his mom. Caesar has a girlfriend,but is married to someone else,through a contract marriage that was signed and sealed by both parents,right from their childhood. They did that to save their business alliances. Now,let's meet Georgia Singto,a 23 years old Thailand lawyer,who bagged her degree just few months ago. She's one of the most beautiful ladies you'd ever meet in Thai. Feel free to call her smiley, because she smiles a lot. He smiles can heal a broken hearted soul. She's so hot,with a kìller body that get men drooling. Dark and séxy eyes,brown long hair,cute lips,beautiful smiles. All in all,she's a beautiful and brilliant Lawyer who has won many cases already. Yea,she comes from a very rich family too. I'll describe Georgia as a chameleon. Because,she changes at any time. She can be crazy,fun,boring,annoying,loving,caring,sweet,stubborn,or cool at any time. Well,she's married to the almighty Caesar,and they both have no feelings for each. They loathe each other more than anything,but live under the same roof. What happens when she started developing feelings for her husband who she despised? What happens when Caesar still got no feelings for her? Now,what happens when Caesar finally falls deeply for her,but it was too late?

Nkere_Ella · Urbain
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Dreams of White Tresses



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