
Chapter 33: Waiting On The Gunslinger

Didi chokes on the smoke rising from the hole as the gunslinger bursts to the surface and flies her out the rubbled interior of the bar and into the street. Sirens blaze in the morning air, the sound of desperate terror that is the throbbing warning shaking the whole city.

Bo's plan. It's put the entirety of Trash City in danger.

The gunslinger sets her down a block from the bar front. Didi immediately kicks and punches at him, screaming incoherently. They have to go back! But, when she tries to force her way past him, sobbing and shaking, he stops her.

"I promised him I would keep you safe," the gunslinger says with regret in his voice.

"And you promised me you would rescue him!" She screams in his face. "I HATE YOU."