

One step at a time and sooner or later she was going to make it home, besides, she was long gone before they noticed her absence and she was lucky enough that they weren't able to look at her footprints in the dark night so they'll have to wait until tomorrow to be able to track her down even though she wasn't going to give them the chance, she planned to be as far as possible before they even make it till there.

A fleeting image of Keane came to her mind. He was bare-chested in the middle of king size bed but he wasn't alone; she was beneath him with her hands held by one of his above her head as he laid kisses against her neck, he traced his way under her dress until he caressed the most sensitive part of her body, she couldn't do anything but protest though later her denial turned into moans that instead seemed more like encouragements.

Gwenyvere shook her head to snap out of it as chills went down her spine, her imagination had added color to her cheeks.

What was wrong with her?

She gave a fast prayer believing the unknown creature of her raptor had probably bewitched her.

Heavens knew such indecorous imaginations weren't habitual of her and of course, she wasn't going to start now. She stood up like the ground had burned her when at the corner of her eye a dark shadow roused out of the shrubbery, its body was thick and muscular and the darkness of its fur highlighted its long deathly teeth, however, the yellowish eyes of what she believed to be a puma was what frightened her the most. As Sparkling as a fireball.

The first urge she had was to start a race, but knowing full well she wasn't a match for the predator she simply backed away from the tree. After all, it was better not to do any sudden moves in order not to be taken as a treat by the animal, in the meantime the best thing she came up with was to stave off breathing while standing as immobile as possible, and luckily the intruder may decide to go for a better hunt.

Gwenyvere's eyes adapted to the dark for her dear life and once the supposing wild cat growled at her she came to realize it was a wolf, a big one for that fact. She looked around in fear; in a search of a weapon or help.

The last thing she hoped for was pretty impossible since she was in the middle of a jungle. There was no way on earth for any passenger to rescue her.

Desperate, she began to back away without minding the pace; all she wanted was to put all the distance within her power between them. The wolf snarled again, giving a potent bite to the air that would have ripped her hand off if she hadn't withdrawn it.

Gwenyvere clumsily stepped back discarding the idea that if she didn't move, the animal would mistake her for a log. Fear made her keep her eyes fixed on the beast and she did not notice the branch of a tree at her feet until it made her lose her balance, falling to the hard ground, left with no other options but to crawl out of reach.

She didn't know what to do and she was clearly running out of time.

If ever the thought of her death had crossed her mind, Gwenyvere would have imagined a million ways but she would have never pictured this one. Persecuted by an obsessed arrogant barbarian and wolfed down.

Never better said!

All of a sudden, the wolf stopped snarling and since Gwenyvere wasn't experiencing a single strike of pain she opened her eyes gently for she had closed them in acceptance of her inevitable death.

She knew what those claws and teeth were ready to cause her.

What was going on?

Gwenyvere sat on the ground breathing rapidly unable to understand what could intimidate the ferocious-looking beast and the truth was that as much as she has looked for a weapon, her chances of using it had been null. Instead of attacking her, it backed away like a puppy with its tail in between its legs which was odd because now they were both backing away from each other. Both were intimidated by what was before them.

Still standing a few steps away, the wolf lowered its head to the ground confusing her even more.

There were no signs of imminent attack, in fact, it seemed like the wolf was presenting its humble submission to her. Until the greatest howl, she has ever heard sounded behind her and realization kicked in.

Of course, how silly of her to think she could scare such a beast.

Her whole body froze in place while every beat of her heart pumped slower to the extent that even the blood in her entire body stopped flowing.

Gwen didn't dare to look back, and anxiety had her vision turn into complete darkness as she fell into unconsciousness.

"It was about time human," said Keane as his body experienced the last changes of his metamorphosis into man, He gently carried the body laid on the ground and faced his Gama who has just metamorphosed from the grey wolf.

"Alpha, I was to capture your prisoner," Said Mallock with the smooth gracile voice that characterized him "At first, I thought her to be a lone wolf who has entered our territory" he turned about himself, both men were very accustomed to their nakedness for every time they shifted their clothes end up torn into rags.

Keane almost laughed at the words of his Gama. He looked at the pale face of the woman in his arms; even if he was blind, he could never mistake her for a wolf.

"I know Mallock. I have told you to stay away from her earlier, do not worry; I know you wouldn't disobey me, "Keane said knowing exactly well that his words would bite into Mallock's conscience.

"of course, not alpha" answered Mallock with a grin "maybe You should consider making her safety my responsibility" he folded his arms "Dereck might be overloaded with his family and the training of our warriors".

Keane scanned his Gama taking in every detail of his body language.

Apparently, his prisoner was not the only one he had to keep an eye on.