

Gwen stared at him in dismay, she could tell her whole body has turned as white as powder. She thought of running but she was running the risk to end up on the ground with her hands tied to her back.

"Gwenyvere, I alpha Keane Connor of the Red blood pack, claim you as my concubine in front of all my people, you will be getting the mark of my property in seven moons," said Keane loud and clear and everybody bowed down to his voice.

Some people weren't in agreement with his new decision but they would be crazy if they dare to express it to the alpha.

Was it her or did the man in front of her seem to have grown a few inches?

Concubine? claimed? marked as property!

She stepped back feeling the breeze in her bareback. He had done that to her and now she was going to be taken as his slave?

Over her dead body.

Gwen surely knew what were the duties of a concubine, some have been her patients and had told her all sorts of things but not only that, she has seen them for herself.

Her mother had instructed her to never friend those women and to never step foot in their tavern and so she has done until the present time. Gwenyvere had never wanted to be a concubine and she wasn't going to start now.

"You will do as I say when I say so, and wherever I say so" he stared directly into her eyes and she decided it was time to prove her point.

"No" she voiced, and the crow reacted as if she has committed an abomination.

When the whole place went quiet and even the time seem to stop another man that look like one of his warriors came from behind him.

"Humans, they are always ungrateful," said the man almost as big as Keane bringing out a knife.

Gwenyvere stepped back clumsily and fell to the ground. She thought it was the end of her life.

However, her raptor stopped him and took hold of the knife himself. He didn't take his look off her as he approached her.

"Did you say no to your alpha?"

The air seemed to grow thick as she stared at the man before her with hatred.

Gwenyvere looked around her, the audience appeared to stare at the situation with expectation.

Wich ever was her fate; she could tell there was nobody among the audience that would dare to stand up for her.

Keane looked at the human lying on the ground, he could even smell her fear. However, she didn't let it display on her face rather she gave him a look that could vanish a vampire under a scorching sun.

The woman was brave in every sense of the word.

"don't touch me" she voiced between gritted teeth and manage to back away from him twisting and dragging her legs in order to move away with her hands tied to her back. "What are you?"

He found himself smiling inwardly, proud of his woman's self-sufficiency. Not only was she brave but proud-hearted, as he could see.

"I command you to answer me," she said, "what do you have to do with the withe wolf?"

He smirked knowing fully well that the canines of his mouth had gotten longer.

Such an interesting mixture in a woman, he thought.

His wolf was fighting internally to surface, and if he gave in, she will probably faint out of excessive dismay, which was very typical of humans.

Keane noticed she was examining his fangs with a notorious look on her face, her eyes seemed to almost pop out of their socket causing an extreme temptation for him to metamorphose and push her out of her arrogant shell.

Yet she was asking him to show his true colors. how ironic could this be?

"I know it's you" Gwenyvere snapped at him, confirming out loud the theory she has tagged as the most insane of her lifetime "you are the wolf".

Keane simply stared at her. On one hand, the alpha inside him was furious for her disrespect and wanted to teach her a lesson, sink his teeth in her neck and skip every formality, but on the other, he couldn't bear to watch her at his mercy and the fact that she has rejected him and challenged him as well, had him about to turn into his wolfish-humanoid for withstanding his nature.

When Keane took the last step, Gwenyvere started breathing in gulps of air that made her chest rise and fall quickly. The man that seemed to be the leader which she now knew was named Keane squatted in front of her and instead of stabbing or slicing her in two equal parts as she has thought, he simply leaned in very close to her ear making her shut her eyes in fear and say:

"Turn around"

Gwenyvere's father had once told her what his type of outsiders was capable of doing to even an entire village without a single sign of bad conscience because they had none.

His command had been loud and clear; however, she wouldn't even dare to move an inch being so close to him.

The same thing has happened in their ride here, he had warned her not to try anything silly and had held her by her waist pinning her to his body. She has never been so violated before and yet she didn't have the audacity to defy him, scared that he might do worse to her.

Of course, what else could she expect from such a barbarian?

Before Gwenyvere could forecast it, it took Keane only a blink of an eye having her rolled over with a quick sudden movement. Her chin was rubbing the dusty soil and she could feel him pinning her to the ground pressing each of his knees against her hips to prevent her from moving.

She tried to kick him or release her hands from his grip, but laid on her stomach, even keeping her head up was a struggle.

"Let me go, you bastard!" she cried with rage and impotence "bounder savage!"

"Be still human," Keane warned her impatiently.

"Get off me!" she complained shaking away as hard as she could "you libertine!" she said raising one of her legs out of luck and aiming at his groin.

"One more move from you and I'll give you a memorable reason to call me names" he snapped infuriated.