

"Lycans" exclaimed her mother flabbergasted, "I thought they were only seen in Greece and that was the main reason we came here.

"Under the pseudonym of Callous Manson, I have been studying the possibility for the past two weeks but it was uncertain. We must move to a safer place as fast as possible before they're here.

"We are here," said Keane.

In other words, it meant they could finally take some rest and make up their minds to strike the county when the sun was high.

Next to him, Floyd, his beta sniffed the air rigorously.

"Alpha, why have you decided to attack the east before the south?"

Keane stood still on the cliff looking at the village of the flatlands composed of many cottages.

He owns no explanation to anyone, however, he turned around ready to satisfy his beta's curiosity.

"A change of plans will make us more unpredictable for the next strike" he nodded to his Gama who telepathically said he was done arranging his resting spot for the night "besides the chase of concubines never gets old"

He walked up to the blankets stretched on the ground and laid on them.

They didn't need a fire for they could clearly see despite the darkness and their audition was also very developed to that of humans. He must say he was proud of being a Lycan than just a mere mortal with no abilities but to think, some didn't even have that ability. He smiled.

He looked up at the sky, the moon wasn't full but still, it possessed a penetrant beauty that made every wolf howl at her.

The same beauty he has seen in his strange girl. He thought

Sea* he has called her his, she was already of his property that was what happens whenever he liked what he sees.

The little human was very brave and he owned her a good one. Due to that, he has decided that he will give her sister the honorable position of his concubine. He knew it was a very good idea, her touch has convinced him that long lustful nights awaited in every moon.

The single thought of her has made his body hard in all the right places.

The Morning came as soon as the night had gone and so as the chores in the medicine hut.

Gwen had had little sleep thinking of the conversation she has heard from her parents, hopefully, she was going to snap out of it being busy the whole day.

She poured some alcohol in gauze and smiled at Mrs. Johson, to be honest, she was glad her patient today wasn't her pet.

Although there were noting like some scratches and nibbles to stop her from overthinking.

"And I didn't notice I chopped my finger instead of the carrot" the elderly woman explained for the fifth time and Gwen simply listened attentively as she slowly clean the deep cut across the woman's middle finger "oh. That really burned"

"Take heart, we are almost done" using a new strip of gauze she enrolled the finger till she was sure it was secure of any infection.

"Gwenyvere!" Both Mrs. Johnson and her turned to look to her startled father, he was breathing heavily as if he has been running for hours.

"Father, what’s the matter?" she asked with worry clouding her senses.

She has never seen her father so preoccupied before.

"I need you to pick everything you can and ride to your uncle with Lacie," he told her gathering some things himself in a big sac.

"But, father why," she asked feeling her father's attitude was because the situation was really worrisome.

"take" he handed her a piece of paper; it was a map " I will explain later" he gave her the bag.

"No, am not going anywhere without you" her eyes were filled with tears now. She has never lived separated from her parents and didn't know anywhere out of the County of Merrylands.

"Listen to me!" the man yelled out of desperation and cradled her face into his hands "the county is in danger you and Lacie have to leave now".

As soon as he was done talking a very strong howl came from outside the hut followed by an uproar of various voices.

Mrs. Johnson was no were to be found, people passed running as if they were being persecuted with horror embodied on their faces.

"No" his father whispered and took her by the hand leading her outside.

"what is happening?" she asked him more scared than ever.

"Gwen, don't look back and stay behind" that was the last thing he said before they stormed out.

The village was in complete chaos, even the cattle ran from one place to another. She noticed some people were hiding as scared as rats when the cat was prowling around. Cries were echoing in the environment and Gwen couldn't picture what was tormenting her home.

Until a wolfish howl as potent as Viking horn resounded throughout the area.

They both went into their horse stable and he hurriedly unleashed his favorite horse, Connor, it was a horse that has grown under her watch and was very docile with her.

"climb" she hurriedly did as she was told "your mother will be here soon with Lacie" he loaded the horse with some sacks and waited impatiently scanning the opened door of the barn.

Gwen knew she would never forget that day, the hair at the back of her neck risen warning her of a bad omen. She was so scared she couldn't stop shivering; the mere thought that something has happened to her mother or sister had her heart sinking in dismay and it was like Connor could sense her discomfort for he wouldn't stop neighing.

"There is no time to waste," said father as he turned to her "Look Litte bird, I want you to be brave and wait here" Gwen denied with her head as tears soaked her cheeks "I will go for your mother and Lacie," he said with enthusiasms and a slight smile "everything is alright if I spend more than ten minutes, I need you to flee from the village and look for your uncle" he kissed her forehead and left before she could stop him.

More howls came from outside the hut but she was determined to leave with her family. As minutes passed by the anxiety and need to go in search for them grew as well, her father was nowhere to be found and Connor wouldn't stop snorting nervously.