

She walked up to her sister and slowly kneeled as well. Now that she could take a closer look at the wound, she was afraid that it was getting infected meaning rapid action had to be taken.

Gwenyvere opened her emergency kit and began to remove her tools to initiate the cure. At first, he snorted when she poured alcohol in a few gauzes, then he flinched when she began to clean the wound and slowly relaxed to her touch.

"Oh, guess you're just a scared big puppy" she muttered amusedly.

She made sure the wound was completely clean but the hard time was when she noticed something stuck into the wound, she explained to a curious Lacie that they were going to extirpate it, else it was going to give him trouble to heal well.

"Make sure to maintain him as calm as possible" She gently brought the tweezers next to the little hole and slowly grabbed what she thought was a root, she nodded to Lacie and then pulled it out at once.

The wolf yelled but was very weak to make any sudden movements, Besides, Lacie was next to him talking to his ear.

"Everything is going to be alright" she pated him, Gwen was still very surprised that Lacie had not been afraid of the wolf at any moment.

She sat down with her heart throbbing and raise the tweezers to her eyes. she gently took the splinter and studied it closely. It was a tooth, a canine as big as her pinky finger. As she slowly lowered it, she noticed the wolf was looking at her firmly and she decided it was time they return home.

"Lacie... He is going to be alright. We have to go now" She roused to her feet as fast as a shadow and packed everything that she has brought out of her first aid kit "Come let's go, he needs to rest now" Everything that was running through her mind was that a greater or a similar wolf has injured their patient and that sooner or later it will be back to settle the unfinished business.

The wolf closed his eyes and laid completely still as if he agreed that it was time, they stayed away from him.

Gwen took Lacie by the arm and pulled her away from the wolf "We need to get going" she gently pushed her forward to lead the way back.

"Bye, snowball," Lacie said with the last glimpse behind. Happy that she has helped her friend.

Gwen was still very touched by the experience; she never knew what to think but one thing for sure was that the wolf wouldn't be there by tomorrow.

She heard the rustle of dry leaves and out of curiosity, she turned to look back.

Her heart sank immediately when instead of the huge white wolf, she saw a man standing a few meters away, seeming to look right back at her. She couldn't see him clearly due to that it was getting late. But he was as tall as a tree with a very muscular complexity and had a pile of hair dancing around his face.

But what seemed more perturbing to her was the fact that his eyes were shining yellow in the dim light like two luminous fireflies.

Lately, under the safety of her home. Gwen brought out one of the rare things she had seen today.

She sunk the tooth in a cylinder crystal and watch closely how it transformed the transparent color into a green-like potion.

The fact that she was a daughter of a botanist and the only scientist in the whole county made her very curious by nature, and they were to blame if she was following their steps.

She brought out her tweezers as well to removed the tooth from the recipient.

To her surprise, smoke started coming out from the tweezers as if they were in combustion. She abruptly dropped them and quickly step back scared of whatever was to happen.

The lamp illuminated the scene on the table. She grew even more nervous for the tweezers were seeming to meltdown around the tooth.

Gwen has witnessed many chemical reactions throughout her life but she could swear she had never seen anything like that before.

But wasn't today a day of wonders?

A Recollection came to her mind and it was that of the man she has seen standing behind her.

He has been half-covered with some shrubbery leaving his upper body to her perception.

She could have had more information about him if it weren't for the advantage he had taken of the shadows as it was getting dark.

The man had seemed to look into her soul the very moment their eyes met, the little balls of light looked fierce and the strength that emanated from his body was something more powerful than the waves of the sea in a stormy night.

Gwen couldn't tell how he has done it but he seemed pretty connected to the injured wolf to her.

In the county, you could differentiate a foreigner by either the accent they spoke with or the clothes they had on...

Her eyes widen as realization slowly kicked in.

But she didn't perceive any garment on his body...

He has been nude; he has been nude and she has stared at him blatantly.

Her cheeks redden like a fully ripe tomato, she took a stone spike used to moderate the fire of the stove and gently separated the tooth from the tweezers. It didn't react the same way.

Well, if she wanted to know more about the spike, it was time she looked for help.

Gwen hurried out of her chambers, quite excited to share her discovery with her father, after all, he has always told her all scientists helped each other and the proof of that was the constant messages he exchanged with his various comrades.

"What did the message say?" this was her mother talking "ever since you received Floyd's messages you have been thoughtful"

Still unnoticed by her parents, she slowly lowered her hand deciding not to knock on the door but listen to them.

"The north of the county is in war," her father said with his typical graceful way of talking "you and I know they are not ordinary warriors, Diana"

Outside the door, Gwen frowned at the name of her uncle for he usually sent two telegrams every week and one was meant for her.

Not ordinary warriors.

"We … have confirmed what we have feared" continued her father "he didn't write much, but the message was clear: Bleidd-Ddyn.