
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Yes I did.

"Did you kill her?"

A middle-aged man in a blue suit, holding a cigarette, spoke calmly as he sat across from a young man.

"Yes," the young man replied.

The middle-aged man exhaled a puff of smoke and leaned forward.

"You're aware that this is a crime, and there will be consequences?"

The young man managed a weak smile, a tear welling up in his left, purple eye.

"I don't care anymore. Just kill me or torture me. Put an end to this worthless life of mine."

The middle-aged man rose from his seat and moved behind the young man.

"When did your eyes change?"

The young man appeared surprised and lowered his head.


Fourteen days earlier...

"What a worthless child! I wish I'd never had you!" A middle-aged woman screamed.

"Fortunately, this worthless child is leaving this house for good. You'll be alone here until you die a worthless death."

"Just like your sister. You both are worthless," she yelled.

"She's lucky she doesn't have to see your face for more years," he shot back.

"Heh, that bitch..." she muttered.

"What did you just say?" He demanded.

The woman smirked, "She is a bitch."


One punch sent the woman sprawling to the floor; her head collided with the corner of the table, and she died.

"I... I..." Tears welled up in his eyes, which turned a shade of purple, unbeknownst to him.

"Did I just kill my mother?" He came to realize what he had done.

"Yeah, but she deserved it."

"But she's my mother."

"A bad mother who tore the family apart."

"If she weren't like that, my father would have stayed, my sister would have stayed."

"But she is still your mother."

He knelt on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes, and his body trembling.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My name is Raven Michell, and I just killed my mother."


"Fourteen days ago, I suppose," Raven answered.

The man took the keys and calmly removed the handcuffs from Raven's hands.

"You're an Awakened One. I don't know what your ability is, as there's no record of it, but you've awakened. Every Awakened person bears the responsibility to help and save Earth."

Raven leaned back and smiled. "Are you going to kill me if I just say no? Fine, do it," he mocked.

The man calmly sat down. "No, but it's a shame for Elena," he said.

"What do you mean? You know my sister?" Raven stood up.

"Yes, she's an ability user as well. Her eyes are similar, but hers are yellow, and we know what they do."

Raven smiled and sat down; tears began to fall. "She's alive. She's alive," he muttered.

The man smiled faintly. "You can become one of us, live your life to the fullest, or you can choose to die and never see her again, ultimately disappointing her."

Raven's eyes widened. "Can I live a normal life after I've killed someone?"

"You're an ability user. Even if you've taken a life, your own life is more valuable than your death. In my eyes, your mother's life was worth less," he said calmly.


"Ufff, another boring day," sighed a red-haired man.

"Lucas, have you heard? There's a new member," said a big, burly man.

Lucas and two other girls in the class turned their attention to the man.

"Who is he, Matt?" Lucas asked, filled with anticipation.

"I don't know. I was just returning from the gym, and I overheard the workers talking. Apparently, he has an undiscovered ability, but his background is shady," Matt explained.

"Why? What did he do?"

Matt glanced left and right and whispered, "He killed his mother."


Everyone in the class was shocked.

"Quiet, I'm here to introduce the new member of this class. Come on in," said the middle-aged man as he entered the classroom.

Raven walked in, dressed in his new uniform - a black suit with a dark red shirt and dark red stripes on the edges. His black hair and purple eyes were striking, adding to his overall handsome appearance.

"My name is Raven," he introduced.

"That's it?" Lucas asked.

"Well, you probably heard from that big guy, so I don't have much else to add, and I don't think meeting me is a pleasure," he finished, taking a seat at the back.

"We have a quiet guy here," Lucas joked.

"Well, he's quiet and not annoying, so that's enough," said a girl with black hair and blue eyes, but a cold expression.

"I think he's cute, those eyes are charming," commented a girl with light blue eyes and blue hair.

"Let me introduce everyone to you," the man said.

"My name is David Waters, and I'm the teacher," he said calmly.

"This one here is Lucas, next to him is Matt. The black-haired girl is Luna, and the blue-haired one is Ain," he introduced.

"This is the Phoenix Veil Society, where we train new ability users," he explained.

"For any additional information, you can look on the website," he finished.

Raven nodded, his mind occupied with this new life. Just two hours ago, he was in jail, likely to spend his entire life there, and now he was in a classroom with people sporting red and blue hair, and a teacher with white hair and a large axe on his back.

Raven himself had purple eyes and still didn't know a thing about them. Like many people, he knew that there were individuals with abilities in the world, but apart from occasional news, sightings were rare. However, upon entering this building, everyone he met appeared to be an ability user.

More importantly, his sister was one of them. David had mentioned that she was a talented ability user working for something called the Bureau of Abilities Regulation. But Raven couldn't meet her because she was on a mission and unaware of his awakening.

She had left their abusive mother seven years ago, a decision that had initially made him angry. However, now he understood that her work was dangerous, and she had many enemies. If she'd stayed in the same house, her enemies might have targeted and killed him.

"Hey, sad boy, let's go grab some food. You can't live your life with that gloomy attitude," Lucas said, breaking Raven from his thoughts.