
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


At noon

Now that I've entered the last phase of nature energy, I should start focusing on my water energy.

Since the weakness of nature energy is fire. If those fire mages start attacking the trees surrounding us we are f*cked for sure.

And I'm no genius but I'm sure elves cannot see through fire, so right now it's my weakness

Emptying my water core won't weaken me unlike the nature energy since my stamina is on par with my nature core that's way bigger than my water core.

How will it improve tho? Will it improve if I continue to use it as long as I have the stamina? Nah

I'm sure it will not expand if I use it continuously like how it needed for me to sleep before my nature core expanded. I'll practice water core for 3 hours then stop like how I did in the beginning

Lawrence then stood up, grabbed a sword and practised some basic sword movements while using water energy and channelling it on his palms

Not long after a group of elves started to approach him

"warrior Lawrence why is it blue?" "and aren't we gonna build our houses?" the elves asked

F*ck they were serious about those houses?

Now that I think about it, these elves living near me don't sound like a bad idea

I can go to their houses anytime I want and I can also meet their mothers I mean call for them if I need some warrior to bring along

They are useless now but these sh*ts are mages. I don't even know if my offspring will all be mages too

"let's start it tomorrow, I'll need to cut some trees in that area first. Go and tell the other elves to train their weapons too" Lawrence said with a smile

Then he and the elves started their weapon training.

A few hours later

Some elves started running towards the group practising sword movements

"Chieftess help us!" 4 elves shouted worriedly

"speak what is it?" the chieftess said with serious expression

"chieftess Carla fell in a hole near the world tree," the elves said worriedly

Hole? How the hell can a hole appear there?

"How did a hole appear there?" the chieftess asked

"We don't know we were just sleeping near it then we heard Carla scream, we looked where she was and all we saw was a deep hole," the elves said with teary eyes

"alright let go to the world tree," the chieftess said with a serious expression

"May I come with you chieftess, we can also arrive there faster if we fly towards it," Lawrence said

"Let's go" the chieftess said

Lawrence then put the chieftess in his arm then used his nature energy to grab one elf using it. Lawrence is carrying a sword while the chieftess is carrying a spear. They are glowing green

The trio then flew towards the world tree

"i-am scared we're too high" the elf Lawrence grabbed said with teary eyes

The chieftess is silent but she is tightly hugging Lawrence with one of her arms

"Don't worry we will be there soon" Lawrence said with a smile

I don't feel that my stamina is decreasing at all, I wonder how long my limit is

"we're here chieftess and little lamb I-I mean fellow elf," Lawrence said with an awkward smile while putting the 2 down

"there's indeed a hole Lawrence, what should we do? " the chieftess said in a surprised tone

Damn, you're the chieftess and you're asking me again?

"I'll go down chieftess since I can fly" Lawrence said with a smile

"Then I'll come with you", the chieftess said with a determined expression

"all right but be careful, we don't know what's down there," Lawrence said with a serious expression

"Don't worry about me" the chieftess said with a smile

"let's go"

Lawrence and the chieftess both elevate and then go down the hole.

"Chieftess this hole is weird, I feel like someone dug this, the soil around us looks too hard to just fall to the ground," Lawrence said with a serious expression

"then should we go back up" the chieftess said while tightly holding her spear

"No we must save the elf" Lawrence said

Nah losing one or two elves is fine but I'm curious about what's down there. I don't think there's anything that can harm us is down there since the world tree is still alive

"This place seems too big, I can no longer see the walls" the chieftess said in a surprised tone

"I think so too chieftess, this might be as big as the glade. But its too dark so it's hard to tell" Lawrence replied while looking at the darkness

"I think I can see the elf chieftess," Lawrence said

"yeah she's there, but she doesn't look injured and just sleeping" the chieftess said in a relieved tone

Lawrence and Adriana landed on the ground. They then approached the elf

"She is not injured, I just needed someone to bring you here"

"Eeeik!" the chieftess cried out

"f*ck!" Lawrence cried out

Both the chieftess and Lawrence jumped forward and looked behind them with their weapon pointing towards the voices

"Don't be afraid, I'm the world tree and I'm using the dryads to communicate with you" 10 dryads said in unison

"Don't you f*cking know how creepy you are right now? I almost killed some of them! I mean please continue World Tree" Lawrence exclaimed then said it in a polite tone with a stiff smile

Damn that scared the sh*t out of me

"look over there elf, that is a sacred liquid formed by my existence, it can help you elves greatly. That is all" 10 dryads said and then flew away

"thank you World Tree and Dryads," the chieftess said while bowing

The hell? do you need to kidnap an elf to say that?

Thank you for reading this chapter! ^_^

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