
Diary Of My Life In Highschool

The start of highschool is a new beginning for me and I can't wait to take the first step. Many highschool graduates have told me stories about highschool, one of them being that highschool is a place where crushes are made where we experience first love and of course love fight, be it struggle for one girl of struggle for one boy. Well mum had once told me that highschool is a place where irrelevant posts are given such as school belle, school hottie, queen bee and so on. That was the thought that brought me out of my room and couldn't help but think of how my own highschool story will be, but then in all of that I don't wish for any heart break, I mean my heart is way too weak to love someone and then suffer a heart break afterwards well I...      "Happy first day in highschool sweetie" mum said as she headed towards me with her protruded stomach.     "Thanks mum, can't help but feel nervous of what today holds" I said as I hugged her     "Oh don't be dear, I know it will be fun filled"    "Thanks mum" I said and was about to sit and have my break fast when dad came towards me while holding my ear pod and said     "You forgot this"    "Dad were you in my music room again?" I asked while collecting the ear pod    "Um I don't think that's a proper way of saying thank you"    "Dad the last time you were in my music room you broke my guitar"       "And I fixed it"     "Come on hun say thank you" mum intervened     "Fine thank you"    "You're welcome"

P8nk3ng3l · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter seventeen(17)

"No I don't owe you" I said standing up and picking my phone which was on his side table together with my purse

"Yes you do, you didn't give me a present"

"I did I came to your birthday and sang with you"

"That was as Jonas Jessy I mean as Mae, and I saved from being kidnapped"

"Fine i'll think of something before Tuesday"

I went together with my manager to Olivia's movie industry later in the day. And it was decided that the movie will be uploaded a day after the music release. After which we went to q mall to buy some clothes for me. That night I spent in Olivia's room although after some arguments between her and Francis. The next day I went to school together with Francis.


When we got to school, we saw small groups of people every here and there, each group were looking into their phones. As I walked into the hallway, people turned their attention towards me

"They has the same colour of eyes" I heard some one say

"Yes, even the birthmark on her right cheek is the same"

"Their skin colour too" okay now things are getting weird, what's going on? Then went the bell. During classes the stares continued, even the teachers even

During lunch someone came to me as I was putting my books in my locker, before heading to the cafeteria.

"Mae?" She called called

"Yes? Do I know you? You look familiar" I asked her

"Maybe, the picture uploaded yesterday did you see it?"

"No I didn't see any picture"

"It was the picture of Jonas Jessy and her mask falling off while her manager was trying to hold it in place, it showed the great resemblance between you and Jonas Jessy"

"Oh, I didn't see any picture, but I would really like to see who she is to see the resemblance between us" I said ready to go after Sandra, but then the girl drew me closer to her and whispered.

"Mae you should do more job in saving your identity or better still tell the public your identity and save your self the stress attached to hiding" I drew away from her and asked

"Who are you?"

"Oh am Simone, Junior's cousin remember? I came to your birthday party last year" she said.

"Oh... Simone its been long, but I will have to see you later, and thanks" I said and walked away to the cafeteria. Getting to the cafeteria I ignore the calls from Gideon and Rachel and walked towards Sandra's table.

"Look who we have here" Sandra started saying but I ignored her and dragged out of the cafeteria, and shut the door of the restroom after I pushed her in.

"Why?" I asked

"Why what?" She asked, with the look on her face, I almost believed she was ignorant of what I was asking about.

"Stop feigning ignorant Sandra, and tell me why you have gone against our deal" I said

"Okay I wasn't the one who went against the deal first" she said but didn't give me a chance to reply before she continued.

"You know, neither you nor Francis came to school yesterday, so after school yesterday I decided to check upon him, that was when I saw you leaving his house with your manager, I asked Francis what you were doing in his house and he told me that you spent the night, as I was going back home after checking up on him, I saw you again but this time you weren't with your manager you were with Olivia. Now tell me who went against the deal first?"

"You know what Sandra to hell with you and your deal, tell the world for all I care, after all my identity must surely come out one day, and don't expect me to stay away from Francis, if you want his attention, you have to earn it, not bribing your way into his heart. And stay away from anything that has to do with me" I said and left. The bell was heard, I didn't even get to have lunch, not that I cared anyway.