
DEAR GOD (my first poem)

I laid in my bed, staring at my off-white colored ceiling. The cloud was dark, the street was so quiet, I could hear my heart beat. I stood up and walked up to my study table and picked up a pen. Slowly, I opened a book right in front of my and I started designing words into the book with the ink of the pen;


Dear God,

Take away their pain,

Wipe away their tears,

Flowing like oceans.

Heal their souls,

Send the drops of water from the heavens,

To quench the flame of their burning houses.

Listen to their cry for help,

Listen to their screams,

Listen to their lost voices

Pleading for all this to end


A new day has begun,

Their hopes have been raised,

The same home they nurse everyday.

Dear God,

Save them."