
Come back home

My face, neck and arms were full of hickeys, a deep shade of pink crept up my cheeks all the way to my ears. The bastard did this on purpose, and I'll make sure to teach him a lesson.

I stomped out of the doctor's office, thankfully nobody was there to witness my shamelessness. I looked left and right and located him beside a water dispenser down the hallway. I marched over to him and ignored the curious glances thrown at us.

"We need to talk". I managed to keep my voice calm.

" We're already talking love what do you.... " he was interrupted by my death glare and harsh voice.

"Don't even push me Henry, lead the way to your car". Was it me or did he just looked like a sacred rabbit?, I shrugged inwardly and followed him to the elevator, no one said a thing throughout the elevator ride.


We got to the first floor and I waited for him to settle the bills at the reception before heading towards the parking lot together with him. He opened the passenger seat door and motioned me to get in, that only made my temper worse.

" You can drop the fucking act now, no one is around". I pointed out.

"Why do you have to curse this much?, it'll affect the baby". Wow, the bastard was still in character, maybe someone was watching us after all , not that I cared anyways.

" And why do you act like you care?". I sneered at him, he only gave a small sigh in return.

"Why bother asking you questions when you'll end up answering me with a question?"

"That's your problem, not mine". I shrugged

" Fine, you wanted to see me, what for?"

"What not for?".

" Can you please get to the point? ", the idiot was playing dumb or something?

" Well, so tell me in clear terms,what do you want?"

"I told you already, I want you", is this jerk joking around or something?

"I'm so not in for jokes right now, so tell me why you're here or I break your nose". I wasn't threatening him, at the level of my anger I could probably murder him as well if there wasn't surveillance cameras all over the place.

" OK fine, I want you back home, you and our baby I –". I laughed hysterically, what's with him this time?

"What's with you this time?, are you drunk? or getting pressurised by your Dada? or little brothers are bullying you?" His face turned grim at my mockery, I smiled gleefully. He deserves it.

"Well, as the SLUT you already know me to be, I latched unto a bigger thigh, so I wouldn't be needing your money anymore. Here, you can take your precious ring back" I took off the ring and casually placed it on the car roof. I was about to take the dramatic leave when he gently touched my wrist.

" I'm sorry, I said all those things in a fit of rage, I realized that I was the selfish one. I want to make it up, to you and our baby. please come back home, this time as a friend and wife, not as a stranger, I promise I wouldn't let any Brown touch any strand of your hair, please come back home Vee ". It was the first time he called my name, it sounded so sweet coming from him, but I wasn't going to fall for his apology, it was all an act

" If you think I'll go back with you, you're joking. First to save me then you scream of me like a slut?, there's no way I'd fall for your cheap lies and go back with you. I'm not even safe, how will I live in a house where my dignity has been tainted and where I have to fear for safety, it's not good for my baby".


Sorry it's a little bit short and came late. My PC was giving me problems.

Why did you think Henry came back for Vee?, we'll find out soon enough.

This chapter is for Krystell, thanks for voting your precious stones for me. That was what actually encouraged me to sleep type this chapter. Anyways, you can still show more support by votes comments and reviews.

✌ illusionistic

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