***Navi's current point if view in *Dream land..
The rage coming from Ikita is both insane and explosive buy yet his face remains utterly calm. Containing this amount of rage with an indifferent face, it is almost as if Ikita Shi has lost the ability to display any form of emotion he may feel on his face.
The kneeling man at the corner of the room trembles even more for some reason as he feels a fiery cold aura from the masked man. Almost as if the scientist could feel Ikita Shi's rage, cold sweat from his pores with tears of fear spilling from his eyes though he keeps silent as his body does nothing but tremble.
Without a word,.. Ikita takes action.
All of a sudden, Ikita turns around as if to exit the space but then his earpiece turns on with a new message from Ikita's obvious least favourite person in the galaxy.
"..Do.. your.. job. We don't want her to miss another dose of lifesaver do we. Your last mistake almost cost her life, do you think she can afford to see you make another one?.", A mature, calm yet awfully disgusting voice compels Ikita whose fingers trembles with more rage silently climbing mountains in his chest.
"You didn't say the target is a child.", Ikita says calmly though Navi can feel the piercing rage in every of his word.
Navi finally gets a bit of the gist as to why Ikita has reacted so badly immediately he saw the pale child on the bed.
Navi has never tried to be the guy to uphold moral principles especially considering his 'world' but even he thinks that with children,.. you're crossing a line.(Navi has literally forgotten that he's twelve).
"You really are making me out to be the bad guy Ikita, your job is not to murder her. Your job is to extract the serum from her else the girl back home would not well.. get hers.", The woman's voice says calmly as she has clearly lost a beating heart in her body in exchange for being practical and effective.
She is a master manipulator and her words strikes into Ikita deeply.
Ikita stops everything for a while as he stands in silence. Navi can clearly feel the clash of different emotions in Ikita. Someone that Ikita holds dear is clearly going to get the receiving end if he does not completing the mission.
"Will it kill her?.", Ikita asks calmly but this time he gets no more response from the other side as Ikita closes his eyes.
Navi watches all of this in silence as Ikita Shi remains rooted in the same position for a full one minute. Navi feels as Ikita hates himself more and more with every second more and he also feels how Ikita cannot find the courage to go out of the room.
Not at the expense of that person's life.
Ikita's expression behind the mask remains calm and cold and then, he somehow manages to push all the heavy and suffocating emotions no matter wrong or right down into the bottom of his already filled up stomach as he pulls out a small injection like machine from his vest.
He has made a decision.
Calmly, Ikita puts the device on the weak child's chest with something in him breaking into pieces. From the small device, three small needles goes into the child's heart while a massive stake goes into Ikita Shi's heart as he calmly looks on.
The process took only about one minute with the machines in the room blaring and showing a very low pulse at the end of it all with Ikita retrieving the device.
Not brave enough to face what he had just done, Ikita gives himself the benefit of doubt as he hurriedly walks out of the hole he burnt in the door with his fingers trembling.
'She might make it.', Ikita repeats calmly in his head over and over again as he walks away with the very sour benefits of doubt in his mind as the weak pulse remains beeping from the device.
Navi watches all of this coldly. His inexistent fingers clenches up with his point-of-view wacthing the straight back of his alternate self in calm retreat after he calmly makes a decision he never hoped to make in a lifetime.
A decision that breaks him to fix someone else..
Navi cannot even fully accept the emotions running through Ikita Shi's mind right now and he cannot even begin to try to understand how Ikita is keeping it all together despite emotions so intense running loose in his head.
The scene slowly begins to become blurry until it fades as the overlapping voices in the background becoming wilder and louder.
Navi finds himself back in the waters where he has began this dream session and pains assaults his mind once more though he doesn't feel much of it this time.
It still hurts like crazy but Navi is just too exhausted to feel so much of it and then, the powerful voice returns all of a sudden with a renewed vengeance..
With a big gasp, Navi returns back to reality with the sun up and his entire body covered in cold sweat.
***Back to reality..
Unlike at the end of the last dream session, there's no blood over Navi's eyes though Navi is not bothered to check as he focuses on controlling his breathing.
*Breathe In*..*Breath Out*..
Every breath stings, his heart and lungs are numb and painful and his muscles are all completely sore.
For the first minute after waking up, the room lies in a utter blur and the pain of quickly pushing himself up from his sleep soon settles down in Navi's mind as he gives a pained groan.
With his mind spinning, Navi adjusts his pillow then slowly adjusting himself with now his back against the wall as he thinks about all his dreams.
The first clear dream scene showed a ten years old Ikita Shi in what Navi assumes to be forced training and Ikita effortlessly slaughters his way through dozens of men.
In this scene, Navi had been introduced to that cold woman who proves to be a villain in this story. Navi also gets introduced to Ikita's emotions for the first time. He gets introduced the hatred and a little care Ikita Shi holds for this woman as well as the fact that Ikita is disgusted by the care he feels towards her.
In tonight's scene, the emotions that the nineteen years old Ikita Shi holds for the cold woman is different. There is no hatred, no anger, no care just calm.. with cold sparks of disgust.
Even when the woman had threatened Ikita to do the unthinkable, Ikita only felt rage to the situation and not hate towards her. The hate is all directed to himself for making the choice and being the monster.
Navi is able to get a lot of information from tonight's dream as he now knows that there is someone, a 'she' to be specific that Ikita Shi wanted to protect.
Whoever she is needs a serum to keep living and that cold evil woman is the only source of her lifesaver thus keeping Ikita in an iron firm hold.
The last thing Navi has learnt from this dream is from that powerful voice. Navi has finally heard a part of the riddle that comes before the question 'What truly is balance?' and it says..
'Suffering is only a means to salvation.'
The full riddle seems to contain over a dozen lines though Navi is satisfied that he has atleast gotten a line in exchange for the pains that his body is currently feeling.
After resting a bit..
Navi soon goes to pull out a book and quill as he records every single information about his dreams.
***In Consort Tamara's Palace within the Imperial Dynasty, In a Cultivation chamber..
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