
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

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***Navi's current point if view in *Dream land..

 With a silent yet terrifying speed, Ikita Shi dashes in through the hole he have created. Navi cannot even fully seen how Ikita's sword moved out from the sheath behind his back and into his skilled grasp.


 Blood splatters immediately after as a head rolls down under the painful influence of gravity.

 Finally, Ikita steps into the light and Navi has to correct his error of comparing Ikita to a shadow in light because Ikita is no shadow.

 *THUD!.*, The free head touches the floor with a soft sound which felt like thunder to every eyes that now looks towards this scene.

 Ikita Shi is Death himself the moment he steps into the light.

 A kitchen. Not the traditional simple 'Gieă kitchen' Navi is used to but 'Earth's kitchen'.

White lights, gas cooker, white plates which are now stained by a streak of blood and three chef's with one of them now headless and on the floor and the other two frozen in fear and shock.

Ikita is in a kitchen.

 Ikita obviously has no time or will to entertain the rest of the chefs worshipful gazes of fear as his sword and body sings skilfully amongst their midst even before they can regain any sort of composure.

 Ikita stops his sudden speed blast at the end of the room with two more bodies dropping behind him as his blade gets coated with their blood.

His blade sings a C-wave through the air as his blade loses its stains.

Ikita how has his eyes on the door in front of him as he slips a small chip behind the burning gas-cooker.

 He opens up the door and as expected, the people on the other side all has surprised faces that tell that they don't like or understand his presence very much.

Stairs leading downstairs below ground level and stairs leading to the roof and on the double plain grounds. The are around Ikita are all either in suits, lab wears or armed wears.

*BAM¡*..*BAM¡*..*BAM¡*.."Initiating lockdown.'

 A robotic female face says this with red lights flashing as all doors locks up with *CLICKS*. Lasers lines at any possible escape routes and other set-ups unfolds.

 It seems the commotion outside has brought protocols into effect and one of this said protocols is that this sort of lock-down is automated to last atleast fifteen minutes before it can be reversed.

This is done to prevent hacking in emergencies.

 This locking up of the space means nobody gets out and it also means that the people here are all locked in with a geared up shadow man who has a streak of fresh crimson blood across his vest.

 Navi almost feels bad for the brutal one-sided sweep through that's about to happen but at the same time he looks forward to it.

 *ŚŁÂŠH!.*, Ikita throws out the first attack and then it begins.

*PA!*..*PA!*..*PA!*..*PA!*..*PA!*..*PA!*.-Bullet rains.

 One man has down immediately the battle begins with his head cleanly off his shoulders and Ikita Shi's Sliver blade coated with fresh crimson.

The headless body is kicked and sent flying straight at another shooter as Ikita Shi kicks himself off the wall then rolling through the ground.

With his momentum, he stabs into another soldier vest before delivering a brutal hit to a nearby switch with the back of his elbow.

 Lights Out!.

 The white lights goes out and the only light now in the opened space is the alarm lights which are still buzzing in flashes of red and blue though this lights did nothing but the opposite in terms of calming the tension in the room.

 The soldier know better than to shoot in the dark but still.


 The soldiers all turned to the direction of the disturbing sounds with a few bullets flying in the direction yet Navi can already tell that in the dark, their fates is already sealed.


 Two more slashes comes through a second after. The slashes comes through one after the other but they somehow come from two very different locations.

 The soldiers are mentally shaken by this and the Scientists are visibly shaking as they hide themselves the best they can while literally on their toes with heavy breaths filling the cold silence.

 Despite not being ones to consider any God. The scientists prayed silently to whatever their beliefs for the moment are while promising their very souls for a miracle.

 And surprisingly,.. a miracle comes.

 For some reason unknown, the white light turns back on while shocking a few as it comes on but also bringing relieve to them the next second.

 Over a dozen bodies are now on the ground and splatters of blood are all around yet they have only heard three slashes.

 Where is the killer?!.


 A bullet sound unlike the rest comes out as a soldier is pushed off the ground and backwards before he's soul goes straight to the lord with the so called killer standing behind him with a still raised pistol in his hand.

 Immediately, bullets follows up with Ikita Shi's position as he weaves through the grounds at terrifying speed while approaching the shooting soldiers.

 The distance between them is closed in two seconds and then,..

 *PUI¡.*, A soldier goes flying backwards with Ikita's powerful knee kissing his lips and nose while forcing him to swallow a bloody teeth.

 Ikita rolls across the ground while not staying in the same position for even a second as he slides and shoots bloody holes through another soldiers torso before moving into a back-to-back position with the standing dying soldier so that the soldiers does not fall.

Ikita holds on a side of the dying soldier's back and keeps his sholder against the soldier's spine.

 Ikita uses the dying soldier as a literal human back shield as he pulls out his other pistol before immediately claiming headshots off three soldiers in a row.

 Bullets from the other soldiers pours towards Ikita's back but the human shield of a soldier does a good job with taking the blows of the bulleta and then,.. four of the five remaining soldiers shooting needs to reload.

 Without a second of break, Ikita pushes the now completely dead weight off his back and turns around with his pistols pointing through the air.


 Ikita puts in lead bullets into two soldiers heads while the others hurriedly hides behind pillars or bracing as they successfully reload their clips with racing hearts and sweaty fingers.

 A few econds passes in silence as the remaining three soldiers tries to gather thselves then finally, three gun barrels stealthily points at Ikita's known position without showing their bodies though.. Ikita is not there anymore.

His Sword firmly in his right hand, Ikita strikes fast from the high shadows.

  *ŚŁÂŠΉ!!!.*, A soldier gets cleaved.

 The other two soldiers are spaced apart and they react fast though not fast enough.

Gunshots pours out once more as Ikita's sword handle extends into a long staff while sending his blade piercing through a second soldier's chest.

 A sideways roll across the ground get Ikita back on his feet and ensures a brutal and bloody pull-out of his blade as Ikita spins his staffed sword straight at the last soldier's throat.

The gun drops, the soldier life fades.

 The battle has ended though the war against time is still running. Ikita Shi pulls out his weapon from the Soldiers throat with the man's body falling to the ground in blood.

 His handle goes back to its normal length as his sword swings a semi-circle in the air with the blood flying off its blade then it is quickly returned into its sheath.

It was one vs.. well the numbers don't matter much but in a little over one minute, there's only one left standing.

 Most of the people in lab-wears in the locked-in space are mostly dead or injured from stray bullets of the battle but a lucky few are still alive.

Ikita feels no need to combat these people as he ignores them then walks up to a very tough steel door at the end of the bottom ground.

 The living few that are close to the direction Ikita walked shifted away as much as they can with tension in their eyes. They watched as the blood stained man in full black scales up the secure looking steel door with his barely visible eyes hidden behind a dark mask.

 Indifferent, Ikita pulls off magnetic grenades from his suit and puts them on the door before spraying more explosive foam on top of the explosives till it forms a circle.

 *Shhhish¡.*, A flare lights up as Ikita rests his back by the side of the door before sparking the trigger.


It all goes off with a fiery burst of light as a hole surfaces on the deep steel door with a large piece of circular steel falling to the other side with a metallic *‡CRASH‡*.

 Hot red lines shows across the newly burnt hole but they do not make Ikita Shi hesitate as he steps in through the new hole while entering the new space with the sound of his steps being the only sound present.

 The opened up room has a low and friendly lighting system with a massive bed in its middle.

Massive machines reading pulse, brain waves and other bodily functions are connected to a young weakly child on the bed with bloody bandages over her head.

Looking at her, she is sick.. she's pale as piece of paper with drips connected to her body and a oxygen mask on her face.

 "P-please don't kill me.", A cowardly science man's voice coated in fear resounds in the room as he begs from a corner while on his knees and shivering in panic.

 Ikita pays no attention to the man or his words as his attention lies on person on the blood. All of a sudden, Navi finally feels a new spike in Ikita's emotions.

 It starts off as indifference and then it suddenly turned to shock and then,.. RAGE!!!!!!!.

 Rage so explosive that it is unbearable even for Navi who does not even know the reason for it and cannot believe that Ikita can feel such wild emotion rush!.



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