
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantaisie
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455 Chs

Chapter 434: Connecting Amleth to Elven Kingdom part 28

When I was in an awakening, Miss Borneo actually sensed Grandmother Farhah on her way alone through the forbidden forest. Given her status as the World Tree Priestess, not even a forbidden forest is a challenge for her. I may not be able to see it myself, but she tells the forest to keep quiet about her presence, and the forest not only keeps quiet, but also grants her passage and shortens her travel time considerably. I'm sure she actually knows I'm in danger, which is why she's here instead of helping others. That, and all her three children are here, too.

"Alagast. You really are looking better and better. Come and sit with me now" [Farhah].

"Mother... Fuhahaha... You really haven't changed at all" [Alagast].

"What's so funny? I don't remember making a joke? I didn't, did I, my dearest, most beautiful granddaughter?" [Farhah]

"No you didn't" [Diana].

Alagast is in a really bad position. The Dyrad supporting him has suddenly been knocked out by Grandma Farhah's surprise attack. She really doesn't see it coming. Between her overconfidence and her intoxication with my and Alagast's mana, she can't react in time, and when she does, she receives a powerful attack, an attack that I can only describe as one specifically designed to fight a dyrad. I don't know if such a spell exists or not, but that's the impression I got when Grandma Farhah unleashed that spell. Given her age and wisdom, I'm sure she knows one or two spells of this category, maybe even classified as a lost spell of the elven races.

"Why don't you come home, Alagast? I miss you. I miss you too, Elegast. Come home and drink tea with me once in a while. Forget all conflicts" [Farhah].

"Easy for you to say, Mother! No! How dare you say that! You're the closest to the once noblest of the elves, and yet and yet... Why! Why are you the chosen one?" [Alagast]

"You really are more like your father, aren't you? Now I'm sad that you don't want to come home" [Farhah].

"Boo!!!" [Diana]

Since I have nothing more to fear, I just boo at him. I mean, it's kind of awkward to see a family fighting. I don't know much since me, Dana, Nar, Sas, Sister Khamisah, and Sister Ophelia are all nice to each other, but seeing those three at each other's throats right now is really awkward. Well, Grandma Farhah makes it even more awkward because she can't really read the room, but I still booed Alagast because he clearly hates his own mother! No... not really hate. I don't know how to describe what he's feeling right now. Whatever it is, it doesn't give him the right to yell at my kind-hearted grandmother!

"Alagast. Just surrender. It's for your own good" [Farhana].

"I'm sure we can work this out" [Elegast]

"You are all wrong! Even Father, because he's still too nice! The fact that we were enslaved by the humans during the last war is more than enough proof! Mother! I don't want to do this, but... I'm sorry! I need everything related to the World Tree for my plan to succeed, so please forgive me!" [Alagast]

He realizes that he can no longer rule the forest. Not without the help of Dyrad. Not without the help of the Monster Tamer. Not alone. So he tried to take everything related to the World Tree from me and Grandmother Farhah. A bold move. A bold and stupid move, really. He's strong. No doubt. However

"Water Magic: Water Ball" [Diana]

I just surround his head with a ball of water. I wanted to make it extra cold so that he would suffer more, but I don't want to get scolded by Grandma Farhah. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. Either way, I don't want our sudden and happy reunion to turn sour just because I'm being extra mean to her youngest son.

"Diana! Get him to sleep! Quickly!" [Elegast]

"Huh!? Okay!?" [Diana]

I don't know why, but when Elegast says that in a hurried and panicked manner, I do it anyway.

"Escape... This is frustrating..." [Diana]

"Urghh... He used my mana forcibly to escape... So suddenly too..." [Dyrad]

It looks like he has forcibly used a tool that can also control the dyrad. How he has such a tool is beyond me. But I'm almost certain it's a black market product. Whatever it is

"Looks like you're coming with us" [Diana].

"Be a good Dyrad and don't try to escape. If you do as I say, I'll treat you to something delicious" [Farhah].

"Something delicious... Coming from you, whose mana is already like the finest honey and wine, I'll take it. Your mana is even more intoxicating than your son or this fairy-blessed child" [Dyrad].

"I'm surprised you know about it" [Diana].