
Diana Newbie

People usually have rotten luck. Some more than others. Unfortunately Diana falls into that category, she has gone through a lot in the past until she meets a young pastor, Josh. Josh believes that she is the one for him and is ready to venture into her world to bring him to hers. But her past is holding them back and it is looking like thier story might not be a fairy tale. Or would it?

Gaelly · Urbain
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12 Chs

big trouble

" I.." she stammered frantically but someone knocked on the door interrupting her. She felt a slight relief at the knock.

" Good day, I am here to reapply for the injection that she needs to take," the nurse announced. The nurse knocked on the door again when no one replied to her.

" Please let me inside, I have other things to do," she stated, her voice sounding annoyed.

Abby looked at her friend from the other side,

" Did the doctor say you're still get injections?" she whispered.

Diana shook her head confused, then she blinked.

" It might have been due to me saying I felt some pain in my arm the day before"

" Alright" Abby nodded going forward to open the door, the nurse walked in carrying a tray laden with medical stuff. When she passed her though, a strange unfamiliar smell filtered through her nose. The smell fainted for her to narrow it down.

She was quite tall and had a slim face, but her face was quite plain. The kind that seemed to be plenty in a crowd, the kind that you will miss. Weirdly when she walked in with her tray and a soft smile on her face. Abby felt a prickling of ominous feeling fill her, it was like her danger alert was going on telling her that this woman was in big trouble.

This was strange because her danger sensor never lied, the nurse smiled apologetically holding the syringe in one hand.

" This is going to hurt" she started pressing the cold instrument onto her hand, it pricked her harshly and a startled exclamation dropped out from her lips. Diana felt her sight get increasingly blurry, the nurse's face suddenly tinged with darkness. How didn't she not notice that it was a sleeping medicine, this was her thing!

" What..have you done to me?" she choked out, only managing those few words before collapsing on the bed in a heap with her mouth opened wide and her body completely knocked out.

Erica grinned dusting her hands together and dropping the syringe on the bench to admire her handiwork. She had actually taken down two known dangerous level known as A's category in the black market all by herself. She patted down her dress walking towards a paralyzed Abby who laid on the floor heads down, she was still struggling against the scent she had sprayed on her body with her body tossing from side to side. Erica hit Abby hard on the head with her shoe until she blanked out for real, before she blanked out though, she shot her an accusing look.

" Don't blame me" Erica huffed, clasping broken nails under the folds of her white nurse uniform. " Blame your rotten luck for meeting me especially when I am desperate to do anything".

She opened the door cautiously glancing from side to side and there seemed to be no one outside and everyone seemed to be going about their business. Erica smiled gladly to herself, closing the door quietly, it seemed like even God was on her side.


" Hey man! Got time for me?" Josh called out to his friend who had just removed his scrubs. James rolled his eyes and sighed loudly, pressing a hand to his aching temples.

" What is it this time? Dina won't eat? Or she has a running stomach?" he mocked sarcastically. "Guy, I didn't see you this much normally in the hospital until this chick came around"

Josh pretended a mock feint to the chest and dramatically fell on one of the benches, this earned him a smile from one of the nurses.

" You make me sound like a horrible friend that is love sick" he said getting up. James shrugged and leaned on the sink, they were in an empty surgical ward since now all the other staff had left for lunch.

" So.. what is it this time?" he asked, folding his hands over his blood stained shirt, it created an eerie sight coupled with the twitching bulb.

" I think Dina might be the one" he started matter of factly, his eyes flashing with seriousness.

" Oh God No! Not this all over again" James groaned, walking forward and ushering him out of the ward. " Who told you this time? An angel?" he mocked.

The warmth in Josh's eyes cooled and he pointed a glare at his friend.

" Don't mock me" he grunted, James noticed immediately that his friend looked mad so he put his hands up in surrender.

" I mean no harm bro, it's just that this girl is fishy and I've been saying this for the past three days now. This girl could be in the mafia, or an escaped convict" he rambled on, Josh laughed loudly at this, his expression easing a bit.

" You watch too many movies" he teased his friend.and James smiled sadly as they walked towards ward 209.

" Seriously though, your parents especially your mom won't approve of this, I don't approve of this. The girl could be hunted, you know like how aang was hunted in the avatar"

Josh laughed again pushing open the door to find a collapsed Abby on the floor and an empty bed. The laughter died down in his throat.

" Abby!" James yelled pushing past him to shake Abby awake, if she was still alive that is. He shook her reverently until her eyes opened slowly, the fig in them still vivid.

" Abby! Where's Dina?" he asked panicked, she gulped down her throat and kicked dry lips. The fig in her eyes intensified.

" I don't know" she muttered," I don't remember anything".