
Diana (Her First Kiss)

What happened when you wake up and find yourself ugly? Not only that but your life is also turned upside down!! Diana Delton loses her mother at a tender age, and her father remarries to make his only daughter happy. But her happy life turned upside down when her father got into a ghastly accident. During this period Delton Dyan finds out he had been cursed by a wicked witch, and Diana his only daughter is the only cure to the curse. Diana's first kiss must take away by her soulmate. If the wrong person takes away her first kiss, they we live in cursed life forever. "Did you think Diana will be able to find her soulmate with her ugly face? Get your popcorn ready and find out!!

Lateefat_dauda · Urbain
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11 Chs


A week later / The Crown Prince's Suit.


I dress up grumpily as my father looked at me helplessly.

I can't believe I have to finish college in this boring kingdom. The thought of staying in this palace alone gave me a headache. I had already disagreed about it, but my godmother won't be happy about it.

Gosh!! I hate this palace with passion after hearing the story behind my mother's death.

I can't believe they maltreat her because she was a slave. Is the slave, not a human being?

"Son, are you still angry?" My father asked but I ignored him, as I continue with what I was doing without a reply.

"Grayson, please try to understand me. I am doing all this for your good. "He added

"For my good or your good?"I asked in disbelieve

"You betrothed Claire to me even when you knew how much I dislike that girl. Now, you are forcing me to finish college here ---- ----

I build my career for years before I became famous, and now you want me to just give up because of the throne that I did not even interested in. "I said bitterly as I adjust my shoelaces.

"I am tired of this Grayson!! this is your future and you have to face it, you are the crown prince and the future king of this kingdom!! Grayson, you need to learn more about kingship so you can be a great ruler when the time comes. "He said calmly.

"Okay, your majesty, I need to go because I don't want to get to school late on my first day. "I said and blow him kisses before rushing out of my suite.

I am not ready for another lecture this morning.


# Good morning, my prince.

# Good morning, your majesty.

#Good morning, Prince Grayson.

The guards and the maid greet me immediately after I came out of my suite. I kept on waving at them till I got to the palace park.

I sight Martin in front of his new car, he winked at me but I ignore him. I enter the front seat after sending my driver and the guards away. I start the car and drove out of the palace.

Soon, I drove into a gate where Emperor College was written in a capital letter boldly. The student began screaming.


I stood around the school compound and watch as different expensive cars enter the school building. I kept on admiring every car that caught my attention. Suddenly, the two latest cars enter the school building and the environment suddenly became a market with noise as the most handsome man I have ever seen stepped down from their respective cars.

# Wow!! it is the crown prince and Martin!!

# They are looking hot like demi-gods!!

# Gosh!! the prince is more handsome than I imagine!!

# Wow!! Martin is really cute!!

# Prince Grayson, the prince in my dream!!

# I love Martin's baby face!!

One of them was blowing kisses and winking at people as they walked together.

# Ho my gosh!! Martin just winked at me!!

I watch as the two handsome demigods walked. The flirty one suddenly whispered something to the most handsome among them, which made him smile a little. The most handsome smile again and I see many females on the floor fainting.

"Like seriously!! they are fainting because of his smile. "I muttered before moving into the class.


The noise in the lecture room makes me feel uncomfortable as usual, so I pick up the storybook I borrow from the library yesterday. I open it to where I stopped and started reading it.

The noise in the hall suddenly dies down as a lecturer enters the hall with two hot guys earlier.

"This is Prince Grayson and Martin, they will be staying with you guys for now, so welcome them. "The lecturer said with a wide smile.

# Wow!! am so lucky to be in this class!!

# I cannot believe, we have the hottest guys on this faculty!!

# This is cool!!

"My Prince, please manage this class for now, your private class will soon be ready." The lecturer said bowing lightly.

"Can you please drop the formality, sir, am also a student here, so I don't think I need any special treatment. I will be happy if you call me Grayson, sir. "The crown Prince stated calmly.

"Okay, my Prince--- I mean Grayson, let me find a seat for you. "The lecturer said, smiling brightly.

# Prince Gray, there is a space here!!

# Come and sit with me, I did not have a seatmate!!

# I will send my seatmate away!!

I hear different comment as the Prince take a step. All the students brought out their phones and started using them to take several shoots of the prince and his friends. Claire already sends her seatmate away and smiles brightly at the prince.

The prince kept on walking as the other guy walk behind him. He suddenly stopped beside me and send me a light smile.

"Can I seat here?" He asked and I look behind me maybe he was talking to someone else but there is nobody besides me.

"Is he talking to me?" I asked myself inwardly.

"Yes, am talking to you. "He replied to my thoughts, and I look at him in shock.

"It is not good to keep the prince waiting. "His friend said bringing me back to life.

"Sorry, your Majesty!! you can sit. "I said and he took a sit beside me, I try to leave but his friend also sat on the other side, making me stuck in the middle.

I can't believe they are both sitting beside me.

# What the heck just happen!!

# Did the Prince just sit beside that ugly thing!!

# I hate her more!!

# She's lucky!!

# I need to change my seat!

"Silent!!" The lecturer's voice echoes around the class and everywhere became silent as Prof. Ryan entered.

Soon, the lecture started, and the student faced Prince Grayson with their phones

Prof. Ryan didn't say a word about his class being divided. He kept on teaching himself because no one is probably listening to him.

The lecture ended after what seemed like ever and the lecturer walked out of the class.