

Diablo Asimov was an influential business man but well, he wasn't from earth and somehow he had ended up living among its citizens maybe just for a desire of freedom before he got back home to face his princely duties. Being a royal didn't sound so appealing to his ears but he knew deep down that one day, he had to return to protect and guide his people. Remembering Hellion, his kingdom, he thought of his family and how they were doing. If they were doing well and whether they missed him just as much as he did.

Shrugging off his thoughts, he drove through the streets of L city in his spotlight red Ferrari, swaying to the rhythm of the song that was playing on the radio. His car screeched to a halt due to the interference from a police man. His dark ocean blue eyes scanning the man with apparent boredom.

"You have been speeding." The man informed him, pulling out a small notebook from his back pocket and Diablo watched as he scribbled down something, probably his number plate.

Humans just had many ' road rules' and it was frustrating to follow all of them. He was already running late for an important meeting and he apparently he had to deal with a cop too. Great!

As he looked at the man that was making a phone call, a forbidden idea popped into his head. Being an alien came with advantages like being able to hypnotize people and many others. Though it was forbidden, he was going to do that exactly since it was a quicker way to get things done and get to the meeting that was actually going to move a milestone for his company.

"Sir, please step out of your vehicle and..." the cop that was talking seemed to forget his next words as he looked into the pair of hypnotic blue eyes that seemed to draw him in, compelling him. Still in a trance, he did not notice the man that had sneakily ignited his car engine and drove.

"Hey, come back here..." The man yelled as he snapped out of it, finally stopping his efforts when he noticed that they were completely useless and leaning back onto a pole, silently trying to figure out what had happened moments ago.

At flax hotel…

“Oh my…”

“Who is that, is he a big shot?”

“He is inhumanely handsome…” several voices hushed all around Diablo as he stepped onto the red carpet that was spread out from the main entrance of the building. He handed his keys to the chauffeur and took slow but magnificent steps to the entrance, not even bothered by all the commotion that had stirred from his arrival. He was one of the most eligible bachelors in town. The president of Asimov intel.com., the biggest aircraft company in the country. Upon entry, he went into an elevator, taking a lift up to the third floor of the building. He was welcomed by a group of organized dinners, most of whom were holding wine glasses, strolling around and chatting. His eyes wondered around the room until they landed a strangely familiar face. He knew most of the party but he didn’t think he knew her because well, he couldn’t forget such a beauty. She was wearing a simple lilac purple dress, her face lightly dusted with makeup and her long curvy black hair falling gently over her shoulders. Her facial features were strong, well defined and seemed to stand out as her black eyes glimmered with amusement as she laughed at a friend’s joke. He realized he had been staring when he felt a presence around him.

“What a lovely young maiden.” He heard a mocking voice ring beside his ear causing him to turn and face its owner.

“Davos…” Diablo smirked mischievously as he made a mental note to tease his dear old friend in the near future. They walked across the room after a short greeting and sat at a table which had three middle aged men discussing something that seemed urgent but went silent once they saw them. The three men were potential business partners from strong tech companies that had come to propose an alliance with Diablo’s company in order grow their sales and heighten innovation. At the start, his attention was solely on what his companions were discussing but as time drifted by, he slowly started to lose interest and he found himself glancing at the girl from earlier.

Who was she?

“You may stop Mr. Alonzo, more about the business deal will be discussed tomorrow.” Diablo stopped the meeting when he realized that he needed to clear his thoughts.

“Yes, sir.” The three men replied in unison as they stood up and left Davos and Diablo at the table. Diablo swirled his wine glass as he gazed at the girl who had dominated his thoughts for the past few minutes.

“Looks like someone is occupied.” Davos said as a naughty smile played on his lips. Diablo rolled his eyes in mock surprise as he turned to look at his friend.

“It’s not what it looks like…” Diablo said as he returned his friend’s naughty smile. Davos one of his close friends an had a generally playful and cheeky personality, something he liked about the man. He lived his life with an infectious positivity that sometimes rubbed onto him.

“She’s Ella Gonzalez, a new researcher at the company.” Davos said as he glanced at the girl, offering his friend a little information.

“Ella…” Diablo said her name as he raised his wine glass to his thin lips and took a sip, returning his steady gaze to her.