

Darlene has been faced with the loss of her job, her history of losing things that are dear to her makes the whole ordeal awhole-lot lot terrible, Her health doesn't make the list of nightmares she has, anyless. Working for a summer diabetic camp seemed to be the only wise decision she will have made in her twenty eight years of being alive, whether that assumption proves to be true, or doesn't, that could be were she found a magical promise of strength, maybe in a person, maybe in the freedom that comes from a place of contentment with life, maybe in the morning chirping of birds, but whatever it might be, it is surely a gift from the camp, and it came looking like it will last forever.

okech_22 · Urbain
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4 Chs

Chapter One

The blinding rays of the sun woke Darlene up from her place of warmth in between Jemmy's arms, but she decided to stay in bed alittle longer than she normally would, because most of the days, either Jemmy is working night shift or she has travelled for a charity event. Even if they have been married for three years, Darlene barely knows anything about her wife except for the fact that she loves her.

She got out of bed for the shower, after reminiscing in her mind about how much of Jemmy's life she isn't a part of, and how she feels alone most of the time, but the good thing is that, Jemmy is so good at paying for the time she spends away from home, she gives Darlene orgasms that can last her a week.

"Good morning baby" Jemmy said with sleepy eyes staring lustfully at Darlene's naked body.

"I thought you were never waking up today, because of how hard you fucked me yesterday" Darlene replied.

"Lemme show you how awake I am right now" Jemmy said and cupped Darlene's boobs in her hands. She started massaging them slowly while rubbing her nipples till they were rock hard, and the evidence of Darlene's arousal started to drip out of her cunt. Before she closed her eyes and let Jemmy's skilled hands finish what she started, she made a mental note to find a perfect excuse for why she will be late for work.

what awaited her at work, made her eternally grateful that, she gave herself a chance to experience an orgasm before she came, to the building that's housing Realism Magazine.

"Mrs. Gwensmith, I am..... personally sorry for the kind of decision the company has decided to make concerning your employability" Pete who is Darlene's boss said to her. And if Darlene noticed that he was uncomfortable telling her this, then she didn't verbalize it. She made a mental note to mark this day as a bad day despite the good sex she just had in the morning.

"So you do agree that, comming to work thirty minutes apologetically late is not ground enough to fire a dedicated employee. Right?" Darlene asked.

"Yeah. I know you are smart" Pete said

"Isn't my excellent work a testimony to that? Infact I dare say my extraordinary work" Darlene who wasn't up for the polite speech prior to bein let go, shot back at her soon-to-be-former boss.

"So you have already figured out that, the reason behind you getting fired is completely not related to your employability.... But I can assure you that, whoever is behind this, is absolutely influential in this economy, and is out there to get you. Am sorry I cannot be of any tangible help, except assure you that your skills are extraordinary, like you just said" Pete said guiltly, and Darlene acted as though she is oblivious to the fact that he is saying less than he knows about why she Darlene got fired.

"Darlene fucking Richardson"

"What is that?"

"My real name" she said calmly like the filthy girl she is, and the look on Pete's face that was pure guilt and pity just seconds ago, turned into horror and fear.

"I.....I..oh my.... Oh sh..." Pete struggled for words against his tied tongue.

"Don't worry Pete, I won't wreck your life, I was just hoping that being Darlene Gwensmith would help me have a normal career path, it turns out I wrong. Bad people do bad things to innocent people, not because the innocent people have a price to their names, but because bad people are supposed to do bad things" Darlene spoke her late grandfather's quote to Pete just to ease his fear, she knows from her three years of working with him, that he doesn't really have the spine to speak and push forward his opinions.

She decided to write a letter to Mr.Parker, because she can bet her favorite tshirt that any kind of malicious firing can only be made possible by the CEO since the President is not available till December, and it's just February.

You made a mistake Mr. Paker, it's not Darlene Gwensmith you fired, it Darlene Richardson. Yes, the heir of the Richardson group of companies and the Richardson hospital in which your daughter lies in a comma. I will not do anything unjust sir, I will just pay you in your own currency.

She sighed in contentment, because she knows the guy will pee in pants if the message of how badly he has fucked up sinks in. But that's her career Mr Parker is messing up, all she wanted was to be successful doing her job and make her late grandfather proud. she just want him to feel the deep abiding loss she is feeling right now.

After she had attended the meeting that served as her dismissal meeting, Darlene went to the space that once served as her office and packed up everything that is hers. She didn't say it out loud, but the multiple number of security guards on the floor and in her former workspace just made her alot more angry. Because on top of getting fired unjustly, she is being treated as a thief despite her excellent contribution to tremendous success of this magazine, at least she deserved a little bit of respect.

"Am amazing and I know it" Darlene said, when she passed by Pete's office to say goodbye, because even if he was not brave enough to stand up for himself, he at least is a decent man, "You know it too, am so freaking good at my job, I wrote the best articles for the magazine, I busted my ass to get shit done around here. At least I deserved a little honour at my dismissal" she paused to look at Pete's face for a moment and said "tell your boss, as Gwensmith, am nice and I easily let injustices slide, but as Richardson, am a whole big heap of horror. And also, I know that I got paid less than my worth for all this time I worked here. And there's nothing I won't do to defend my honour, he better be prepared", Darlene breathed out her threats with alot of venom, even if she knows that she will never really get to act on them, because confronting situations, just isn't her cup of coffee. But she would be damned if she didn't give the greedy bastard of a CEO a reason to stay awake all night for.

As she was loading her personal belongings in the trunk of her Audi convertible, She did a quick summary about her twenty eight years of existence, and then came to a conclusion that all of the things she has come to love and treasure have disappeared. From her grandfather whom she still loves to bits, to her inheritance which she is reluctant to reclaim, and now her job, except for her wife Jemmy, she has nothing to really call hers.

She drove out of the parking lot of Realism Magazine, and headed straight for her late grandfather's Mansion which is being maintained by John, the only man her grandfather trusted wholly, not even did he trust her uncle who seems to be doing a good job at running all the possessions her grandfather left her. She dumped her car on the drive way even though, she normally likes to pack her own car.

She walked into the house, and noticed that, alot of things have been changed from the interior design. Her grandfather's art pieces were still intact on the wall, her baby pictures were still hanging there too. But the gloom of the living room has disappeared from the last time she was there, courtesy of the new colour added on the wall, her grandfather's sad quotes were nonger there. neither the couch that brought her alot of sad memories, nor her adoptive parents' pictures were there too.

"What an honour miss" John said.

"Rather, what a disgraceful way to come home from work!" Darlene spoke out her feelings without turning to look at John properly.

"There is nothing a good swim and a nice meal cannot fix, besides I have been waiting for when you will come back into the mansion so I can go back to being of proper service" John said, in an attempt to divert the attention from things that might have hurt his young boss. But it seems like it didn't work at all, because Darlene said, "sorry John, am not staying long, I just came to get wine.." she took a long sip from her drink, "... And look at something alot more familiar than my condo before going to Jemmy, she must be waiting for me since she leaves tonight"

She rushed to her former bedroom to get her old diary. Even if she has moved out of the mansion to create a life for herself outside her late grandfather's fame, most of her treasured belongings are still resident in her old bedroom. She noticed that, jemmy's clothes were there too in her closet, but doesn't seem to recollect the event that might have led to them being in there, but since Jemmy was taking care of everything while she was busy mourning her grandfather, she concluded that, it must have been at that time that she left her clothes there.

"I know how alone you feel being married to a doctor... If by any chance you feel like the world is closing in on you, i assure you that it's only normal for that to happen, you can count on me all the way" John said to darlene who seemed to be so lost in her mind.

"Tell me John, if you lost everything, what would you do?" Darlene asked.

"I would gather up my worn-out-self and rebuild everything all over again" John said simply as though the tales of failure and of losing, are not something he isn't familiar with.

"Even if everything includes people?" Darlene asked, even if she really just meant 'person' and not 'people' because she barely got to 'friendship' terms with anyone, except her grandfather and Jemmy.

"People never go away, they never leave us if they really loved us, they just take a new shape and appearance in our lives, some stay as memories, some stay as spirits some stay as flesh, but they never really go, you will just need a strong connection to feel their presence in your life, and that strong connection is love" John said while searching Darlene's face to see if he had managed to remove some of the stress he had seen lurking on her face.

"For a moment, I swear I saw my grandfather in you right now. Thank you John, in another life please be my Father" she said sincerely and left her room for the wine cellar, were she packed two bottles of the most expensive ones. She glanced at John who was watching her and thought that, maybe she now has two people to call her own.

Her phone vibrated and it was a message from Pete saying, 'am really worried about what you might do, so I have been looking for vacancies for you, and there is a famous diabetic camp down south, they need a team of people to work on their magazine, the pay is good and you get to enjoy all the health benefits everyone could ever wish for. By the way, am helping you as Darlene Gwensmith because Darlene Richardson would never really need my help"

Darlene read the message and realized that, even as Darlene Gwensmith, she really didn't need help in finding another job, but the fact that at least she got someone to toast and turn because of the injustices they have done against her, makes the whole situation alot better, she smiled unconsciously and continued to wrap up, the wine and some homemade food for dinner. She planned to buy some Jasmine scented candles on her way home plus some rose petals, so she can have a romantic meal with her wife and maybe some good sex to release the bad vibes of the day.

She bid John goodbye and headed for her Audi which was already waiting for her, once she was out of the neighborhood which saw her grow and fail at the same time, she made a mental note to start claiming her inheritance and live as a Richardson after she had gotten over the fact that she got sucked despite her genuine dedication to her job, she passed by a Mall and bought some sexy lingerie to seduce Jemmy with tonight, and all the other things she might need for a romantic night with her wife.

When she got home, it was already seven in the evening, she had expected to find Jemmy at home but she wasn't there, so she left the food and wine in the kitchen and went to take a shower before setting up everything.

It was coming to eight and Darlene was already clad in a thong and a lace bra with all the candles and rose petals in their rightful places, plus the food was in the microwave and plates were already set on the dinning table, then she decided to drink some water. When she went to grab the handle of the fridge door, she found a note left by Jemmy, saying something has come up and she had to leave immediately, she will be back after two weeks.

Darlene's disappointed self, tried to call Jemmy to no avail, and that's when all the bad energy of the day came pouring down on her like a flood. She popped open the wine bottles and determined to drink herself to sleep.