
Devourer in the Ninja World

[This is a rewrite!] A boy lost in the path to find the meaning of life meets his death from the hands of the infamous truck-kun. Luckily, he is reincarnated by a god, who plead guilty for the mistake of killing him. With some perks, he set sight in overwhelming strength and meaning. What will Enyo do? Find what he is looking for? Devour the Shinobi world, or will he find another path? The start is Rocky but have faith!

Lordroyal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Etiquette of Laziness

The clouds are very peculiar when you follow them, as you begin to realize that even the sky is not the limit.

"I can see why you like watching clouds." I said as I breathed in fresh air.

"Aah. They are free." The Nara near me exclaimed.

We are both lying under a tree, basking in its shadow.

"So, did you manage to convince the third hokage to graduate you?" He asked.

"I'll have the opportunity to graduate, but I'm sure that old man won't make things easy for me. Whatever it is, I'll finish this year."

"Well, for what it's worth, I hope you succeed." He looked at me nonchalantly.

I turned my head towards him and then grinned, "I know that you guys will miss me, but don't cry, I'll visit from time to time."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "As if."

I looked once again at the clouds, "I'm pretty sure you can learn the three jutsus within 2 weeks if you try. Graduating won't be a problem for you either."

"Hah, as if. I'm fine where I am. Besides, graduating too early would rid me of my free time. If it wasn't that I was born in a clan, I would have enjoyed my life outside the Shinobi matters." He had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I'm pretty sure it's your genetics that are doing the talking. If you didn't have then, who knows how you could have been."

"Who knows indeed." He hummed.


In the following weeks, I trained like a maniac. As for the reason why? It's obvious. I need to grow stronger. As of right now, I'm nowhere near being able to do something about future events.

Since I had a lot of money, I bought weights, the sealing kind. From my limited knowledge about seals, I would say that there is a gravity seal on them.

I bought four of them. For my wrists and ankles. They were pretty slim and were able to fit just fine without looking like an idiot.

Of course, I had to wrap them with bandages. For my legs, I didn't care since most ninjas do it, but since I didn't want to look like a homeless person or an idiot like Rock Le, I ended up bandaging my hands too while I also wore black gloves to cover. As a former member of a 21st-century world, I still care about fashion.

Back to my training, I didn't learn more jutsu, as I knew that learning more would be stupid when the ones I already have are unmastered. So I went with the basics.

Leaf Exercise, where you stick a leaf in a part of your body while maintaining it with chakra.

Uchiha Taijutsu practice, I was able to get to easily get ahold of the basics, training it by mostly punching and kicking trees while I focused more on my movement.

My Fire styles, even though there was no advancement in mastery, I was able to reduce the chakra needed for the jutsus. I even tried to reduce the hand signs needed for it, but was unable to succeed. I'm not mad about that since I know that my knowledge about chakra and its pathways is very lacking.

As for my water style jutsus, I was hopeless. Since I didn't have any jutsu scrolls in my possession other than what I found in Konoha Library, I tried creating some by basing them on my fire ones, just like I did with Great Fireball Jutsu, but miserably failed. I also checked the Konoha library where they store jutsu scrolls, but since I'm only an academy student, I could only look through section D, where I was last time, but didn't find anything more worthwhile.

Among the three basic jutsus, I practiced more with transformation, since it's the most useful jutsu and the one with the most potential.

Most would say that substitution jutsu is better, but I'd like to differ. The substitution jutsu has a very limited range and requires hand signs to use, hand signs that every shinobi can recognize. For other than low-level genins, the jutsu itself is useless.

While transformation depends entirely on the user. If the user is masterful enough, he can go unnoticed by almost anyone by disguising himself.

However, that's not why I like it. The real reason I like it is because it can be used as a weapon. A weapon that relies heavily on imagination. For example, I can transform into a shuriken, just like Naruto did against Zabuza. However, you can also kick it up a notch and use it to transform just parts of yourself. For example: your hand into a claw, or your legs into goat legs, your fingers into kunai. Who knows, maybe when mastered enough you can turn into an eagle and fly freely.

Well, let's say that more or less I've been able to achieve this. However, the part where you transform your whole self.. Not so much.

But I wasn't saddened by this, in fact, I've already formed a plan on how I can achieve this. It's simple really, I just have to use my devouring powers. Even though when I requested the wish, I specifically got what I wanted, which was absorption of power, skills, and bloodline while not whatsoever mentioning body absorption.

But I hold hopes that god didn't take my words way too seriously.

'Aaaah shittt ' I rammed my fist into my head. I should have just asked for Rimuru's Gluttony or Beelzebub, which is the superior version. Well, I got caught up in the moment.

However, today should not be a day for blaming my foolishness since, after all, today is my graduation exam. The academy year was done after what seemed like a hellish amount of time.

For today, I was both excited and also anxious. That old bat is an expert manipulator. Who knows what he is cooking.

But in any way, I made all the preparations I can. Kunai, Shurikens, demon shurikens and tons of wires were already prepared.

But since I don't like the idea of carrying so many weapons around inside my pouches, I bought a storage seal in a weapon store and put them all inside there. Of course, I still had a pouch on my right leg, where I packed 7 Shurikens, 2 Kunais, and another kunai with wires. As for the ones in the storage seal which was inside my breast pocket in my jacket, there are tons of weapons inside.

Ranging from kunai, and shurikens, to explosive seals, tantos, and even axes… cuz why not?

After everything was good and set to go, I went to the training ground which was the closest to the Hokage Rock, meaning in the forest.

Upon arriving there, I noticed Iruka-Sensei was already there along with two others I didn't know.

I raised my hand.

"Yo!" I greeted with a friendly smile. Iruka facepalmed himself and then said to me with a stern tone.

"I'm pretty sure I've already covered ninja etiquette. Why are you being so disrespectful when meeting other new ninja, Enyo?"

I tilted my head, "Well, that's because what you taught only covered ninja's etiquette with a client, you never said anything about other ninjas."

"Hahahaha! He seems fun." A hearty laugh was heard.

I gazed upon the two strangers that seemed to have come with Iruka-Sensei.

There was a bulky middle-man with brown eyes and brown hair. He is dressed in a leaf shinobi uniform. A scar could be seen on his lower lip. His eyes stood on my figure as if analyzing every detail and there was the woman who was laughing.

She had black hair, freely standing atop of her shoulders. One weird fact about that is that the tip of her hair was blue. Her eyes were also blue. She was also dressed weirdly. She wore Konoha pants on her lower body, while on her upper body, she wore a kimono?.

"That made me laugh." She seems to wipe an imaginary tear in the corner of her eye and then suddenly looks at me with an amused gaze.

"Let's see what you're made of, ENYO-KUN."



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