
Devour (Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia)

* WARNING; Strong dialect and violence * Flint Anderson was your average Mainer kid who spent his days selfishly for himself. Until his world fell apart. He discovers he’s not just a human when he sets a home ablaze, but half dragon. Struggling with his newfound abilities, Flint is sent to an academy for supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight from society across the country. Despite being half-human, Flint discovers that he’s seen as valuable among his peers. He’s determined to live his life as a human and dragon to honor his parents. Yet many dangers are lurking in the shadows while a naive dragonling is trying to find himself in a world he knew so little of. Two communities pin against him, and look for every way to tear him apart. Lies become truths, and promises become curses.

onedaysomedayy · Urbain
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25 Chs

Witches, Ghouls, Demons- Oh My!


Witches, Ghouls, Demons- Oh My!


Sasha turned to me with an amused look bellowing a cackling witch laughter. The kind you see in movies with ugly green hags and boils on their skin. She slapped my shoulder hard, trying to regain her composure.

"Burn me alive," she hissed, "you actually believed it!"

I stared down at her, realizing she pulled one on me. She doesn't wait to explain herself as she casts again. "Dimitte obice."

A veil of the land before us slowly parts like curtains. Behind the illusion is the academy's livelihood. A clusterfuck of students are crammed at the entrance. Sasha takes my hand again, bragging about the sheer horror on my face from her little parlor trick. I have to admit. She got me good on that one. If I ever return home with Sasha by my side, I'm sending her to the auto store for blinker fluid.

Sasha leads me through the banter of strangers. I don't bother fighting against it. This must be what it's like to stumble into a different country. I tower over many. Weaving past students who have hollow overlying horns attached to their skull or feathery wings sprouting from their backs. Some are using magic to levitate objects so their hands are free. One student is perched at the giant marble fountain making poses before turning himself into stone for a group of girls. Gargoyle, I suppose.

I can only name a handful of magic species that I recognize (not really sure if I'm correct though). Sasha yanked my hand with a warning look. She doesn't have to say anything. I know I'm staring, and the last thing I need to do is draw attention to myself. So I avert my attention to the scenery of this place.

A street clock with side brackets caressing four light orbs and lamp tops chimed three times. The clock itself was a staggering fifteen feet from its base to center of dials. Its oval-shaped body possessed vintage character with an illuminated sign ornament perched at its silver top.

"Time Prevails Over Everything."

The little hand dragged itself to strike noon. Sasha stopped for a minute. It appeared she was looking for someone or something. An angelic voice ringed through the crowd.


Sasha and I turn to the voice to see a small hand wave frantically above the wave of people. I recognize the girl, Piper, from Sasha's photo. Piper's platinum hair sticks out as she shouts again, "Sasha, over here!"

Excitement radiates from my cousin who plows through anyone that's in her way. I'm amazed by her determination. She's five foot and three inches of pure will power. When we reached Piper, the two embraced with a hug from death itself. I release her hand in time, and step back to let them have their moment.

"Pip," Sasha chirped, "I'd like you to meet my cousin. He's from Maine."

Piper turned her attention to me and I froze in place. I avert my eyes to her emerald hue, pleading to myself not to come off as a creep. She offers a blinding smile, releasing my cousin. Piper's uniform was borderline aggressive with centimeters of purposefully exposed cleavage. I'm not one to complain though. But I'm sure the headmaster wouldn't be appreciative of the matter.

"Hello handsome," she said with confidence oozing from her. "Names Piper Svien. Sasha told me a lot about you. If you need a wingwoman, I'm yours."

That's interesting considering I've only met Sasha. I don't remember her using a phone or socializing for that matter.

She earned an infamous eye roll from Sasha, "real smooth, Pip."

Piper shakes my hand and turns to my cousin who looked anything but amused. She leans against me with her elbow dramatically on my bicep, "relax Sash. I know he's off-limits. Besides, he's not my type. You know I crave O negative."

I stare at her before exchanging glances with the two. Sure enough, Piper's canines are prolonged in sharp straight fangs. Holy shit, I'm standing beside a vampire. Right?

Sasha brushed Piper's comment off, linking her arm with mine. The two lead me to the academy's entrance which is smothered in hospitality and the school's mascot. Above the large steel doors is the academy's name with ivy dangling from the carved letters.

"Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia

L. G. Hart Building (LGHB)

Domum incantationis et magical"

The letters begin to shift in silence. Concrete residue drizzled from its plaque until the words were still. It changed from its fae language to match my own. I might as well be tripping on bath salts like the Douglas kid back home.

"Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia

L. G. Hart Building (LGHB)

A Home of Enchantment and Magic"

Dozens of purple and gold flags drape the sides. The flags swirled from the wind revealing statues of unrecognizable creatures of stone perched on top of the pillars. I bite back the urge to stare when I notice a stubby stone creature's beady graphite eyes move. The eyes of the statues perched on the pillars followed us as we entered the colossal lobby.

Dean's house was the most luxurious place I stepped foot in until I came here. Hart's building is, dare I say, breathtaking. The lobby is a vast open space with a massive six meter high chandelier of glorious jewels I don't know. All this place needed now was a princess.

The ornate light fixture is filled with tall wick candles that give a warm glow to the walls, showing the stained glass panels that engulfed the lobby's theme. Each panel carried a memorial of some sort. The colored glass glistened against the light as I stopped to see a dragon perched on its hindlegs sporting a fire breathing roar. I wondered if their display of art was like churches who recreated their beliefs for appealing aesthetics.

I didn't get the chance to ask as Piper squeezed my arm guiding me into a lecture hall. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils, and my blood runs cold at how hot her skin feels against mine. She really isn't human. According to Piper, the Lower Hall is at the west end of Hart beside the dining room.

Our first event on the itinerary is a traditionally mediocre welcoming speech from the Headmaster. The lecture hall could hold a circus. It was ridiculous how extensive the space and design of this academy possessed. Even though we're on time before the speech was scheduled, it's a clusterfuck of buzzing students and professors.

"When Headmaster Grimm is finished, we can go on that legendary-" Sasha leered sarcastically into my side, aimed at Piper. "-tour or head straight to the dorms to get settled in."

I lower my head to peer at my cousin. Her jaw is clenched tight, practically foaming at the mouth. Piper doesn't seem to notice. She smooths the nonexistent wrinkles in her tan skirt and joins my concerned gaze. Whatever Sasha is murdering with her eyes has Piper responding the same. I wanted to ask what was bothering her, but a sneering voice silenced us as we chose our seats.

"Settle down, students." A monstrosity of a man boomed, "we'll begin shortly. Refrain from your skylarking. This will only take a moment of your time."

It doesn't take rocket science to guess the man speaking is Grimm. His large black robe draped over his lean stature. The man wasn't exactly… man. Grimm's appeared to be a humanoid of some kind. His face wasn't of a man but the skull of an elk with giant twisted and thinned antlers. His shadow showed his true form. A nightmare cloaked in the finest silk. Piper rested her lips inches from my ear whispering, "in case you're wondering, Grimm's is what humans call- a wendigo. You know, flesheaters of the forest."

I hoped she was joking, but she shakes her head. I've never heard of a wendigo. I don't need to when I know they look like that. Slap the flesheater on top of it and watch me peel out of this place faster than the devil fell from heaven. Sasha leaned into the arm rest. A band of students squeeze in front of us to fill the row as she taps my forearm.

"You don't have to worry about the insatiable hunger though," she quipped, "Grimm feeds his hunger elsewhere."

I shot a look of disbelief at her. They don't seem bothered by this. Women really are crazy and demented. It doesn't skip over the fact that he feasts on humans which is half of me.

The lights dimmed, wanning into thin strokes that placed conveniently on Grimm. I don't see spotlight lamps or anything of that matter. It's safe to assume it's magic. Grimm clasps his hands together before unfolding them outwards to his audience.

"Welcome to another glorious year at Mythicae, my beloved pupils. So many familiar faces as well as fresh lively ones. For those who don't know, my name is Grimm Schwarz. It is an honor to join you as your headmaster. Every year we strive to excel and surpass our limits from times before. I foresee a year of marvelous adventures, soul-binding knowledge twined in the relationships you'll form, and growth." Grimm's voice lowers, which I didn't think was possible. But what do I know? I'm listening to a human eater in a room full of god-knows-what. "Those who are presumptuous to our provision will not be tolerated. It is your birthright to bestow the benefits of our safe haven. I've made it my legacy to invest in each and every single one of you. No matter your size, originality, or kind."

I leaned back, realizing foreign eyes had landed on me at his final statement. Dean's words from last night come back to me in nauseating waves. Both societies- humans and "mythical"- shared a nasty history full of bloodshed, grief, and unbearable losses. I'll never fit in. I'm beginning to think there's nowhere for me ever since dad died. I was always different from the kids in Amherst. Hell, it's why Bobby and his goons gave me hell all the time. I scoffed at the thought.

There goes my fresh start.

"This is where I'll leave you," Grimm chimed. "Please give a warm welcome to our newest member. Professor Heeler; instructor of dominus armorum program."

The student body roars in upholding applause when a man appears beside Grimm. Heeler looked like he could bench press the front row alone. He scratched his dark beard, and I could've sworn I heard the girl behind me moan.

"Afternoon, students." Heeler said, "It's an honor to join you on your educational journey. I look forward to getting to know each one of you. With that being said, be sure to use your map if you're attending your first year. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Dinner is served at five tonight then we'll end the night with our informal gathering at seven o'clock sharp. Lights out at ten."

Piper tapped her fingers nervously on her knees, and Sasha did the same. If I didn't know any better, they're speaking in morse code. Uncle Myers taught me after dad passed. It was meant to be a joke when we couldn't afford cable in the summer. It's stuck with me ever since.

I'm not great at it. My brow pinched at the shaky translation I conjured. Something about room and trouble. Whatever the hell that means.

The funny thing about this school is that it makes me feel small in many ways. Don't get me wrong. There's plenty of students who are short like Sasha or Myers. Back home, I was the tallest guy around. But here? In the middle of frostbitten nowhere, hellhole? I'm average.

Heeler shoots a flashing grin of pearly white razors for teeth. A swoon of girls groan in lust while many of the guys like me sink a little lower in our seats. If I have to sit through hours of my classmates talking about boning this asshat I'll ship my ass back to Maine. Maybe I can trick Sasha into "transporto me home".

I chuckle at my lame joke until my fingertips begin to tingle. Something coursed through my body, sending a shiver down my spine. I nudged Sasha harder than I anticipated. Fear consumed me at the wakening in my body. This is what happened before I scorched Bobby's childhood home. Dammit, I fucked up again.

"That's all!" Heeler hollered, "explore your new home. Classes start tomorrow at nine o' clock sharp."

Sasha shoots me a look from hell. Her expression softens when she sees the beads of sweat on my forehead. Maybe the rhythm of my heart beating a mile per minute caught Piper's attention because the two swarm me in a frenzy of panic. Our peers are quick to stand as they chat among themselves. They're unaware of the hell I'm about to unleash.

"Flint, what's wrong?"

"Holy shit," Piper hissed, "look at his hands!"

The students around us began to panic, and tore their heels from the ground running. I gripped the seat in front of me trying to hold in whatever was beginning to spill out of me. The ache in my skull ripples, and my body burns from the heat in my veins. I almost didn't recognize the beastly man that appeared at my side. Long claws dig into my shoulder, steadying me.

I tried to pull myself back, but my vision is blurring. Maybe I tried magic without knowing it? Except I don't even speak the damn language nor did I form the circle to cast. My eyes land on the person who's sitting several rows before me. The panic from fellow students thins as my focus shifts to the blue raven whose eyes are following mine.

Her hooded eyes shift with a blue fire burning inside. Everyone- Sasha, Piper, Grimm is trying to pull me out of my trance, and they're all facing away from her. Strands of midnight blue fall from her braided bun but she doesn't bother fixing its astray. It should be a crime to be that beautiful. Her angelic features burn into my skull, and I try to say her name. She offered a smile to me with pink plush lips. She snaps her fingers and I fold.

The lecture hall fades as my eyes roll. The last thing I remember is seeing the shoes of Sasha and Piper inches from my face, and Verity walking past her screaming friends. Darkness envelops me and I'm out cold.