
Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD

Ainz in DxD world, basically. Eventually mirrors in some Overlord events. Type: Misunderstanding-based comedy fic with occasional hentai and horror sprinkled in. Expect a lot of 'sasuga ainz-sama' level intentional and unintentional misunderstandings. Also, if you're hardcore Christian then I'd warn that this story contains tones that might cause distress. [R18 Warning, there are Lemon Chapter's] [Snowmistys - Original]

SleepyAlfie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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138 Chs

Chapter 71: Try to haggle with it

"Haah…" 'I hope Sona won't be too mad…' Momonga could only hope, but hope was poor substitute for a plan so he made the executive decision to see Sona in private after the training the two Peerages were supposed to still conduct. 'I can still salvage this training by having us conduct some friendly sparring now that we've established some basic ideas on respective powers and fighting styles…'.

He asked for ideas for small-scale training from Rias, who he assumed knew more about training Devils, and she detailed some ideas for physical exercise and very basic combat sparring to wind down from the sudden intensity of the had used the ideas to strategically assign her the job of figuring out the sparring pairs.

Rias has assigned fairly logical pars, with Yuuto training against Saji, Yubelluna against Tomoe and Xuelan, Asia against Momo etcetera, and had come up some light co-operative training- For instance team Asia and Momo wouldn't be fighting, but would join forces to heal the other combatants and teach each other whatever they could.

Momonga had used the chance to put himself 'against' Gasper, albeit he had attempted to console sulking Koneko before that. It seemed that Koneko hadn't been in a receptive mood, so he had postponed his team-building exercise with the cold-acting girl.

"So… How are you feeling, Gasper-san?" Momonga asked as he took a seat on the ground in front of Gasper, who was sitting on the grass and was wobbling from side to side after the two had relocated themselves a bit further away from the other members of the two Peerages so that the thick forest gave them some privacy as long as they kept their voices down.

"Iiiiiii'm fiiiinee…." Came the answer, and Gasper tried to flop over to Momonga's lap. However, he managed to dodge just on time. "Uwaaaah… Momoooon-saaaaan rejected meee… He hates mee…"

Momonga sighed and reached to scratch Gasper's head. "I'm going to take off the [Weaken] so prepare yourself."

"Ohooo-eeeeEEH?" Gasper's tone turned from drunken babble to incredibly confused squeak. "I- I- I kissed Momon-senpai?! I'm, I didn't, erm, I kind of… uh…"

Momonga sighed again, this time at the puddle of black sludge that occupied the place Gasper had been previously in. "Gasper, please focus."

The cross-dressing boy occupied the space the black sludge had taken. "I'm sorry… I'm… just… Aheem…"

"Don't worry about it." Momonga sidestepped the issue to confront another issue. "Gasper… How are you feeling? You're… flickering. I'm not mad, so feel free to try to use your power, see how it works."

The octopus blurted something vaguely ominous-sounding towards Momonga, who instinctively cast [Anti-life Barrier] around himself which stopped hundreds of worms from emerging all around him and eating his fleshy surface-body.

The barrier broke as Gasper flopped over on the ground, seemingly out cold while also butt-naked.

'Hm, it looks like the Awakened Deepkin that the Elder Lich presumably summoned, at least if Gasper's memories pictured that thing right, has manifested itself in some manner within Gasper… Well, he is a half-vampire devil, so it's not too alien of a concept if he can absorb power from whatever he eats…' Momonga felt a bit wary, but nonetheless moved to poke Gasper with his fleshy body's finger.

The naked body twitched, shot up on his feet, and Momonga got a good look at the now female body that the 'boy' had.

Then the situation changed, and there was a floppy bit in his view.

"Intriguing, but highly disturbing." Momonga analyzed, causing Gasper to blush up to his eyebrows. "You've acquired a form of shapeshifting. Or rather, it's more likely that the shape of your physical body is no longer truly tied to 'reality', and can flicker from one shape to another as naturally as we'd change clothes. Quite curious. Can you manifest clothes around your body?"

"Hnnnng…" Gasper tried, with effort clearly visible from his feminine face. A moment later there was a blob of some suspicious black stuff on the ground where he had just been.

"Right, don't worry about that. Just… re-form yourself into a form you're comfortable with." Momonga sighed, and Gasper re-materialized as his original self. "[Create Greater Item]"

A frilly gothic lolita-style dress with red tint formed around Gasper as Momonga touched the boy's shoulder.

"Uwaahh… It's so comfortable…" Gasper blushed cutely, making Momonga struggle once again internally. However, since Peroroncino-doll was disabled by of Ddraig's words, 'Suzuki Satoru' was capable of containing himself easily enough… Or rather, would have, only for a sneaky part of him to note that Gasper had acquired a female form. However, [Emotion Suppression] saved him before he could properly realize what he had been thinking about. 'No- No! This cannot be! I've… Have I become a pervert that'd… that'd…'

"You know, your prude defence would work better if you didn't already have, uh, if I count them right- Three fiancees, one on-paper mistress, two, no, four side-lovers and one passerby you accidentally impregnated… something like that? And have multiple girls in your bed each night..." Ddraig was counting with his talons inside Momonga's mind, each word causing the flesh-covered Overlord's sense of what was right and wrong to wilt a bit, alongside his morale. "So I don't know why you're being so stingy about adding one, two or twelve to the mix..."

'Et tu, brutus?' Momonga felt as if Ddraig had jumped onto his already-fragile sense of what was socially right and wrong as a neo-japanese person, and had started to stab the societal constraints with its words.

"Hey, I'm on your side. This dagger's coated in disinfectant, I swear, and I'm just removing a spot of cancer. When in Japan, speak japanese and so forth..."

'Haa… That's your opinion, peeping dragon.' Momonga shooed the dragon off, who turned to dive into his constantly-growing pile of gold. 'Lay off it, Ddraig. I need to think.'

He noted that he wasn't as hostile towards the dragon as he would have previously, and wondered for a while if he was changing. 'Am I becoming more open? Haa… I'm not sure I like getting my morals compromised by this ero-world…'

Gasper had stalked closer to him while Momonga was busy struggling internally and was looking into his eyes, their faces mere inches apart. "Um… Momon-senpai…"

"Ah, good. It seems you're getting over your shyness, Gasper-kun." Momonga responded, although it looked like the spell broke with the words and Gasper scrambled away, finally stopping to hide behind a tree trunk. "It's alright. Baby steps."

"U-uwah… I just… thought Momon-senpai looked like he'd doze off so… Uwaaaah- d-don't hate me…"

"It's alright, come back here. I'm not mad." Momonga was feeling as if he was herding a particularly shy sheep as he made calming motions towards the hiding boy who came back to view. 'Huh, those would be… around the same size as Rias's?'

"Issei has been reborn, truly, his body must have seeped into you as much as your soul has seeped into his body- hurgh?" Ddraig paused his melodramatic speech as Momonga grabbed the overgrown garden lizard's neck and was shaking the dragon inside his head like a stress toy.

"Umu… While I'm glad that you're training to control your newfound power, Gasper, are you sure you're using your shape-assuming properly when you're… molding your body to look like that?" Momonga asked while fearing to hear what he guessed to be the answer.

Indeed, the normally petite boy was effectively the complete opposite, considering that 'she' looked more like if Rias had a big sister who was platinum-blonde, had sharper features and long elf-like ears that the half-vampire boy normally had.

And then the illusion broke, leaving Gasper blushing madly while he was back to his normal self. "Uwah… I- I thought, well, Rias-buchou looks pretty and mature… and, and, Momon-senpai likes Rias-buchou since the two of you are engaged and married…"

Momonga reached to grab the petite boy by his long ears. "Gas-per-kun? I'm sure that I was mistaken, but did I just think that you were perhaps trying to seduce me?"

"Uwaahh…" Gasper squirmed under the squishing Momonga gave to the petite boy's ears. "Mo- Momon-senpai, that hurts, owie…"

"Good, now then. Let's see if you can control that shape shifting at will… Try to materialize a third arm." Momonga started to train Gasper after letting go of the boy's ears which were now shining red.

Gasper did as ordered, albeit the arm came out as shriveled and all-around creepy, and then returned to normal. "Uwaah… It's hard…"

"It's alright. You'll get it eventually." Momonga sighed at the squid that was creepily eyeing him from a black puddle on the spot where Gasper had been just a second ago. "Let's start again. Take your human form, and try to…"



"Gasper seems to be… Adjusting." Rias noted as she spied on Momon's and Gasper's training with Akeno by her side. Or rather on top of her, as the busty girl was lying on top of Rias who was in turn lying on the ground on her stomach and was peeping at the training through a bush.

"Ara? Were you perhaps worried that Momon-sama was going off to have a tryst with Gasper-kun?" Akeno seemed amused by Rias's reaction while she was holding a pair of branches on her hands to help camouflage the pair of peeping girls.

"Am not! It's just that… Gasper-kun seems really close to Momon-kun despite how little they've interacted with each other. I'm worried that there was something underhanded happening…" Rias protested quietly while blushing.

"And you're not at all worried by how Gasper-kun was Gasper-chan for a moment there?" Akeno chuckled. "Ufufufu, the boobs looked just like yours… Ara, ara? Gasper-chan was so pretty and bold."

A confused, muddy and eldrich screech interrupted the girl's teasing and the two turned to see that the black puddle that the boy occasionally turned into had expanded and a swarm of tentacles poked themselves out of it.

"Hm, interesting. That has some battlefield applications. It looks like when you had your… hm, 'snack' you managed to absorb some of the abilities of the Awakened Deepkin." Momon nodded and Gasper returned back to normal, except he was completely out of breath.

"Momon-kun knew what that thing was?" Now-pale Rias whispered to Akeno who had paled as well. After all, the memory of being submerged in the lake of Ink hadn't faded yet, nor had the memory of the horrors who had been lurking within.

"Ufufufu, you know that Momon-kun is amnesiac… or a big, fat liar." Akeno noted playfully after shaking off the dread that had settled, using humor to mask her anxiety that was hiding within her voice. "So, wanna go out of this bush and confront him? I'll promise I'll stay behind to cover your retreat if things get hairy~"

"Ugh… One day you'll say that, and Momon-kun takes you up on the offer." Rias groaned at Akeno's teasing. "Did I tell you what happened last night?"

"We haven't had the time to have an after-action report for your engagement night with Momon-kun, no… Ara ara? Did Rias-chan walk away feeling unfulfilled? Or unfilled?" Akeno lowered her head down to nibble on Rias's ear as the girl was lying on top of the red-head's back, prompting a muffled groan of frustration from Rias. "Ara? Was I correct? Ufufufu, it's not like Momon-kun to leave a girl unsatisfied… Perhaps I should distract Gasper with my boobs since he seemed interested in them, and you can ambush Momon-kun all alone~?"

"Not that… It's just that, there was a sudden interruption and a Valkyrie from the Norse pantheon came by and she was told to serve as Momon's diplomatic liaison to Norse Gods, and Momon just casually impregnated her before moving on to Ravel... " Rias started, and then turned around to put her hands on Akeno's mouth as she had a hysteric giggling fit. "It wasn't that bad! Stop!"

"Ahahahaah! I can imagine that would be somewhat of an inconvenience, but it seems Momon-sama is such a carnivore that he'll gobble up curvy girls, petite girls, innocent girls and sinful girls, and now innocent bystanders too~" Akeno's giggle turned to a teasing smirk as she leaned closer to Rias who was now face-to-face with the girl that was lying on top of her. "Ufufu, Momon-kun's acting reminds me of a certain someone, what about you~?"

"I know Momon-kun is Issei, for real… He's just shy and wants to keep that a secret because his behaviour was somewhat outrageous before he changed to Momon-kun." Rias nodded to Akeno while her mood brightened. "It seems that he's just gotten a lot more mature when he got, well, whatever powers the Great Red stuffed into him."

"And for Momon to be able to summon angels, and also know about those squid-things… Just what kind of insane cocktail of powers did the Great Red force Issei-kun to drink?" Akeno looked serious for a while, before she smirked and her usual teasing glint returned to her eye. "Ara, perhaps we'll have to gather Momon-kun's entire harem and ambush him, and wring the truth out of his body with our bodies~?"

"Akenoooo…" Rias blushed, and then blushed harder as Akeno reached to peck her cheek playfully. "Noooo..."

"I'm joking~" Akeno teased. "Or am I~? Rias-chan has such a cute blush- Ara?"

The girl's teasing came to an end as the bush covering them from view parted. "Ahem. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but… You're starting to get a bit loud."



Momon coughed to his hand while he kept the bush parted with his other hand. The stare he leveled at Akeno and Rias was quite flat, though. "Ahem, and I thought Akeno-san and Rias-san were not in a relationship?"

"Ufufufu, we've been busted! Let's run for it, Rias-chan!" Akeno instantly turned the situation into a tease. "I'm just joking, Momon-sama~ We're not in relationship, but we were just watching you train with Gasper-chan, making sure you're not doing anything Rias-chan wouldn't do. Gasper-chan is so pretty when she looks like an elvish, blonde Rias-chan… Ufufu, were you perhaps planning on getting her alone with you and then gobbling her up?"

"Ahem… I'll withhold commenting on that. Can I ask that you return to train your… uh, whatever you were training before you came to spy on us?" Momon seemed a bit awkward under Akeno's tease, making Rias instantly suspicious.

"You were thinking about gobbling Gasper-ku, err, Gasper-chan up." Rias pointed a finger at Momon as she caught Momon's hesitation. "Confess!"

"...In my defense, this ero-world is starting to affect my judgement." Momon sighed like an old man. "Umu, I mean that I'm starting to get used to this whole 'multi-relationship' business and it seems that it's affecting how I see things."

"Ufufufu, Momon-sama is getting bolder…" Akeno chuckled while lifting herself a bit off Rias, which didn't stop the two girl's breasts from rubbing against each other due to their massive size, just un-squished them. And Rias knew Akeno knew that, and was showing off to embarrass Momon. And succeeded, based on Momon's blush.

"A-ahem… That being said, we're trying to train here. And you two should train as well. With the war on the horizon we should remember that there is a time for love, and there is a time for war. And we should prepare for the latter if we aim to survive to experience the former." Momon seemed to be reading the words off some book in his memory.

"Ara? Is that a promise~?" Akeno teased, causing Momon to blush a bit as he realized what Akeno was teasing him with.

"Akeno… You don't have to." Rias sighed and reached to hug the girl. "It's alright. You're scared, right?"

"A bit, Rias-chan…" Akeno whispered to her ear. "But I'll soldier on. Don't worry, I'm ready to sacrifice my body and soul for you, whether it's in the bedroom or on the battlefield…"

"You'll do no such thing, my dear friend…" Rias whispered to Akeno.

"Ahem. And if the latter happens then I promise to resurrect you, and in the case of the former… er, I can find some birth control and healing potions?" Momon coughed a bit awkwardly as the two hadn't been as quiet as they had thought. "Actually, just… ignore that part. Anyway, off you go, girls."

Momon made a 'shoo' motion, causing Akeno to let out a disappointed murmur and lift herself off Rias, who did much the same sans the disappointment.

"I'll see you later, then… dear." Rias leaned close to Momon and placed a quick kiss on his lips, which deepened quite a bit as he leaned into it as well. However, before it could go too far the contact broke and Rias turned to walk away with Akeno in tow.

'Hm… I could get addicted to the taste of Momon-kun's lips... ' Rias blushed a bit as she thought about the warm sensation lingering on her lips and the sweet taste the kiss had left in her mouth. 'Happy, gentle kisses are the best~'



"Being proactive is good, you know."

'One more word and I'll stuff this mound of dust down your throat, you lewd peeping dragon.'


Momonga sighed as he returned to Gasper after breaking Akeno's and Rias's little tryst in the bushes. 'And Akeno still insists they aren't in a relationship… Well, it's not like I'm monogamous either with the amount of lovers I have, so I can't really fault Rias for having Akeno, not to mention that technically Akeno is part of my 'harem' as well, even though I haven't touched her…'

"Sorry for the interruption… Say, how are you feeling now, Gasper-kun?" Momonga returned to the boy who was blushing hard for some reason.

"Momon-senpai kissed Rias-buchou again…" Gasper turned to pout, and then shook himself out of it. "No, I can't think like that… Rias-buchou and Momon-senpai are in love…"

"Gasper-kun?" Momonga tried to interrupt the train of thoughts, but the conductor had already blown the whistle from the looks of it.

"But… but… since Momon-senpai has multiple lovers… I- I still have a chance… and we're both, erm, have similar nature at some level, so…" Gasped wobbled on the spot.

'Hm, come to think of it, I should tell him that Rias already blurted out my true nature, or at least the part of it that I told her about, so he doesn't have to keep it secret anymore…' Momonga felt a bit glad that at least Gasper could keep secrets, unlike Rias. "Gasper? You don't have to keep my undead nature a secret anymore. Rias told the rest of the Peerage about it already."

"U-uwaah! I didn't notice- S-sorry!" Gasper jumped from being addressed, since he was seemingly lost in his thoughts.

And the black puddle that remained on the ground after Gasper's concentration broke did little to help Momonga's mood. 'Ugh, this is going nowhere…'

He reached to grab the puddle and waved his hand a bit in it, which he hoped was equal to shaking the boy's shoulders. Momonga ignored the [Insanity] debuff that the puddle tried to inflict on him as his natural immunity to external mental ailments prevented it from affecting him.

Gasper re-materialized, this time in the shape of 'her' more mature and feminine body.

Momonga sighed. 'Oh, come on…'

Gasper blushed madly and gasped as Momonga pulled his hands from her breasts, causing them to let out 'boing' sounds.

"I'm sorry." "Eeek! I'm sorry!" The both of them apologized, albeit one apology was resigned and other almost panicked.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." Momonga sighed at Gasper who had taken 'his' female form. Or rather, Rias's form with Gasper-y face, platinum blonde hair and long ears. '...I suppose ero-world finds ero-way. As long as…'

"U-um… I think I found a way of improving my control over my p-powers…" Gasper muttered while looking to the side shyly and covering his mouth with his hair. "I-I just get so nervous that… that my concentration b-breaks…"

'Oh, don't tell me…'

"S-so I figured, if you d-distracted me I-I could im-improve my control by t-trying to maintain my f-focus…" Gasper muttered while stroking 'his' frilly gothic dress that seemed to shapeshift alongside 'him' to fit 'his' curves.

'I suppose the equipment in YGGDRASIL adjusted to fit the user's avatar as well…'Momonga distracted himself for a moment to stop thinking about the issue at hand, but the moment passed too fast. "So, you're saying that…"

"P-please t-t-t-t t-touch me and… I'll…" Gasper turned back to the black puddle of insanity for a moment and then re-formed back to 'his' feminine shape. "...I'll t-try to i-improve my c-concentration…"


'Quiet, ero-dragon.' Momonga sighed internally while he resisted the urge to sigh externally as not to offend Gasper's resolve. 'Well, I suppose I should do that… How did I expect anything other than ero to happen in the ero-world? This is training for him… Yes, if I think that way… I'm just training Gasper, there's nothing else involved…'

"Fine." Momonga nodded to Gasper who blushed and looked away.

He then moved closer and took Gasper's now-feminine hand in his… and held to the slimy, rubber-like tentacle that took its place as the boy's concentration broke.

"Alright, this is going to take some time…" Momonga thanked Tabula Smaragdina for choosing a squid-like avatar as he was fairly sure that he'd scream if he was suddenly confronted by a cute, curvy girl who was actually a petite boy, but when touched transformed to have a slug-like monstrous body and squid's head and tentacles. Luckily he had grown accustomed to encountering someone like that on a daily basis already, so it didn't faze him at all.


"Yes, don't worry about it, just do it at your own pace, Gasper-kun…"

"...Please don't tell me that you understood that, Momonga-sama…"

'Quiet, ero-dragon.' Momonga sighed at the dragon who had hid under the pile of gold in his mental-scape and was shivering for some reason. "Now, I'm going to let go of you, Gasper-kun, and then we'll try this again…"



"Graaaaah!" A vicious vertical slash left a long but thin wedge on the ground, but missed it's target.

"Your Absorption Line is quite impressive, Saiji-san. But you have to keep in mind that it must connect to deal damage. Swinging it wildly will get you nowhere." Yuuto complimented the boy while delivering a poke with his dull wooden shinai-training sword. The poke landed on Saiji's knee and caused him to fall to his knees.

"Dammit, I can't be this weak… Not when Sona-buchou is counting on me…" Saji muttered as he struggled to get up.

"You might want to focus on self-control, Saji-san." Yuuto advised as he offered his hand to Saji, who didn't take it. "You're full of openings as you're charging around. Keep your defences up while you attack and…"

"Shut up! You're siding with that monster, Yuuto! How could you?! You know who Momon is!" Saji spat blood to the ground as he stood up, which was the result of the two's previous spar which had ended with Yuuto stabbing his shinai against Saji's chest.

"Hm… Well, in truth, he is a bit of an enigma. But I'll refrain from judging him. His actions, while some have been questionable, have been made with honest and just intent even if the execution has been… unique." Yuuto paused. "I wouldn't say that he is a monster, however."

"He's the Supreme Being!" Saji screamed at Yuuto. "How can you defend that?! He raped Sona! Rias! Akeno! And now he arranged to have Sona-buchou married to him against her will! Think of all the monstrous crimes he has committed against the Underworld already!"

"..." Yuuto wasn't sure what to say. '...What is he saying? Momon is the Supreme Being?'

'...It would explain Momon's incredible power, but… the Supreme being controls the dead, right? And although Rias-buchou claimed Momon to be undead when he dies… I'm fairly sure that's not the same kind of undeath as those monsters the Supreme Being has pit against us. Not to mention, while he occasionally displays indifference and even cruelty, it's beneficial in the end…' Yuuto shook the words off. 'Beelzebub-sama had a theory that the Great Red had imbued Issei-kun with something to turn him into Momon-sama… But, I don't think Momon-sama would do something like what the Supreme Being would do. Momon-sama's methods are questionable, but their intentions are pure… Like when he taught me to let go of my hate by allowing me to see the results of that hate, by letting me cut into his body in anger and see the result... While the Supreme Being's actions have been nothing but maleficent, and their results anything but pure…'

While he could agree with Saji that Momon and the Supreme Being did share some surface similarities as far as they knew about either, he did not agree with Saji that the two were the one and the same.

"I disagree." Yuuto finally put his thoughts to words. "You may be confusing them because, well, Momon-sama's actions can appear questionable to an outside observer, but they always have a pure intent. Moreover, those other accusations you level against Momon-sama are quite dire aswell. Do you have any proof of any of them?"

"Rias and Akeno have already fallen to the darkness. They deny that anything had happened to them." Tears fell from Saji's eyes while he had his eyes closed and the fist of his sole remaining hand clenched above his heart. "Sona-sama, however, wasn't sure what had happened since He had knocked her unconscious… but now it's clear that He has forced himself upon her! Just look at how she's acting! She was strong, confident and cunning, but now she's a wreck! Look at her trembling!"

Yuuto looked over to where Sona and Ravel were 'training' against each other. Or rather, Ravel was holding Sona by the waist while behind her and was whispering all sorts of things to Sona's ear. Sona looked pale and shaky, but there was a determined glint in her eyes.

"I'm not going to judge her mental state by a glance, Saji-san." Yuuto told the boy calmly. "I don't know Sona-sama well enough to be able to do that anyway. However, I feel as if you're trying to convince the wrong person of Sona's mental state."

"What do you mean?" Saji paused.

"I'm fairly sure Serafall-sama is capable of helping Sona if you bring this to her attention and have proof of your claims." Yuuto advised. "I don't believe Momon-sama has done what you claim… But if he has, then you'll need to approach appropriate persons with your information and with proof of your claims. As it is, Momon-sama is a ward of a noble house of devils, and has daughters of multiple noble houses as his fiancees so they might take offense if you accuse of their fiance of rape and such… Specifically if the target of that offense is the daughters themselves, who deny that it had happened."

"...Ah, true. You're making sense… I'm just..." Saji seemed to deflate. "I'm sorry, Yuuto-san. I'm just… On edge."

"I can understand that. Your crush on Sona was clear as day, even back when we were in Kuoh." Yuuto reached to pat Saji's shoulder. "For what it's worth, accept my sympathies for being robbed of the opportunity to confess to Sona."

"I… did…" Saji's tone was hollow, which was enough indication as to Sona's answer.

"In that case, I hope you'll accept her decision if she doesn't choose a life with you." Yuuto hoped that the words would help Saji get over the crush, as the picture of the situation was getting clearer for the boy. 'So Saji feels upset over Sona's engagement, and seeks to smear or attack Momon-sama for taking Sona away from him. However, Sona has rejected Saji but has chosen to keep him in her Peerage, which means Saji may be heavily biased… Not to mention those claims he has made are… quite heavy and to be honest, I doubt either Rias-buchou or Akeno-san would stay quiet if that happened to them. Momon-sama does have the strength to overpower both of them, but Rias had multiple chances to say something to Sirzechs-sama or have us deliver the information to Sirzechs-sama in her stead, and then there would be consequences for Momon-sama…'

Yuuto was starting to regret giving Saji the advice he had given, except for the last one. "Listen, Saji. There are a lot of other girls in the world…"

"Don't give me that, Yuuto-san. I won't give up. Not when my King is suffering. Not when Sona is suffering. No matter what happens to me, I'll endure. No matter how many limbs that bastard Momon removes from me with his black magic, I'll endure. Nothing will break my spirit." Saji seemed to find his motivation, causing Yuuto to sweat a bit.

"I understand how you feel about your King, but… Listen, Saji-san, let me talk to you, man to man- That is not healthy." Yuuto tried to backpeal his earlier speech. "Not only because Momon-sama is ridiculously strong, but neither of us knows what Momon-sama and Sona-sama have going between them. And I don't think it's going to endear you to Sona-sama if you interfere in her love-life…"

"If it was 'love-life', I'd be able to bear with it. But he's taking her against her will, and I won't stand for that." Saji put his hands on Yuuto's shoulders. "I know what you're saying. I understand- you're Momon's Knight, so you can't be caught giving advice that might cause harm to your King. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone no matter how hard I'm tortured. I got your back."

"That's not- Haa…" Yuuto felt resigned. "Saji-san. Please promise me you won't attempt to publicly smear Momon-sama or attack him again. And please, at least promise you won't reject the idea of seeking another girl who'd accept your love."

"I promise, but I know Sona-buchou is the one for me." Saji nodded seriously. "Right, so we should probably train a bit. I'm pumped! Let's go!"

"...Alright." Yuuto felt a bit resigned but nonetheless lifted his wooden sword. "Remember, use wide sweeps with the Absorption Line but keep it short enough that you can retract it and use it to defend yourself…"
