
devil incarnate

universalplayer · Action
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2 Chs

died at last

hummm my life is finally coming to an end what is even the use of life every step I take to make the people around me pleased it's never enough even if I went out of my own way zho Feng wiped the final drop of tears from his cheek he found no way to move past his current mental state he stood up and looked at the midnight moon which shone very bright only to find out that he have been crying and lamenting for hours he didn't even notice the flow of time,

zho Feng took a deep breath &closed his eyes he could feel the cold breeze blowing on his face what a good wind but bad timing he said.

man what a pathetic life it was not "

at that moment he let go of his body and jumped down as his body descended from the skyscraper he feel at a very high speed which he couldn't even feel the wight of his body as his body changed angle few times before hitting the ground.


blood ,guts,bones,internal organs , eyeballs splattered everywhere on the side street dozen of people who where passing the same route over the puddle of meat and blood splattered everywhere which you can only see in horror movie some woman's who saw the sine vomited, zho Feng who chose to give up his own life than facing humiliation and suffering it seems to be the only way out,

a man forsake by the world & his kin died a tragic death Never to wake up again.