
Devil In Making

Embark on a gripping journey with "Devil in Making," where a young boy is unexpectedly transported to a twisted xianxia fantasy world. As he grapples with his newfound existence as a ghost, survival becomes paramount, driving him to commit unimaginable acts. Yet, as he navigates the treacherous landscape, something within him begins to change, surpassing the terrors that surround him. Caught between the darkness of his transformation and the remnants of his humanity, he is thrust into a harrowing struggle of morality and self-discovery. Brace yourself for this captivating tale of survival, as the line blurs between what is human and what is truly monstrous. What to expect: - While the story primarily focuses on Xianxia elements, it also incorporates elements of Progression Fantasy, Horror, and a System. - The protagonist slowly transforms into a villainous character as he adapts to the world around him in order to survive. He is not evil from the start. - The plot maintains an equal emphasis on both intricate scheming and intense fight scenes. - Expect well-developed side characters with their own individual character arcs. - Initially, the story features multiple points of view (POVs), but as the narrative progresses, the number of POVs decreases to maintain a smoother and more focused storytelling experience. -1 chapter per day (1.5k+ words)

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38 Chs


Lucifer waited until the City Lord had left William's house because he had a feeling that the old man might be able to sense him and catch him. After the City Lord left, Lucifer entered William's room where he saw Emily crying. He decided to wait until her crying stopped because he didn't know how to comfort a crying child.

"You!" Emily exclaimed as she noticed Lucifer's presence. "Who are you?"

Lucifer, caught off guard, quickly decided to give himself a different name. "I am Noah," he replied with a smirk.

"I'm not asking for your name, dummy. I want to know what you are and why nobody else can see you," Emily retorted, giving him an exasperated look.

"Well, actually, I'm a ghost," Lucifer proclaimed, emphasizing the word "ghost" for dramatic effect.

Emily deadpanned and raised an eyebrow. "Ghost? What's a ghost?"

Lucifer was taken aback. "You... you don't know what a ghost is? Weren't you scared of them when you were a child? Or... well, when you were even more child than you are now?"

Emily simply gave him a strange look without saying a word.

Shaking off his surprise, Lucifer changed the topic. "Anyways, Emily, how did you find out about those bad guys inside the house?"

"I heard a stupid man screaming outside, got scared, and ran through the window," Emily replied matter-of-factly.

Lucifer couldn't decide if Emily was lucky or incredibly clever. Plus, did she just call him stupid?

Curious, Emily asked, "Now, tell me, Uncle, why did you save me?"

"Of course, because I'm a good ghost," Lucifer responded proudly.

Suddenly, something important dawned on Lucifer. "Emily, you didn't tell anyone else about me, did you?" he asked with a serious tone.

"No," she replied innocently.

"Why? Didn't you find it suspicious that a weird, transparent flying dude was helping you?" Lucifer inquired.

"What are you even talking about, Big Brother? I just felt that you would want me to keep it a secret," Emily said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"I can call you Big Brother, right Ghost Brother?" Emily asked, flashing an innocent child-like smile.

Lucifer was taken aback by the question and didn't know how to respond at first, but eventually managed to muster a hesitant "yes."


"But Emily, do you have any idea how you can see me?" Lucifer asked, trying to gather himself.

"Of course not! Am I not too small to understand such things, Big Brother? Why are you asking me such complicated questions anyway?" Emily replied, her innocence shining through.

"Now you suddenly realize you're small, huh? Where was this self-realization when you attempted that wall-climbing adventure?" Lucifer teased.

"Big Brother, don't get angry, but you really are dumb, aren't you? I am small, and that's why I attempted such a stupid thing. But the main reason I did it was because..." Emily's voice trailed off as she remembered her father. Sadness suddenly overwhelmed her, and there was still no news about him.

Hearing Emily mention her father, Lucifer realized that he had pushed the conversation far enough for today. He immediately started leaving the house.

As Lucifer began to fade away, Emily called out to him. "Big Brother, wait! Why are you leaving so suddenly?"

"I have some urgent ghostly business to attend to," Lucifer replied.

He was gone before Emily could inquire about his urgent 'ghostly business'.


Henry's body trembled in the face of the opposing elements that pressed against him. To his left, a wall of searing flames roared, threatening to engulf him in its relentless fury. On his right, an icy barrier glinted with an ethereal chill, its frosty tendrils reaching out hungrily.

Ordinary circumstances would have reduced any martial artist, no matter how powerful, to ashes or frozen fragments.

Yet, amidst this chaotic battleground, a mysterious array formation had been meticulously etched into existence. It served as a shield, bending the flames and ice to its will, neutralizing their destructive potential.

The very same forces that should have annihilated him were now harnessed to temper and refine his body.

Henry's face contorted with anguish, his muscles straining against the onslaught of pain. The agony he experienced surpassed the limits of human endurance, as if a thousand needles pierced his flesh simultaneously.

Sweat poured from his brow, mingling with the droplets of ice that floated around him, evaporating in the presence of the flames.

The ancestral ground of the White Lotus Clan held immense significance for them.

It was their sacred training ground, the place where their martial arts had been forged and honed throughout generations.

Every technique, every movement, and every ounce of their martial prowess drew its strength from this ethereal realm.

Though Henry despised the torment inflicted upon him in this place, thoughts of William fueled his determination. With every agonizing second, he endured, pushing past the boundaries of his own limits.

Henry's memories took him back to the fateful encounter with William, a moment etched in his mind forever.

At fifteen years old, he was brimming with youthful pride, basking in the glory of his remarkable talents.

Throughout the White Lotus City, none could rival his prowess, and the accolades showered upon him were well-deserved.

Henry's confidence soared, and he stood head and shoulders above his peers, fueling his unwavering belief in his destined triumph.

With the heart of a champion, Henry challenged William, the dark horse of their sect. He saw him as a mere stepping stone, a means to elevate his already luminous genius.

Little did he know that fate had conspired against him. The match unfolded, and in a single, swift stroke, Henry's dreams shattered. He stood defeated, a mere pawn in William's ascent to glory.

The bitterness that consumed him was not directed towards William, but at himself. He berated his own shortcomings, for he had failed to give his all in training.

Driven by an intense fury, Henry immersed himself in relentless training within the ancestral grounds. For six arduous months, he toiled like a madman, seeking redemption and a chance to face William once more.

But fate played its cruel hand again, and Henry found himself falling further behind. The gap between them widened, mocking his efforts.

He refused to accept that William possessed greater talent; he convinced himself that William must be employing some secretive training method.

Determined to unravel the truth, Henry decided to shadow his rival.

Initially repelled by William's virtuous demeanor, Henry unwittingly found himself drawn to this aspect of his character. Slowly, imperceptibly, his own nature began to change.

He trained alongside William, absorbing his discipline and virtue, and he seemed to be growing faster than ever.

Everything seemed in order until the day he discovered his growing affection for William had taken a different path.

In denial, he sought solace in a relationship with a girlfriend, hoping to redirect his feelings. Yet, like a relentless tide, his heart inexorably gravitated towards William once more.

Torn between conflicting emotions, Henry wrestled with the realization that his affection had taken a forbidden turn. Society held no place for two men loving each other, or so he believed.

Swirling within an emotional maelstrom, he found himself adrift, uncertain of what was right or wrong. Trapped in silence, he lacked the courage to seek help or confide in anyone.

Time and again, he resolved to confess his feelings to William, but as their encounters approached, his courage crumbled, and he postponed the moment indefinitely.

Lost in the labyrinth of his own emotions, Henry contemplated drastic measures, contemplating self-harm, fearing the potential harm he might bring to William or his clan. However, each time he contemplated such a fate, he found himself paralyzed by a crippling lack of bravery.

Amidst this tumultuous battle within, his martial arts training suffered, diminishing his once-peak abilities.

Reduced to nothing more than a shadow of his former self, second only to William's unrivaled talent.

Yet today, witnessing William getting injured and his own uselessness in helping him, Henry's resolve hardened like steel.

He vowed to train first and became as strong as William before confessing his feeling.

Warning :- This is not a Lgbt Novel.

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