
Devil's realm

Michael wakes up in an unfamiliar place - and tries to uncover the truth about how he got there, and about a mysterious realm run by something comparable to the devil himself.

VaC1av_ · Horreur
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The beginning of eternity.

Michael woke up. His body ached as if he had been hit by a car. When he slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything. "Am I blind?" Michael thought. He tried to look around, but his surroundings formed a pitch-black space. When Michael tried to get up, his head spun and he fell back to the imaginary floor. "I can't be blind." He said as he saw his hands. Michael had many questions, but he knew one thing. He wasn't dead, Michael knew that for sure.

"You're so defenseless..." A voice echoed through the darkness. Michael looked around in horror. "W-who's there?" He said in a shaky voice. "They call me by many names..." The voice came resounding again. "Ruler of the Darkness, Deceiver, Father of Lies, but you can call me the Devil." The Devil said and his laughter echoed through the darkness. "The Devil himself?!" Michael came said in more calmer voice. "And what does The Devil desire from me?" He added. As Michael was sitting, huge devilish eyes with a bloody mouth and sharp teeth appeared in the dark space. "Let's say, I have been bored for a while." The Devil laughed. "So you want me to entertain you?" Michael asked and looked into his eyes. "Precisely, I'll make you go through hell." The Devil laughed evilly. "But even I, the devil himself, have some compassion. I won't kill you..." He added and slowly disappeared. "Well, that's something..." Michael said and breath out deeply.

A door appeared in the direction where the devil's face had disappeared. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel. Michael stood up, but this time he didn't fall. "Michael... Michael!" A woman's voice came from the glowing doorway. "Isabelle? Don't worry I'm coming!" Michael said and ran towards the door. As he ran for the door, Michael noticed he wasn't getting any closer. He reached out his hand and ; a slight warmth coming from the door. "Michael!" Isabelle shouted once more. "I'm trying! Hang on!" Michael replied. He started to run again, but tripped over something and fell. "NO! NO! NO!" Michael screamed and slammed his fist into the ground. The space beneath him began to crumble. It sounded like ice cracking. Within seconds, the door disappeared and Michael began to fall into darkness. "What is happening?!" Michael thought.

What seemed like a few seconds seemed like an eternity to Michael. He had been falling for as long as he could remember. Michael began to lose consciousness and at that moment he stopped falling and sank into what felt like water. He started gasping for air. He desperately tried to swim to the surface, but he couldn't reach it because there was none. Michael knew this was his end. Without air, he couldn't live, and as his lungs began to fill with water, he began to lose consciousness and slowly close his eyes. Michael slowly began to sink deeper and deeper into the water.

"AAAHHH!" Michael shouted as he woke up in his bed. He looked around, it was his room. "That was a terrible nightmare." He added, pinching himself for reassurance. As he was about to leave the bed, the door to his room opened. Inside stood a female figure. Michael looked at her, but something was strange. Her face was missing. However, Michael recognized her skirt. "Isabelle! It's me, Michael!" He said cheerfully. Michael quickly got out of bed to hug her, but the woman Michael thought was Isabelle turned into some black liquid and sank to the floor. Michael stood in front of her, not knowing what to do. "It wasn't a nightmare. It's really happening..." Michael was horrified. "I'm not falling for it for the third time." He added and bravely walked out of the room.

But as soon as he stepped out of his room, Michael immediately appeared before the Devil himself. He was sitting on a massive throne. This time it was not a black space, but it looked like the inside of a castle, an old castle. "You know... This isn't fun..." The devil said indignantly. "I never said I was going to play your games." Michael replied. As soon as he finished his sentence, Michael's legs were gripped by bony hands. The Devil got up and walked towards him. Michael recognized his figure, he looked like a normal guy in a suit. With the Devil standing in front of him, Michael felt like he was standing in front of a burning fire. He grabbed Michael by the chin. "I'm the one who rules you, you know..." The devil said and the heat intensified. "If I wished for your death, you would perish instantly." He added, snapping his fingers and Michael's shirt disappeared. The Devil heated his finger and pointed it at Michael's chest. "To make you remember. There is no... Way... Out." The Devil said and burned his name onto Michael's chest.

Michael cried out in pain. When the devil finished, he laughed and disappeared. And once again, Michael fell unconscious. Then he woke up again in his room. Michael quickly removed his shirt, his chest was clean, no sign of burns. He was glad it was over, but he had to go to work. Michael took a deep breath and headed for the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that he was in his school years. "Why did I think of going to work? I need to go to school." Michael thought and giggled.

Michael reached for the front door, and when he opened them. He reappeared before the devil's throne. This time without the Devil sitting there. Michael looked around and his breathing quickened. He tried to escape from the castle, which he did, but was dismayed to find that he was not at home. He was in the Devil's Realm.

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